Show LOCAL BREVITIES I I Hilling ll I all the rage I Mr John infliiiM neck nle1 lilt loon 1 n city IfConlrr NoUlh change In the Coop a1 Ilili wpk A tew lee of 1 gewli nu nl urtlMil The Ball lake papa pay then will I I great need 01 charily work In thai city lilt winter Walcii Tin TIM lor UK announce nl tli men nl Hit Ant apjiaranre Coiltllle Home Dramatic company Dr kin I tr report last many of 1 hit patlinti aro on Ibo rapid toad lore rortn VoinratnU cam etc are get I I log scarce The Coals Hargaln Elore hai a largi ilvMtUunenl In Ibis bate It contain con-tain an extiniUe price h ll al l which nil ihonld carefully rod The return ol Summit county Lev e unto canvorscdand although nochanBfi In lie general reiult were made Hit Itcpukllcin inajorlllci hue In many Instance linn greatly reduced Tic tfprhif Hollow school will st a contort Iu the BtnVr llotueea tittimlay I night DicetnUr tad They willIe will-Ie r Uoiilitrd by be Cuahtllf lloylivlllo llintftr oral p rhapi the YViniMp I school The Jeoplii Mercantile company ail wttV had ptluted t 6000 lore bllli for rtrwlatloii tliruukhont county The I Din qnatc > trice and announce gttat hflrjnln III ad 10 1I alaorhatngedin this lain l head II 1 > It TcuVcibur Oral R lulL njnltilt j J HuMiinti ixiuuly inters l CtiiiiiiilHluiiir H althea tr I Ill alanae duos on left iloinurrer br Xtlnriiajr TI rant ty heal it J1o Too nand I and to Thuts toy Coral inlpi Ianrr Hulmuii ost mini tilt Ueniiif itrmii ihnointr alli now hale toIl to-Il sad utll nlkfr Wlker Its Won nrqulttnl ol I Hi oa I Lmg I lu PI brought I s t him mtiiel1 rl IHrlel icntt bin i and rolnniiil Milli Inlrut III rUlo1 ul Ulitaot mr till In 1 11 all l ell lratl Hlkir dally rtatmldtatl lito ealraw h 1 gnauat ill II arrah iuryant al w1 atalrlttillyd fat tirj i lut l ml tijiitntlv rvulianol 9 Tier was a illvkl urrur In the inlnulei uttli rnnnty 1 rot I itllihwlln mrlait t io In I thchi 1 d t epldupurtwlat i I inlliiaiu Ilieniimi I Vlri I Hill up I p I ita iilili tl i I Uv I itnl l Mr V alian I all I 1 It 11 I t Ir I u ll I i r n 0 I IiI I-iI It r mlt 11 a I art n tnai fftmrlliulC of III III at I rt It t 1 it I I 01 I 1 1 bi 1 till 10 i uul hniw tar the pull 1 i ins tau mi tale IHI tint ul m h I Ii It Iw I star m iilnK vi n riiU in i rat nnl Hunt nut my and ilinuM U 1 uiUiUttl h 1 evtrvci Itriitd In iilaiallon Irk lUconl the Ontario mill flupi I Mirulm ill 7lh M Until hulllun ranlulnliif 27145 OS lute OUIICM 01 silver lollowlnit Ii I Ibe urn 11aI1 j tout from tIe Macklntoih iam > lfrlDr thi pttitot weeks Anchor concentrate 47UIO blUur kins 40000 I Ontario I 1691X50 Dalr West concentrate IIIIotOI < Tetal Kiunda 070000 llirald Waller liwln IchwUlt o I lark City anti formerly a will known resident bait I Lake dlid at the Holy t t Crest hoipltal ycitinlay morning Tki I ileceaitd wai taken down with paeu I mania last Minday and was brought down Item the Park lor trtatmial In mediately oust lain entrance lale the I hospital pliurliy lit In and but slight hops if lab rieoviry were eatirtalnul Kterylhln joulble 1 wai done for him hut the lulTtrir tank rapidly and yet tirday lurrouadiJ by hi wife and outer I relatlrei be paced peacefully away I The ileuaied was born October 10 181 aJlll eras a mndber ol tits Aacliat Order of KereiUrn ITo dicea e < l will Le rtj mtobr ifl at Hie 4uillit wbo ans located In CoaUllle about one year ul j A Uv dnnre km Lean Dude II t l iicng < rots < between lltah anti alf 1 Miltrnpolnu 31 I Vs oefrro our o eli < iiti that the late nrnKiiliiiui hai l > r en qitlle Kentra lliroujliwit the Icrrllxry Tie Ilifimoinftor rritlnlund Atcg u IwiiMftrtoTurMlay inoriilwn wlit ft lli ln l tearlinl Inlllt fi list merry clilnwn uf the iUlxlUlt f am litard In wry illrn llun and arlout iryb dy Ito I cumo lo IhM wncluilo i lliui Mlnlir is l he j Tin Ml IleaMiit Iyrmnld hai ttileici on its llflh rolutiie