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Show m- ... wt.-some time before his afniy. wll0!e Postliumous fame JWa!?ier than tliat lio enjoyed tiMl over, with his literal? ;SP3JS abort storlos that had jW"! believed to bo his best jK&S sixteen stories, on which t American master of tho short im AoS to rest Ins pcrma-mS?fi pcrma-mS?fi "ill be published In The ,7nDlnp today, under the gen-jBfl gen-jBfl Henry's Masterpieces." fmL of 0. Henry's short fa? have never bororc had news- lES"'nspk5 for Itself. The j3K Valltled "Schools and Schools." Sm3 lh straight-out love 'BEa Henry ever wrote, and If Us .HKlMJ not surprise you out of your Kt ccaposure then We miss our mk Third Ingredient (socallerl) Vallambrosa ''JM ipufment, Mouse is not an vfl' ijariment house. Tt is composed 8 tf tiro old-fashioned, brown-.iKiirNt brown-.iKiirNt residences welded into one. ipprfor floor of one si do is gay pde'mps and head pear of a jfl(giit2?iit other is lugubrious with ijKl&tical promises and grisly die-S'i die-S'i painless dentist. You may Wtintosi there for $2 a week or you one for $20. Among the flpfcc?t'5 roomers are steuograph-SiwVuns, steuograph-SiwVuns, brokers, shop girls, HBmI vrritors, art Btudonts, wiro-HBied wiro-HBied other people "who lean far JBt banister rail when the door Hllftaihe shall have to do with IHBV tie Vallambrosians though JBjHdisTcspoct to the others. Wtl o'tloct one afternoon Iletty ljr?xe back to her third-floor BjMFff -loom in the Vallambrosa BBPk-I0-0 and chin more sharply IMCtt&n -usual. To bo discharged pl3epsrtment store whoro you WfcBfiTrorkiDp; four 3'ears, and with IfUteaU' in your purse, docs have Pf o raako your, features ap-jJH(?iDiieIy ap-jJH(?iDiieIy chiseled. Mr.Mfor Hetty's thumb-nail I jjWPfty vhilo she climbs the two ' P1 'D' lle B'P5est Store ane four years before with ite other girls, applying for a thn Waiet Partment ijP 5 phalanx of wage-earners i bewildering 6cene of beauty, wff 1 Wal ma a blond hair suf-to suf-to bivo justified the horseback hundred Lady Godivas. Eiable' coolcJ'cd impersonal Mttild-headcd man whoso task it Wtr Ggllce 8lx o the contestants, imiT o a foollnr of 81,ffocatiou tWr i-ero drowning In a soa of ' wWte clotia8' hand-' hand-' floal about him. And '.,!' l0TB n eight. Hetty Pepper. JWjWtountcnancc, with small, coni WjEpecn eyes and chocolate-K chocolate-K !r,drcMoa in a suit of plain w a common-sense- hat, ttood JKl , th every one of her fKj 8 7earB.o lifo unmistakably jU' wl" shouted the bald-R, bald-R, man, and was saved. WStl ? Hetly came t0 b0 cm-JH cm-JH B.West Store. The story 9ft lit? au clKht-dollar-a.week mjMn fcomblnerl Bt0ries of Her' tlKi L. Arc Una Job aud Lit- l Be the salary that was paid Mr lfr' ThDro is a "eatl-. afcS aW0 Storo Proprietors '"KCS eMar f my tGQement Bprtfan,toho.,nbBintolny !L0e.lty'B disarge from l ! ij ? " 80 nearly a ropeti-jfc, ropeti-jfc, nRnRement as to be iSmeDt f lh0 6tor there or"Pr3cnt and om' HnU? CarX'in-' alway a mile 2Basa'Ved nccklio' anl re- Wj"!" Thotinles afcein ! dJPartm"t who Uvo h.shjinds. L!tli,r8ra1' younbSal Pdli, a 1)0 wall?cd along the nPartmcnt seemed to (iiX'te elflMa frKlpanni, Wfrtd J.?'; mtine.cmbroid: u?S l!Im- To y JKttotoA t0moly countenance, 'ilond ha; S'rtwutv t Rrcen in ft de"t !ySW-T7hH lucu'ar and not itp:riB,lt- So, now you g yiepper camo to kavo tho Biggest Store at thirty minutes' notice, no-tice, with one dime and a nickel in her purse. This morning's quotations list the price of Tib boef at 6 cents pur (butch-cr'a) (butch-cr'a) pound. But on the day that Hetty-was Hetty-was "released" by the B. S. the price was 7 ceuts. That fact is what makes this story possible. Otherwise, the extra ex-tra 4 cents would, have But the plot of nearly all the good stories in the world is concerned with shorts who wore unable to cover, so you can find no fault with this ono. Hett' mounted with her rib beef to hor $3.50 third-floor back. One hot, savorj bcof stow for suppor, a night's good sleep, and she would bo fit in tho morning to apply again for the tasks of Hercules, Joan of Ajto, Una, Job, and Little "Red Hiding Hood. Tn her room she got tho granitewarc stew pan out of the 2s4-foot china er I mean earthenware closot. and began to dig down In a rats' nest of paper bags for the potatoes and onions. She came out