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Show OLD ROSEBUD CAME ALMOST AS A GIFT It is interesting to note how H. O. Applegato & Co, happened to come into possession of the sensational 2-year-old Old Rosebud, undoubtedly tho crack 3'oungstor of tho year. This young turfman's fathor, Colonel Applegate, visited Hamburg place and bought five yearlings from J E. Maddcu for n lump sum, four of which were fillies, Colonel Applegate was buying mostly fillies for Ham Applegate, ng he figured fig-ured racing was coming back all over the country nnd especially in the east, and ho thought they would be valuable propevty as brood . mares whon done racing. Those he purchased were Aunt "Mamie, Miss Edith, T.da Lavinia and Hat tie Mc, ajjd al) but the latter are winners eo far this season. In estimating the value of these Soungsters Madden agreed to throw in 'Id Rosebud for $750, and that, caused Colonel Applegate to include him in his purchases, as he had soen his half-brother half-brother T.vabel Win last summer in Canada for Johnny Powort. Jvnbel is now a (J year-old and won several Taces last teason. Old Rosebud has accomplished accom-plished a feat never performed by any 2-yearold on a circular track, having twice run five furlongs in less than, a weok under :59, his first performance at this distanoo boing in ;58 4-5, and hia last performance in .'58 85. Had ho boon driven out to the limit in either of these racoa ho might even havo tied Tern's Trick's world's record rec-ord at this distance, :58. It; is honor enough, however, to havo scored a mark fnstor than any 2-year-old ever bofore run nn a circular track. He is surely a remarkable bargain for a $7250 yearling, and would probably sell at auotion at present for more raonoy than any horse in. active training, train-ing, though, he is-a galding. |