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Show CSU Sponsors Educational Tour To Mexico Via Arizona, Nevada An educational tour, under the direction of the College of Southern South-ern Utah, with Theron Ashcroft I in charge, has been planned for i this summer. The tour will go through Arizona and Nevada but will deal principally with Old Mexico with all its tradition tradi-tion and glory. According to Mr. Ashcroft, the tour, which will include a maximum max-imum of 20 people, will leave immediately following the summer sum-mer school course at C S U. The tour will leave on July 5 and will continue for three weeks. Principal place of study on the education tour will be Mexico City where the group will receive re-ceive guidance and valuable in formation from the University of Mexico, the oldest education institution in-stitution in the Americas. Two Weeks of Sightseeing Two weeks will be spent in Mexico where it is anticipated that the group will study such interesting places as the old Aztec Az-tec ruin and the great pyramids near Mexico City plus other ma-1 jor cities of that nation. Dean Harry Plummer will ac- j company the group and will act as interpreter on the occasion, it is understood. Also a course in conversational Spanish will be taught by Dean Plummer during the regular summer sum-mer session on the C S U campus. cam-pus. At present commitments have been made by 10 students for the tour and 10 vacancies still remain. Expenses have been cut to a minimum and the entire trip can be made for $200, it has been anticipated. $70 will go for transportation on the trip that will include over 6,000 miles. Credit will be given for the various courses on the excursion it is pointed out. Two credit hours will be given for Mexican history, Mexican culture and pho- tographs. The courses can also be audited. i It Is hoped that such an edu-, catloml tour can be made each year and become a feature of the college summer session. If the program proves successful it is expt-cted that similar tours of other localities will be made in t lie years to come. Information and particulars ran -be obtained by contacting Mr. Ashcroft at the college. |