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Show QUEEN MAUD of Norway, Nor-way, who, by her pen, wins fame in other lands as well as the admiration of her subjects. sub-jects. 1 QUEEN OF MM FAMED IS WRITER Ruler Has Other Claims to Distinction Than Those of Noble BlooH. Special Cable to The Tribune. CHRISTIAiSTA, Juno 14. The people of Norway are very proud of their quoon, who, under the pen name of "Graham Irving." has written a number of plays which have been received with high favor fa-vor both here and in other European capitals. Queen Maud, is at work now on another play which she says Is thc most Important Impor-tant work of her life. While she refuses re-fuses to divulge the plot or name of this new piece, she says It will deal with certain cer-tain social customs In such a way as to cause people to sit up and take notice. While the queen maintains a brilliant court and Is one of the most accomplished accom-plished socially of any of the European royalties, she much prefers the delights of her study, her pen and paper, to those of the drawing room. While she is a great admirer of Ibsen, the Norwegian poet and dramatist, her preference Is for BJornson, tho gentler-natured rival of the eccentric author of "A Doll's House." |