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Show H, DP. G, , MIES IB 1 Zl Will Preach in Pulpit of First Presbyterian Church; May Remain Here. The Rev. Dr. Goorge Ewiiig Davies, present pastor of the Mcrriam Park Presbyterian churoli of St. Paul, who, it is probable, will be called to take the First. Presbyterian pulpit of Salt Lake, arrived yesterday and today-will preach two sermons in the First Pros-bytorian Pros-bytorian church. Since the pastorship been 1110 vacant through (ho roKignation of tho Rev. Dr, William 7d. Padcn, tho local members of the cliurch have been seeking a man to fill flic position. Jlem-berd Jlem-berd or the Salt Lake delegation (0 the national presbytery mccling at Atlanta in May. gol in touch with tho Rev. Dr. Davies and invited him to visit Salt Lake and look over the field. In the event that the visiting miuis-ter miuis-ter in pleased with tho local situation and the members of tlis session decide after hearing his sermons today that he is tho right, man Tor tho place, the Rev. Dr. Davies will be called here. This morning he will preach on "The Spiritual Vision From Sincerity of Life' This evening his subject will bo "Faddism in Faith." The Rev. Dr, Davies has been in the ministry twentj- years, lie was graduated grad-uated from tho McCormick Theological seminary in Chicago. His first church was in FortWayne, Iud., whero he remained re-mained five 3ears. Prom there he went to Bcllefontaino, Ohio, where he was minister twelve years. He has filled his nrosent pulpit three years. Tho minister is a specialist in tho problem of ineu nnd young people attendance at-tendance at church and in St.. Paul ho has special classes in his Sunday school for young people and men. Ho says that his men's class boasts a membership member-ship of 350 and that special attention is being paid to young people's eocio-tios. eocio-tios. When interviewed yesterday the Rev. Dr. Davies expressed a keen interest in-terest in tho Salt Lake religious situation. sit-uation. This is his first visit to Salt Lake and he declared he had boon impressed im-pressed with his first glance about the city. Ho is interested in the vice and liquor problems. His family, consisting consist-ing of his wife and four children, are now in St, Paul and if he is transferred hero they will come out immediately. |