with her nose and chin just a little sharper pointed. There was neither a potato nor au onion. Now, what kind of a beef stew can you make out of simply beef 7 You can make oyster soup without oysters, turtle soup without turtles, coffee cuke without, coffee, but you can 't make beef stow without potatoes and onions. But rib beof alone, in an emergency can make au ordinary pine door look like a wrought iron gambling house portal por-tal to tho wolf. With salt and popper and a tablespoonful of flour (first well stirred in a little cold water) 'twill serve 'tis not so deep aH a lobster a la Newburg nor so wide as a church festival fes-tival doughnut; but 'twill servo. Hetty took her stew pan to the Tear of the third floor haJL According to the advertisements of the Vallambrosa there was running water to 'be found there. Between me and you and the water meter, it only ambled or walked through the faucets; but technicalities have no place here. There was also a sink where housekeeping roomers often met to dump their coffee grounds and glare at one another's kimonos. At this sink Hetty found a girl with heavy, gold-brown, artistic hair and plaintiff eyes, washing two large "Irish" potatoes. Hetty knew tho Vallambrosa as well as any one not owning "double hextra-magnifying eyes" could compass its mysteries. Tho kimonos were her encyclopedia, her "Who's What?" her clearing-house of news, of goers and comers. Prom a rose-pink Idmouo edged with ISTile green she had learned that the girl with tho potatoes was a miniature paiuter living in a kind of attic or "studio," as they prefer to call it on the top floor, rlotty was not certain in hor mind what a miniature was; but it certainly was uot a house; because house painters, although al-though tbey woar splashy overalls and poko ladders in your face on the street, are known to indulge in a riotous profusion pro-fusion of food at home. Tho potato girl was quite alim and small, and handled her potatoes as an old bachelor uncle handles a baby who is cutting teeth. She had a dull shoemaker's shoe-maker's knife in hor right hand, and she had begun to peel ono of tho potatoes po-tatoes with it. Hotly addressed her In the punctll-liously punctll-liously formal tone of one who intends to bo cheerfully familiar with you in tho socoud round. "Beg pardon," she said, "for butting but-ting into what's not my business, but if you peel them potatoos you lose out. Tho'rc new Bermudas. You want to scrape 'om. Lemma show you." She took a potato and the knife, and began to demonstrate. "Oh, thank you," breathed tho artist. "I didn't know. And I did hate to see tho thick peeling go; it seemod such a waste. But I thought they always had to be poelod. When you've got only potato.es to eat, tho peelings count, you know." "Say, kid, " said Hetty, staying hor knife, "you ain't up against it, too, are yon?" The miniature artist smiled starved-lj- "I suppose I am. ATt or, at least, tho way I intorpret it doesn't seem to bo much in demand. I have only these potatoes for my dinner. But thoy aron;t so bad boiled aud hot, with a little butter and salt. "Child,' said. Iletty, lotting a briof smilo soften her rigid features, "fata has sent you and mo together. I've had it handed to mo in the neck, too; but I've cot a chunk of moat in my room aa big as a lap-dog. And I've done everything to got potatoes except ex-cept pray "for 'em. Lot's me and you bunch our commissary departments nnd make a stow of 'cm. We'll cook it in my room. If wo only had an onion to go in itl Sayt kid. you haven't got a couplo of pennies that'vo slipped down into tho lining of your last wintor's sealskin, havo you? I could stop down to the corner and get one at old Giuseppe's stand. A tow without an onion is worse 'n a matinee without candv." "You may call me Cociha," said tho artist. "No; I spent my last penny three days ago. "Then we'll havo to cut the onion out instead of slicing it in," said H'ettv. "I'd ask the aanitreso for one, but 1 don't want 'em hep just yet to tho fnct TTm poundlnpr tho asphalt for another job. But T wish wo did havo an onion." Tn the shop girl's room tho two began be-gan to prepare their supper. Ocilia's part was to sit on the couch helplessly and bog to be allowed to do something, in the voice of a cooinpr ring-dove. Hotty prepared