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Show WNTPRIGES TIKE . ANUPWiDSWIl Reports of Permanent Damage Dam-age to Crops by Drouth Scare the Shorts. CHICAGO, June 14. Wheat prices took a violent upward swing today. Impelled by an official forecast of protracted dry, hot weather. It was said crops throughout through-out the northwest needed rain, and there were reports that permanent damago from drouth had already been done. The market closed firm at an advance of Ic to lgc net. Corn finished 1801ic to ljc up, oats with a gain of lS01ic to He and provisions varying from 10c decllno to a. rise of 2ic. Except for a momentary dip at tho .outset, .out-set, when the market was affected by Borne overnight showers In the Dakotas and Canada, wheat showed remarkable strength all day. Clear skies and soaring temperature mado shorts uneasy and when announcement came that an Indefinite Indefi-nite period of adverse conditions could be looked for, a lively scare developed. Brokers supposed to be acting for bull leaders woro conspicuous bidders for September Sep-tember wheat. The spocial incentive for this purchasing was said to bo an opinion from a well-known expert that without general soaking rains within a week, the losses In tho spring crop belt would reach a heavy total Seaboard clearances of wheat and flour equaled 270,000 bushels. Primary receipts of wheat were 636.000 bushels, a year ago 523,000 bushels. Pessimistic field advances from Illinois and other Important states excited the shorts in corn. Offerings were extremely small. Besides, rocelvers predicted a falling fall-ing off in receipts next week. Oats crossed the 40-cent line, and closed at the highest level of the season. Tho causcB here, too, were unwelcome, heat and ..the absence of moisture. Provisions sagged with tho hog market and on account of an expected bear statement state-ment made on packing house stocks. Tho market was much more active than usual. RANGE OP LEADING FUTURES. TVbet Open. HIch. Low. Cloio. July !1; 5214 !it,j f2t; Sopt 90 921 POH 92H Dm P3H P4V, 93IJ, W, Com July ... r.PH 61i B9K 6t4 Sept i. ...... COS 4 60 C2i Doc SSW GO SStt CO Oats Julr 3914 i0i 33U 0',4 Sopt 39 40U 35 40 Deo 40 41 39 41 CASH QUOTATIONS. Wheat No. 2 red. $1.0101.05; No. 3 red. 95ff PSo; No. 4 red. Sfi9Sc; No. 2 nurd, 93dJ95c; No. S hard. 92Q9ic; No. 1 northern. 33H95o; No. 2 northern, 92094c; No. S northorn, 0193o; No. 4 northern, S5iff30c; No. 2 uprins, 92094c; No. 3 nprlng, 91fT9Sc; No. 4 npriim, SSiTSOc: vol-vot vol-vot chaff, 91flS5'.Sc; durum, 90S'95c. Com No. 2, C061'4c: No 2 whlto. 60i 61ic; No. 2 yellow, fi04tisic; No. .. C0U1?1 BOKc: No. S white, COGClUc: No. 3 yellow, G0K6Utc; No. 4. t91?60c: No. 4 -white. Slff GOHo: No. 4 yellow. E9ytfi60Mo. Oatc No. 2 while, 41ic; No. 3 white, 39&OT 40Hc; No. 4. white, 3S'U'339i'c: Rtandird. 40Hff'41a Kyo No. 3. 60o. Barley 503 65c. CIoTcr Nominal. Timothy J.1.823' 4.00. i; Pork J20.65. Lard 110.95, , . Ribs $U.7I12.23. Bank Statement. NEW YORK, June 14. Tho statement of tho actual condition of clearing houso banks and trust companies for thn week shows that they hold $3S.S32,500 reserve in excess of lcsral requirements. This is an increase of $8,824,100 from last week. Actual condition Loans $1,895,574,000 Decrease 8.869.000 Specie 352.086,000 Increase :. . . . 10,S5S,000 Legal tenders S3.910.000 Increase 114.000 Net deposits 1,757.298,000 Increase 4,402,000 Circulation 47,029.000 Decrease 52,000 Banks' cash reserve In vault 370,661,000 Trust companies' cash reserve re-serve In vault 65,335,000 Aggregate ca6h reserve 435,996,000 Excess lawful reserve 28,812,000 Increase S.821,100 Trust companies' reserve with clearing house members carrying 25 per cent cash reserve 59,540,000 Summary of state banks and trust companies in Greater New York,- not included in-cluded in clearing house statement: Loans $5G2.SS1.500 Decrease x-f T.300 Specie ' 66,329,600 Decrease 404.800 Legal tenders 7.914,000 Decrease . i.GOO Total deposits 634.3o9.000 Decrease .- 6,249,500 The Financier says today: "Exceeding nil preliminary estimates of the currency gain based on tho week's operations, the Now York clearing house banks in their statement of actual condition con-dition issued today showed a total addition addi-tion to ca.sh holdings of $10,972,000; and as deposits increased only $4,402,000, tho bulk of tho gain went to swell tho excess reserve. This item rose 5S.S21.100, bringing the surplus above legul requirements re-quirements to $3S.S12.500. "Tho favorable showing thus made was helped by a contraction of $S,S69.000 in tho loan account, which reflected part of tho severe liquidation in the stock market mar-ket early In the week." rowers saw little to encourage the belief that requirements of tho corporations for now capital can be met advantageously. From some lines of trade came further reports of a slowing down In buslnoss. Crop reports wero favorable. New York Produce. NEW YORK, Juno 14. Flour was flrmlv held with a small trade. Wheat Spot, firm; No. 2 red. nominal: No. 1 northern Duluth. $1.03 f. o. b. afloat. Futures were firm and higher on good buying in the absence of more showers In the northwest, predictions of clear, hot weather and export sales of thirty-two loads, closing 5c to He not higher. July, $1; September, 9Sc. Hops, quiet. Hides, steady. Potroleum, steady. Wool, steady. Raw sugar, firm; muscovado, 2.80 2.83c: centrifugal. 3.30g3.33c; molasses, 2.552.5Sc. Refined, steady. Chicago Produce. CHICAGO, Juno 14. Butter lin- Eggs Unchanged. Receipts, 14,951 cases. Potatoes Easy, old, l8(?I)22c: receipts, 30 cars; new, 4575c; receipts, 40 cars. Poultry Alive. Irregular, hens, 15Jc; springs, 24c; turkeys. 17c. Flax, Oats and Eye. MINNEAPOLIS, Juno 14 Flour, unchanged. un-changed. Bran, unchanged. No. 3 vellow corn, 575f?5Sc. No. 3 white oats. 3S5'38ic. No. 2 rye, 545SJc. Flax, S1.290L31. Barley unchanged, 56c Park City Ore Shipments. PARK CITY, Juno 14. Following are tho ore shipments from Park City district dis-trict for the week ending tonight: Silver King Go.pjSO Daly West iSi-SUx Daly-Judge 080.000 Qulncv S0.000 Ontario leasers lo.OOO Total 2.817.910 |