aIM In I bo very iiiitmrmu lit unit ol Ilaht Led wftlllfi and deserves lo thrive Die Infant ion of Ur and Mrs I Jams BiUiun aged 10 diy dial 9nlunly night from pniiiiauiita tin fiuera wu bald Uonday aflimoon Tho Anierlran Fork Hun hat lake anotlur Hip In ad hne It bai been enlarged to R ill column folio 1d uthirwlie Improved Ill Tlluo mods LI llhll The Young Hem Mutual Improvement Improve-ment Aitoclallonof Hie North nnd Soul OoahIlle marl remruee Sunday night They will In 1 luld conjointly the Acidiiiy iHilldlrK Crank ore not yet nil dead A lUll n awed 1ivle Maillot failed forty dtyiln 1 Ogden COt IlIhlC It I lost Sri day lie now permlie all rlfkt lie would make a flrit cluu Coiej Jar b Walton dint at Park City Htturilay from th IffCti of a blow trout a LlIII1 cue ti fits hands of Sllllii Colllir The allnroallou ocrurrnl tan tits Tue > day Wforn In Ihe too abut nt PatVCItv 1 otiriiani ul 11101 Th ilftiaill Ii I laid tu hays latch the I nirumior Collier Ii In Jail its hope all nideri of fill TIMIII will appreciate the act that thorn In I mar hard work and rains connected wit tunning a uewepal er than fun IIn < llhal buy will spread I lallttlo lunihlne In Le anctuin tocouateract the luouiy In Ihionrei of tLi detll by COMII In and dropping silver dullar now sad 1 thin on the table In payment of their tultcrlptlon Var staunch frlem cal sliver ail love Iti emy rug b shale 1 we dare lo mt a little more practice prac-tice In writing receipt For the put few weiki the Joni Hroi our eergetle tinsers hole teen l bully engaged 1 gutlirlntf rood arunui the city On Saturday they Onllhool liP M Job of till kind llor the Coop and bliss gocd jab J too There are ne better orkmei In heir line than the Jonee lie and they ibould ncUo all tin patronagti of our cttltini They are in Itagtd In strictly a liuino Indnrtrr anal deserve to U tucmiful for their plait ol I Interpllrc 1alronlio them end very Coalvllln Initllutlon and keep yeur money nt home Mr Jorli UnrlUy Dili week Imchl le I till olllco n nick of randy soups hleh Iou luinufitctnrel 101111111 Tlii lianxlherCoulvllle ludiitlry I end he ulterior iiiallly of the article tnrne out by Mr Hartley It lulnjlns innn onlers its 10 him V few weeks Hgo he hlll1 100 poundi ol II lapse gwMli Is Sill taka and IhliniornliiK a l0i launul hlplnelit was wade lo Ogden It I niiira than likely thai In it hort tint Mr llnrlly will hireenointi onlati III keep 1 lilnn nudged In inaniitaolllm if I IheMdatatlai OKlirr Itriiuoli on Wtdnmday ardor t I IWutrvlll Morgan tvuutvond I am > > u 1 i Urriu orlernliU IHclneKtlbura set cum > Uiul I i 101 life ul IIn fr Tlwy ii vlaaraod l null iltallnKan I k IIItsa eullli ail i HI 10 mkii IMIIM 1 1 liutlr JIM i ItiiiKirr Item 1 plenUld net Knllty at I i < kml I I tar it rlmiigeol enuv wbkli wr 1 riniol IIIId they will till tried 11 I m i un miHlontr Muted nt UMtttll 11 the Jlit lilt They are now ant on I ul I In the turn 011 pile Un 1150 mm I 1 i 1 Mr Ilium iub > u nal IU MWMiii era 11 1 Kublnion v > La ruliyoT < ilmui KiUtairauli Iliu I latter I taut I HIM Ill I U llLiiidril u the 1715 Int rmti mil ai moetaMinwault npixd I hurt I lurl vveninf I a + i i taut u i i I r laUrre I std I Irlewt cut 11111 at his houit just oM 4M1a eepl i hum Idur prpparmt let A pa I uiuaor I Hi I know there Mcut I aim aaantte in the tollur and t l t I I t uiu In I fmmted tliir nt to icttu bIn > b-In Out Lay I rhi waa IMM n 1 heat IH r lioal ami 1 taw to mat Hum go rt I iromli d inns tlmo to Iw n hard i ruli lean Fur klmielf tliu writer did 1 i caro ID uiuili for hi hand lrely bat taken lint day of a hearty meal of lulled oulini and dried applei and had been nibbling at the olUce paste tat and llnu > cllage buttle diirliif the afternoon he via therefore prepared fur a protracted fail lie dont bllere inucU In high living anyway at It 1 Ii I not good for dyipejila and thati