the Tib boof, putting it in cold salted water in tho stew pan and setting it on tho one-burner gas stove. "T wish we had an onion," said JTctty, as she scraped tho two potatoes. On tho wall opposite tho couch was pinned a flaming, gorgeous advertising picturo of one of tho new ferry boats of tho P. TJ. P. P. railroad that had "Beg your pardon, but did you find that- onion on the stairs?" been built to cut down the time between be-tween Los Angeles and New York city one-eighth of a minute. Hetty, turning her head during her continuous monologue, saw tears running run-ning from her guest '"s eyes as she gazed on the idealized pros'entment of the speeding, foam-girdled transport. "Why, say, Cecilia, kid." said Hotty, poising her knife, "is it as bad art as that? I ain't a critic; but 1 thought it kind of brightened up tho room. Of course, a manicure painter could tell it was a bum picture in a minute. I'll take it down if you say so. I wish to tho holy Saint Potluck wo had an onion." But tho miniature miniaturo painter had tumbled down, sobbing with hor noso indenting the hard-woven drapery of the couch. Something was here deeper than the artistic tomperameut offended at crude lithography. Hetty knew. She had accepted her role long ago. How scant tho words with which wo try to describe a single quality of a human bcingl When wo reach tho abstract wo are lost Tho nearer to naturo that the babbling of our lips comes, tho bottor do wo understand. under-stand. Figuratively (let us say), some pooplo are Bosoms, somo aro Hands, some are Heads, somo are MubcIcs, some aro Feet, some aro Backs for burdens. Hetty was a Shoulder. Hors was a sharp, sinewy shoulder; but all. her lifo people had laid their heads upon it, metaphorically or actually, and had left there all or half their troubles. Looking Look-ing at Lifo anatomically, which is as good a way as any. she was preordained to be a Shoulder. Thero wore few truer collar bones anywhere thau hers. Hetty Was only 33, and she had not yet outlived the little pain that visited nor whenever tho head of youth and beauty leaned upon her for consolation. But ono glance in her mirror alway3 served as an instantaneous pain killer. So sho gave ono palo look into tho crinkly old looking glass on tho wall above tho gas stove, turned down the flamo a little- lower from tho bubbling beef and potatoes, wont over to tho couch and lifted Cecilia's head to its confessional. "Go on and toll mo, honey," 6ho said. "I know now that it ain't art that's worrying you. You mot him on a ferry boat, didn't you? Co on, Co-cilia, Co-cilia, 'kid, and tell your your Auut Hetty about it." But youth and melancholy must first spend the surplus of sighs and tears that waft and float tho barque of romance ro-mance to its harbor in tho delectable iBles. Prosently, through tho stingy tendons ten-dons that formed tho bars of tho confessional, con-fessional, tho penitent or was it tho glorified communicant of tho sacrod flame? told her story without art or illumination. "It was only throe days ago. I was coniing back on tho ferry from Jersey Citv. Old Mr. Schrumf an art dealer, told mo of a rich man in Nowark who wanted a miniature of his daughter painted. I went to see him and showed him somo of my work. Whon I told him the prico would bo $50 ho laughed at mo like a hyena. Ho said an enlarged crayon twenty times the sizo would cost him only $8.' ' "I had just enough money to buy my ferry ticket buck to Now York. I felt as if i didn't want to live another day. T must havo 'looked as I felt, for 1' saw him on tho row of scats opposite mo, looking at mo as if ho understood- 11a was nico looking, but oh, above everything every-thing else, ho looked kind. Whon one is tired or unhappy or hopeless, kindness counts more than anything else. "Whon I got so miserable that 1 couldn't fight against it any longer, I got up and walked slowly out of the rear door of the ferry boat cabin. No oue was thero, aud I slipped quickly over tho rail and dropped into tho water. wa-ter. Oh, friend Jlotty, it was cold, coldl "For just ono moment I wished J was back in the old Vallambrosa, starving and hoping. And thou I got numb, and didn't care. And thon T felt that somebody elso was in the water closo by me, 'holding me up. He had followed me, and jumped in to save