Show planets in june is mornine star and the only of much account during alio month ho will be a brilliant object in the lovely juno mornings as he leads the starry host and holds his court without a rival in luster size and brightness those who have watched hia will noto his increasing magnitude and brilliancy as with accelerating speed lie rolls majestically onward in liis orbit toward his perihelion and opposition with the fun traveling toward the earth as well u the great central orb whose disturbed condition nifty be partially owing to the attraction of bis huge maff if the planet neptune was discovered or supposed to exist on account of uranus and if the erratic of mercury reveal the presence of planets within his erbit why should not the near approach of jupiter to the sun stir up a commotion ii his fiery ele merito the sun is still diversified with spots and the planet is near enough to perihelion to make his influence felt astronomers have been wise i prophets thus far as to the influence of the commencement of the sun pot cycle tornadoes and cyclones of extreme severity have barne witness to abnormal conditions of the atmosphere and a wave of ins tense heat such as has not occurred for a quarter of a century at thi year confirmed the exactness of previous ob we must still the usual storms waves heat and displays that follow the maximum of sun spots we have yet to learn whether the coincident perihelia peri helia of the four great planets nets will increase and prolong the elemental warfare this is one the most interesting problems of the day as well as one of tho moat practical and important it will not meet with a hasty solution for the period of observation extends to the year 1885 II erschel tho great astronomer tro nomer said that sun influenced the price of corn tha assertion is easily understood for heat drought and storms exert a mighty influence on harvest and if these the value of what re mains is increased students of aa will therefore regard with especial interest the movements of jupiter in the morning sky while they ponder upon the mysterious link that unites in one harmonious the members of the solar family the planet now rises at at tho end of tho month about midnight is morning star and holds his place not far away from his more brilliant rival lie too tho gacond in aizo sizo of the giant members of the brotherhood is traveling toward his opposition with the sun and more slowly toward perihelion go that he is ins in and a clear er tint than the murky one that hag marked hia presence he rises now at a half hour af jupiter at the end of the about chairs is evening star etil wandering among tho small fears of leo and too far from tho earth to ba guible without the aid of the telescope lie now about 11 at tho end of the month not far from 10 is evening star after the second when ho reaches his superior conjunction lie then rises handsets with the sun being apparently joined to him as the word conjunction implies he set therefore about and commences his oscillation cil lation eastward from the tun in the straight line in which ho seems to move being too near to be visible THE JUNE croox fulla on the the new moon will ha uranus on the and the waning moon on the will again pay her respects to jupiter on fie had there wilt be partly visible in the western part of the united states and entirely visible in tho pacific events are somewhat monotonous on the planetary records ot the month the visible planets are evenly divided jupiter saturn and venus doing duty as morning stars uranus mars and mercury being numbered as evening stars jupiter takes tho leid and we may expect t hear the report of ob servera ahe great red spot that glows upon hia disc sun spots are still to be studied in connection with meteorological change choso occurring during the last month having been of marked displays may falso add ther weird testimony aft provo tho existence of solar disturbances |