Show 11I Tho Ilrltlih Columbian government new term to settlor are briefly at follow fol-low lowNot less than thirty families tliall form a tettlenicnt must each family mutt pgMes at least WOO cash of more ral here The gin eminent Irate to each family > acre of surveyed land free for the in in of live yearn and on the expiration of that period i rI nn I provement Lava I been made lo the value val-ue of 66 an a re Issues n crown grant Tho government also enirutc to construct con-struct a w sgnn road to each settlement and provide mall marketing Iran port facility The tetllcr on tho I other hand mutt become nalurnlled rltUen and du their share toward developing de-veloping the resource of Iho provln |