hew be manage to kiep to fatt but appearancei 1 uuit be kept up and bo bad about come to tin concluilou that the bout cat unit be aacrlBccd I U itlll rivet though for hit better halt bad put the Job up on tint and be tat down to a host 1 with tbiair of one who wit used to cant tblngi and luilalned hli part 10 well that the truth woe navor luipected It waa this ore iloa of the wrlLnlJIrlblaYlruJ cri will overlook tale modesty at he last nviral llleu and a wife mad bd al l > I A i I ways labored under the impression that he was the youngeit of tin family > bat ho hoe grown old KI niurli l ton tiny that rts bo It I tin + iMeit of the tnmiat lout that It I wlul slay > eav lining the ige IDIIOIl onlI the etett > InC wee very enjoyiibly epeeL and n niirabr of hundioiiie putvaeii Here preienletl > Ir Jve h IbrUcr this week petal to TiirTlnr iTrc KHII Miniph n until tog i llulil or Ink that arn > npH r I ally I we IIIv ever newl Ile unnfaturce Ihfia lilinrrlf nnl tin I mnki Miitn tomprlnblueblatk green > viol1 Hlu rail 1 the blue are I III Itut the tin they are lint written an 1 du 1 not It It a article by exptnnrr They aro tern bright and cliar while ll f du not rare or dOlt at all W put n me In our fountain pen and 1 find that II fees better than any we have ever used 1 Krenlni dos not term to iIulAIl their quality or color In the liait Altogether It seem III I te a tiry mperlor article Tide 10 4 lioaie tnterprlie and our merchant mer-chant mould handle tin otlitr Who kdow4 but that la I lime Coaltlle may lit supply loll for the virlllng Hull of tin territory 7 Tea TIMMII not glen lo looklag fir the ihorlromlngi of III territorial con tenporarln and holding up their eI 1o fecti to III reader believing that all the country paperiol the lirrllury am sit gnat if not lietter than Ihl patro nagt warranti llnldei newspaper cnntroverilri an of little l latest to the lIn ml r l r anil I have alayi re gunlel Ito nlke on the part of till country newutsl > ere to Indulge In them Hut when a wouldbe gieit I am such aa thenlltorof the Mintl Memen iftr well t law ii jury ana juJe if I what n npu > tr ll I It U I ahnoit too fiiiinv and I tl Iknloui to > niiovir Thli kmlnv brainy illtor about loo weeks uo gut together about it half nluuttt of rot calculated nllllhleillhe country iMlltiiiiind to want out tin iMiilre moats neteiiarr Mote they ate entitled en-titled to the honor and dignity of culling cull-ing their lniUlrntloin DIII > iri Strange to my the lc < nenc r nbnte columni are prulded over by I Ibis laic nmker lack I all the ritciitlili men tinned In htu artlcl < iriiK mat plfnu Inrpart of hit paper Ii I till advirllienient fn whlchterkale I erli for brain wklcli kale tune U think there Ii I itlll hap i for him III nirclr Its rlOIlIO rODI Thecountrr edltori an ter much obliged I l to him I am iiiah ilonlcher knaw and I am equally Hire lull greatncii Ii I not half PI reclatKl at Plant nlberwlie ll would not In nrrenary for him totellilirralerii bow brainy he Ii lifnre they foiimlltont II even impeded him of having I > nt lIe unit be a nnnparlil innn In iroall pica town Anolhr evidence of I Mi gnat ability iblnn out In hit terrllorial news which be condoicvndi Jr filch from his iaferlorf ixctianeei and forget lo atve cteallt forY huttt ofun lluiuuht that Hirne paperi vould In lot 01011 In lereatlng and readahtr If lie Here nil patent Inildo tml out The fallna I rreiannd the Aiuerlcan I fork Item III both iiilo gout replies to Ids iliottmnker n11 I would like le reproduce their commrntii ai they ere Imih 1 nielrnioll tan plwre rammml wllh this iii > In qiiintl hut I WlI hat no mora I utu lo diote In I him ether tliiin lo remark tint Mtntute to my thai nine miinlr llliirii out of l eer > tai know mere nlmnl a tunriMptr id 1 urn store eatslde 01 lIll1uI one thin IliU moil uioiul who le I HI Milan Hut It hurt him |