Show Whiter Quarters Now I Iho time for tile farmer farm-er to piepuru winter quartern for late poultry A great deal hal ha-l nn written mid mill on tile constitution of tile poultry house but of nil batch article that leave coino to tile notice of tile writer the lOt would bo greater than tho majority farm era would feel warranted expending i iipon their jxmllry lum e The writer I would 1111l 10 give tbe outline fortho Construct loll of a poultry house that tho cool lieyond I lie labor expended upon Itnced not bo groat 1lrst seleit ji small knoll facing fcuuth or south list now dig out the desired size tile Mime as for u cellar truly reinovlng this earth from front If tbii liuuso 110 I bu < if ronldcruhl site 1 the labor can lie greatly lowened by the DM of a plow and semper Now gathemll like hard head and cobble ktoneiyou need thereto there-to hardly n farm but upon which enough stone may not ba gathered to wuitmul till basement with profit thu killing two bird with 00 stone Next tithe toIx wide board do out cut them an they can bo used for roof boards out of which make a box to mix mortar In If you leaves dug ta n goad I depth It b l likely you have struck good building sand If not till must be furnished from elsewhere Divide your box about the center by tile IIBO of land Into ono end place tho lima you nlili slackedand polar on water Do not lack too much at once After It tins become thoroughly slack uii with and and water In the iilht end of tine bo fomnirnclnir about the miter lay a layer of atom from n I fool and a hair totnu feet wide round the aat ldes nun lay the front up IK pnldle made ot statist may IN uwl itio a I trowel a foot mill a half from the ground Do not lay the slono the whole length of the front or you will I leave I trouble In laying your corner Nun upotilhv wall you have HUM hold place I yiHirdmir frame made ml Ito I-to Inch plunk l salve Inchm wide well braced that Iho prevuru ot tile atoneo may not prcw It out ot haH Now lay your entire wall right feet high placing on top In a layer I ot later tarn313 plank onto which the root may be nailed After the wall hIlA beCome be-Come thoroughly dry tint on double root ulng Inch boards Now take the miirtar or a btirrrt ol water1 lime mixed l with mind would W lO l > and go over the Inside l filling up nil I rough plate undMnoothlng oh After thl61tailry I plate Inyiliirdixir If you I maltn jour door frame tile right slro you can me n couple of ulndoh sashe covered with wire netting for the Inside In-side Using them In Ihedoorno that Iho falls one may be lowered tiiudmlt air on warm day nnd make n rough Sturm dixir for tile oiilsidc lo close nt night If the wall 14 I higher than the surrounding ground take the earth which J on lave dugouf and lisa a banking now place In yuur roosts nettk etc and you will leave n poultry hoiiso In which your hen will lay egg nil winter If properly cured for erhll > wine one In reading the ashore mny think that they could never noramplMi the job of laying tile wall let them once try It and they will find that It 14 I not near ui dlllluutt a feat a they thought would lie l atilt they will bo Mirnrhnl with what rapidity they can lay the Alone after they Love once liccumo accustomed lo handling tile trowelW 4 Ihimond In Farm em Review |