me, 'Somobod3- throw a thing like a big, whito doughnut at us, and ho made mo put my arms through the hole. Then the forry boat backed, and they pulled us on board. Oh, Hetty, I was so ashamed of my wickednoss in trying to drown mysolf: and, besides, my hair had all tumbled down and- was sopping wot, and I was such a sight. "And thon some men in blue clothes camo around; and ho gave them his card, and I heard him toll them ho had seen mo drop my purso on tho edge of tho boat outside tho rail, and in leaning lean-ing over to pot it I had fallen overboard. over-board. And then J roniombored having read in tho papers that pcoplo who try to lull themselves aro locked up in coIIb with pooplo who try to kill other people, and I was afraid. "But somo ladies on tho' boat took mo downstairs to tho furnnco room and got me nearly dry and did up my hair. When tho boat landed ho camo and put me in a cab. Ho was nil dripping himself, him-self, but laughed as if he thought it was all a joko. Ho bogged me, but I wouldn't toll him my name nor where I lived, I was so ashamed." "You woro a fool, child," said Hetty, kindly. "Wait till I turn the light up a bit. 1 wish to heaven wo had an oniou. ' ' "Then ho raised his hat," wont on Cecilia, "and said: 'Very woll. But I'll find you. a'nyhow. I'm going to claim my rights of salvage' Then ho gave money to tho cab driver and told him to tnkc mc where T wanted to go, and walked away. What is 1 salvage. ' Hetty?" ' "The edge of a ioce of goods that ain't hemmed," said tho shop girl. 'You must; have looked pretty well frazzled out to tho little hero boy." "It's boon threo days," moaned the miniature painter, "and ho hasn't found mo yet." "Extend the lime," said Iletty. "This is a big town. Think of how ninny girls he might havo to see soaked in wator with her hair down before he would recognizo you. The stew's getting get-ting on line but oh, for nn onion! I'd oven use a piece of garlic if 1 had it." Tho beef and potatoes bubbled merrily, mer-rily, exhaling a mouth-watering savor that yet lacked somothing, leaving a hunger on the palato, a haunting, wistful wist-ful dosire for some lost and needful in-grodiont. in-grodiont. "I camo near' drowning in that awful aw-ful river," said Cecilia, shuddering. "it ought to havo moro water In it," said Hotty; "tho stew, I mean. I'll co ct sonio at tho Kink." "It smolls good," said tho artist, "That nasty old North rivor?" objected ob-jected Hetty. "Tt smells to me like 8oai factories and wot cotter dogs oh, you mean tho stew. Well, I wish we had an onion for it. Pid he look like he had mone3'?" "Pirst, ho looked kind," said Cecilia. "I'm Biiro he was rich; but that mat-tors mat-tors so little. Whon ho drew out his bill folder to pay tho cabman you couldn't help seeing hundreds and thou-uauds thou-uauds of dollars in it. And I looked over tho cab doors and paw him leave the forr- station in a motor car, and tho chauffeur gave him his bearskin to put on, for he was sopping wet. And it was only threo dnvs ago." "What a fooll" said Hott3 shortly. "Oh, the chauffeur wasn't wet," breathed Cecilia. "And ho drove the car away vcr' nicety. " "I mean vou," said Hetty. "For not giving lum your address." "I nover givo my address to chauffeurs," chauf-feurs," said Cecilia, haughtily;. "I wish we had one' said Hetty, disconsolately. "What for?" "For tho 6tow, of course oh, I mean an onion-" Hetty took a pitcher and started to tho sink at tho end of tho hall. A young man camo down tho stairs from above just as she was opposite the lower step. He was decently dressed, but palo aud haggard. His eyes were dull with the Btress of some burden of physical or mental woo. In his hand he bo'ro au onion a pink, smooth, solid, alanine onion as largo around as a 98-cent 98-cent alarm clock. Hetty stopped. So did the young man. Thorc was something Joan of Arc-ish, Herculean, aud Una-ish in tho look and pose of tho shop lady she had cast off tho roles of Job and Little Ecd Riding Hood, Tho young man stopped at tho foot of tho stairs and coughed distractedly. He felt marooned, held up, attacked, assailed, loviod xipon, sacked, assessed, panhandled, browbeaten, browbeat-en, though ho knew not why. It was tho look in Hetty's eyes that did it. In them he saw tho Jolly Roger fly to the masthoad nnd an able