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Show Why" Women Have Nerves ;p "k The "blues" anxiety sleeplessness and warnings of pain and dls- M tress are sent by the nerves like flying messengers throughout body and' ) ';.: W limbs. Such feelings may or may not be accompanied by backache or J ': fj headache or bearing down. The local disorders and inflammation, If there 1 it,'. I Is any, should be treated with Dr. Pierce's Lotion Tablets. Then the H 1 nervous system and the entire womanly make-up feels the tonic effect of ;' I FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION I j 1 when taken systematically and for any period of time It Is not a"cure-all," l ' H but has given uniform satisfaction for over forty years, being designed for 1 r j 1 the single purpose of curing woman's peculiar ailments. ft . ; I Sold in liquid form or tablets by Etcru u-oman oujhi la pax ? ' ' I druggteto-or send 50 one-cent "pg&ijftffi I lv j; ? ft stamps for a box of Dr. Pierce's pv. !( annxn uuutiom of $a j f 1 Favorite Prescription Tablets. jmlTAU:X ft Ad. Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. I gencv doctor in vour oon Aoctc Snd M r1!: i . - m Fur Storage III w p in our Dry Cold Air Vaults on the premises affords absolute protection jlfj improves the appearance of your Furs fc and lengthens their wearing qualities. . jf; Moderate rates. ife-' Remodeling and Repairing at a substan-.": tial saving during the Summer. ; fijMl 1 n J-T'J v ft 7l v . ! m utahsH 3 In mrvcci )m Leading 1m-Jr Ai Dresses, 'WMli MomtvAnrhsrSvati, Cloaks ' I K Vrt Farriers GoWTl J23Vmain ; V: fe Telephone Wasatch 1161. '$'M 13 1 1 t t , i Ben Phone 876. IncL Phone 877. 1 W. S. HENDERSON S WHOLESALE GROOER. 1 Corner Second South and Third West Sts. .jf Salt Lake City, Utah. ; j Prompt Shipments to All Parts of the Country. ' rfSf High-Grade Groceries. Mail Orders Solicited |