Show jtn Oildllj Tlntpl cr The latest among these ciirloui time ileeea Is constructed aa follows A inflower of allver protrude from n hlle critalvate graceful In thape nd toUrly decoratetL The aloek la if irown gilt the leave green thepetaU ollow l and tho heart ot the lower eeply oxidised Hour and mlnule arlii are engraved around the heart of this sunflower which face the ookcrnon A ladybird of spotted re I namelrd gold apparently retta on the oner on Iho lino dividing tho heart em the petals Thla pretty Insect IIWlIt hlch I mores Imperceptibly by means 01 a mechanism hidden within the lower Miowa the time llr only a close nipectlon ran one detect the limn dl sfonton Ihls original I i fe dial I le which Is tranulatedall over and which Is bin th black Aatothe hollow circular ne on which the ladybird travels Ills ntlrely Invisible |