soaman with a dirk between his toeth scurry up tho ratlines and nail it there But as yet ho did uot know that the cargo ho carried was tho thing that had caused him to be so nearly blown out of tho water without, even a parloy. "Beg your pardon," said Hetty, as sweetly as hor dilute acetic acid tones permitted, ''but did you find that onion on tho stairs? There was a hole in the paper bag; and I'vo just come out to look for it." Tho young man coughed for Half a minute Tho Interval may havo given him the courago to defend his own property. prop-erty. Also, ho clutched his pungent prize greedily, and, with a show of spirit, faced his grim wnylayer. "No," ho said huskily. "I didn't find it on the Htalrs. It was given to me by -Jack Bevens. on tho top floor. Tf you don't bellovo It. ask him. I'll wait until you do." 'T know about Bevens, paid Hetty, sourly. "Ho writes books and things up thero for tho papor-and-rags man. We can hear tho postman guy him all over the houso whon ho brings thorn thick envelopes ibnck. Bay do you live In the Vallambrosa V" "I do not." wild tho young man. "I coino to see Bevens somo times. Hc'b my friend. I llvo two hlocks west" "What aro you going to do with tho onion? bogging your pnrdon," eald Hotty. "T"m going to cut It." "Haw?" "'c3: as soon as I got homo. "Hnven'L you got anything else to eat with It?" Tho young man considered briefly. "No, ho confessed; "there's not another an-other scrap of anything In my diggings X US to eat. I think old Jack Is pretty hard up for grub In his shack too. Ho hated to give up the onion, but I worried him Into parting with It." "Man." said Iletty, fixing him with her world-sapient eyes, and laying a bony but Impressive finger on lila sloeve. "you've known trouble, too, haven't you?" "Lots." said the onion owner, promptly. prompt-ly. "But this onion Is my own propertv. honestly come by. If you will excuse me T must be going." "Listen." said Hetty, paling a little with anxiety. "Haw onion Is a mightv poor diet. And so Is a beef-stew without with-out one. Now. If you're Jack Bcvens'a friend. I guess you're nearly right. There a little lady a friend of mine In mv room there at tho end of the hall. Both of us aro out of luck; and we had Just potatoes and meat between us. Thev're stowing now. But It ain't got anv soul. There's something lacking to It. There's certain things in lifo that are naturally Intended to lit and belong together. One Is pink cheose-cloth and green roses, nnd one Is ham and eggs, and one Is Irish and trouble. And the other one Is beof and potatoes with onions. And still another an-other one Is people who are up against It and other people In tho same tlx." Tho young man went Into a protracted paroxylsm of coughing. With one hand ho hugged his onion to his bosom. "No doubt, no doubt." Fald he at length. "But. as I said. 1 must be going, because " iletty clutched his sleeve firmly. "Don't b a Dago, Little Brother. Don't eat raw onions. Chip it In toward the dinner and line yourself Inside with the best stew you ervor licked a spoon over. Must two ladies knock a young gentleman gentle-man down and drag him inside for the honor of dining with 'em? No harm shall befall you, Llttlo Brother. Loosen up and fall Into line." The young man's pale face relaxed Into a grin. "Believe T'll go you," he said, brightening. bright-ening. "If my onion Is good as a credential. cre-dential. I'll accept the invitation gladly." "It's good as that, but better as seasoning," sea-soning," said Hotty. "Ton come and stand outside the door till I ask my lady friend If she has any objections. And don't run away with that letter of recommendation before I come out." Hetty went Into the room and closed the door. The young man waited outside. out-side. "Cecilia, kid." said the shop girl, oiling oil-ing the sharp saw of her voice as well as she could, "there's an onion outside. With n young man attached. I've asked him In to dinner. You ain't going to kick, are you?" "Oh. dear!" said Cecilia, sitting up and patting her artistic hair. She cast a mournful glance at the ferry-boat poster pos-ter on the wall. "Nit." said Hetty. "It ain't him. You'ro up against real life now. I bellovo be-llovo you said your hero friend had money and automobiles. This Is a poor skcezlcks that's got nothing to eat butl