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Show FORETELLS FATE AND PROVES CASE Astrologer Predicted Burning of Church, Says Vicar to Congregation. Congre-gation. Special Cable to The Tribune, LONDON, June 14. That a Paris astrologer predicted tho burning of f?t. Catharine's church, which was destroyed de-stroyed by suffragettes recently wa3 tho statement made here by tho Rev. Howard Truscott, vicar of St. Catha-rino's Catha-rino's in an address to his congregation. congrega-tion. "This timo last year," he said, ,4I received a lotter from a man in Paris, an astrologer. I put tho letter on my desk and read it a few days afterwards. after-wards. "Nothing struck me until I carna to the end of the communication, when the writer said: " 'Allow me, sir, to give you a test. In May, 1913, on the sixth day, you will Iobo something particularly dear to you: but you will savo Bomothiuc very dear to you. On May 2-1, 1013, vou will receive a Toyal message. Prom May IS to May 2-i a prominent politician poli-tician will communicate somothing of interest to you.' "T novor" thought anything moro about the letter," added Mr. TruBcott, ".until on tho. very day named Quoon Alexandra and Mr. Balfour, sent communications com-munications to me, and I found in the mins of the burnt church, still surrounded sur-rounded by debris but unspotted, a book which I treasured very much indeed." in-deed." The burning of th church took place May C as tho astrologer predicted. |