Show Valo of Hills Mrl rII Is Then U Ito Ingredient w hoso iiluo ask ii mlxtiiru In poultry food 14 I c < nal to lione meal or ground bone for Ilse cwt Hone mml U ground the liner of the two and U 1 sold nt u price which real dent 1 It t cry heap Unit un exeelli nt Ingredient In-gredient to mix with Mitt food for poultry nnd the fowl are very fond ol It I Cit especially desirable for laying hens and thmo who give It thorough trial nulrldy discover illlTercncb be trl1 ill yield of rgg from fowls thai have thin mUeil with their fixxl anti those that do not Iventliclargat bit of bone an larguai a wholokernel of torn and even larger nro greedily devoured by tile laying hen anti It In really surprising to bee him much they like II It lot nlso nn excellent thing for growing chicks und 14jusit I what they lived to build up u good strong fnime and they are well Mipnllcd with IMIIIO meal mixed with their oilier food It will ba U great beneflt to the chtcktu well nit to their ownem All fowls unit especially thoso that are conllncd should have nt least nn occasional oc-casional feed of bone meal Amorlum Poultry linirnal |