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Show REAL ESTATE TRADE IAS MM Dealers Not Complaining, but Admit Business Has Not Been Large. The real estate business of the past week has been only ordinan', While the dealers arc not complaining, many of them admit that the sales tho past week have broken no records. Work on tho various subdivisions lias been rapidly carried on and the houses under un-der eonsrniotion show tho results of six days of hard worl.. Improvements, such as guttering, curbing, lightiug and t lie placing of sowers, has boon going on. making the various Jiomosite subdivisions more de-sirablo de-sirablo than ovor. Tho. prospective homebuilder can certainly find some pleasant locations in Salt .Lake City. The subdivisions " that have been .opened fr sulo .during the last few weeks have met with almost instant approval and tho sales have been large. That Salt Lake real estato is proving nopulnr with people of other cities is evidenced by the fact that during the week several men from Denver have boon in, this city looking over the various urrispects. The -Moffat road, when completed, will no doubt, advance the prices to a great extent and investments that are being made provo that this is expected ex-pected by capitalists. |