Show I flu Price Crcnm tlaklitf Powder I Wda Ialr tlljtit Maid end Dlplnn i iti r n > Ii I wilituliiii I t Ili Oi ufOMl rI fJ aIa Hr tjhIet I Ili i r table klad t1 10 Ialr III wit I 1I1ADlunl 1011 an I I bllalwR treapntbrr II nub LMI dl a iirmUllon teWMallen WVMCM 1 iilh a i u har tl hIII I In + it Union I i Iii I k In mind nn I n t l wla t I i ii mIl ndl I + p 4 < r i I I r S WW ali 1 I al-i I all liif rma I tll l1lj 4 i7 I 111111 A A A I 10 I = I I I I alull lllrat t l ustyjilL pa I tunaay INtmi at J01l rp tat i 111 1 k r the pur f I ter tint ui I ll I b 1Ioulnar tAt at AlUMt M 1 MA i I II ylK I Iriinleei Awarded IIIghest Monors WorldJ Pair i1 CRS BAKING POWDIR r I MOST PERFECT MADE A pure Crap Cum of Trtu powder fnt tram Ammonli Alum or any ethtradultiftna 40 YEARS Till tTAHDAWX r I PEOPLE9S Mercantile e Co ny aiijiinujuiiiij ium > CT Some people say they are selling goods Cheap and some say that they are Selling Still Cheaper but as usual We Head the List AND Sell the Cheapest I I I r 11 r AS it is < our custom to always fix prices that places everybody within reach so as to enjoy I the good things of the Holiday season we shall continue in the good work and during the present pres-ent time and until the 1st of January 1895 we are offering the following goods at the remarkably remark-ably low prices quoted below 22 lbs Fine Currants 1 22 Raisins 1 8 Seedless Raisins 1 8Bkg > s Mincemeat 1 r Best Lemon Peel 25c Ib Best Citron Peel 25c Ib You no doubt will have to have something in the shape of Candy Nuts Oranges and Dolls Note our Prices on these Goods For instance we will give you 10 Pounds Best Homo Made Candy for 100 6 Pounds Very Fine Mixed Candy for 100 7 11 Very Best Mixed Nuts for J rj 100 Three Dozen Excellent Oranges for 100 I DOLLS ALMOST GIVEN AWAY A Beautiful 22 inch patent doll for 25c A Beautiful 19inch patent doll for 15c These oaamot be bought Anywhore Elee for Less than 35o and 5Oo DRESS GOODS ETC I If you have not seen our lirie of 25c 20c and Inc per yard Dress Goods you should come and see them We have just opened up about 50 pieces and it is a pleasure to show them Come and make your selections before the Stock is Broken Ask to ace our line of Ladies and Gents Silk Handkerchiefs Wo have a beauty in Ladies at tho remarkably Low Figure of We In buying SHOES dont overlook our offer on this line during the Holiday Season Remember with every pair we give you 5 pounds of Currants or 5 pounds of Raisins or 212 pounds of Each yours Respectfully Peoples Mercantile Co SCOWCROFT Manager |