an onion. But ho's easy spoken and not a freshy. I Imnglno he's been a gentleman, gentle-man, ho's so low down now. And we need the onion. Shall I bring him in? I'll guarantee his 'behavior." "Hetty, dear," sighed Cecilia. "I'm ho hungry. What difference does It make whether he's a. prince or a burglar? r don't care. Bring him in If he's got anything any-thing to cat with him." Hotty went back Into tho hall. The onion man was gone. Her heart missed a beat, and a gray look settled over 'her face except on her nose and cheekbones. And then tho tides of life flowed In again, for she aaw him leaning out of the front window at tho other end of tho hall. Sho hurried there. lie was shouting to some one bolow. Tho noiso of the street over powered tho sound of her footsteps. She W f, looked down over his shoulder, saw whom . he was speaking to. and heard his words. ,jg, a He pulled himself In from the window-sill v jj and saw her standing over him. jSf 9 Hetty's eyes bored into him like two Sf steel gimlets. ; fie "Don't He to mc." she said, calmly. i "What were you going to do with that "S? onion?" ygl j The young man suppressed a- cough ifjSs and faced her resolutely. Ills manner I m- war. that of one who had been bearded ?ra sudlciciuly. jtZJi i "1 was going to eat it." said he, with mil emphatic slowness, "Just as 1 told you ajt ! before." , fu I "And you have nothing else to cat at Kfi J home?" , . "Not a thing." rFiM "What kind of work do you do?" 'MtfBi "I (am not working at anything just "Then why," said Hetty, with her Stilli voice set on Its sharpest edge, "do you itf j lean out of windows and givo orders mfij to chauffeurs In green automobiles In I'Kf'fl tho street below?" 'lilt 1 The young man flushed, and his dull RtiKil eyes began to sparkle R M1 "Because, madam," said he. in ac- &W celerando tones. "I pay the chauffeur's l 5jS wages and I own the . automobile and i liSj also this onion this onion, madam." fj 'i' He nourished the onion . within an U SQ Inch of Hetty's nose. Tho shop lady did I IftJ not retreat a halr's-hrcadth. IJ st "Then why do you cat onions." she jfs said, with biting contempt, "and noth- f St lng elso?" I 3M! "I never said I did." retorted the ! vql I1 young man. heatedly. "I said I had VitH;'1 nothing else lo eat where T live. I am 1 tP' not a delicatessen, storekeeper." , Hfl "Then why," pursued Hetty, Inflexl- t 5; bly. "were you going to eat a raw i Wi onion?" i: "My mother," said the young man, 1?3f-f alwoys made mc eat one for a cold. I'KT', Pardon my referring to a physical in- f llrmlty, but you may hav0 noticed that fM I liav0 a very, very severe cold. I was hW'i going to eat tho onion and go to bed. M"', I wonder why I nm standing here nnd I apologizing to you for It. F "How did you catch this cold?" went PA on Hetty, suspiciously. li The young man seemed to havo ar- f m; rlvcd at some extreme height of feel- fslV lng. There worn two modes of de- .f'li scent open to him a burst of rago or fot-' a surrender to the ridiculous. He 6? 5 Hiose wisely, and the empty hall echoed lif his hoarse laughter. "you're a dandy." said he. "And I Rff don t blamo you for being careful. I don't iiU mind telling you. I qot wet. I was on a iK?T North river ferry a few days ago when n girl Jumpod i overboard. Of course. I " ikI Hetty extended her hand. Interrupting KM his story. "Givo me the onion." she said. lira The young man sot his jaw a trifle Rig harder. . "Give mo the onion." she repeated. Ftlu He grinned and laid It In her hand. !(? Thon Hetty's Infrequent, grim, melan- aft choly smile showed Itself. She took tho 'IpJ? young man's arm and pointed with her i nu other hand to tho door of her room. ft w "Little Brother," she said, "go In there. r KiS The little fool you ll3hcd out of the river - tii Is thoie waiting for you. Go on In. JE'II t; f give you three minutes before I come. L'Hp Potatoes is In there, waiting. Go on In. ;M Onions." Mn After ho had tapped at the door and f f8 entcfed. Hetty besan to peel and wash ? tho onion at the sink. She. gave a gray HuS look at the gray roofs outside, and the j jh smile on her face vanished by little Jerks j fifis and twitches. 'mix "But It's us," she said, grimly, lo her- ! self, "It's us that furnishes the beef." I Rw f Copyright. 1913. by Harper &. Bros.) ijF-?f - -- Uh |