Show SAYINGS AND DOINOS llluj the Women ore ulmltle only to miilloul dopartiiieiiti John Ilopkiun I unlrenliy I a lImo moil unique Sunday clmol In Iho world lam I on the lino oftheXatli lllcChattanoogn ami St Ioul rail rond among the lolegruphor Tho regular IOIon U uwd and all the I quektlon and annvur are given by ire David McCoy who rutlito near I noillauiU 1I probaUy the olile > l voter In California Mr McCoy 1 Is I lot war of ago and has llveil under tIme ad < mlnUtratlon ot eery protldent elected In tho United Stale nun Ytathlngton Cleveland Incltitlvr Iutont aro liwiieil In Mexico tu nil Kmn who apply for theni when the noceaxarj tea nccoiiipinloi I thin application I I ap-plication Tha government shame I not Iinjulro houa the naurtt sf the Invention for which protection li I anlcel nor U I I there any effort to learn 1 of a orlor Invention In-vention of the name device I Tho ques i Uon of priority hai to ua fought out In I the court |