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Show THE TIMES iwmi. lt ISLET" OF MAN LITTLE ODD DIFFICULT TO FIND. AN0VERPA1I) LETTER. ml Rsorbss, Coaalry Girl Tails a Pstktl Mss HomsIt Ht Tn Tidij ti ihiSo i Ruls. Stary a lolle Coart. M. PI.N.NM, t.ilHw and Mauacvr, Before a police justice on the North DESCRIPTION OF. A POSSIBLE Th Isle of Man Isonl y tiiirty-t- roe miles long and twelve wide, so that it skle a slim, pale girl was brought. says SOCIAL FOLLY. COALVILLE. UTAH, is not great lalsir to get over it. sat a the Chicago Times. She wore no hat, a corresjSimlent of the Richmond Dis- her hair was tangled and clinging to Ir celluloid srtieh- - are to ax plod ratal Shabby A lUea f Whleh patch. and. as two railroads rud one it were fragments of dead leaves. Her what is to become of tha mao who Snob Took laataat Adaantaaa, tha North to South and the other Fast to gown, doubtless a flimsy piece of finery wears a celluloid collar a hen ha get flow Waa aad htartail T ha (ia. a West -- urn can see how convenient it carried through the country by a pedhot tinder the collar." aranaat'i Gala Taar. Is to the visitor. Douglas, Port Erin, dler, w as faded and torn, and her toes rowfr. sdiowod - Gvreiigh tom--s in her shoes, wsddiaatwsy m the The Kaiser may Le "pretty luy writThe princess started itT of Man, while belonging to bhe bad not the appearance of a hardThe Isle norj the Briti-- h ing operas and things, but the sound a desjs rado in the day. before the two The stamp spoils it, 6he said. is neither English, ened- sinner; her mouth did not be crown, of the burkaw proceods from tha great radimadsertse-- si the eL .JJe the prettiest paper. .JLe ver. had,' nor career IVebh. of peak and a B her long tet f 'imperial woodshedwith tolerable' re g Was ft gambjor ajproxieotor a miner separate country, with a there! Thejump of washed- Hull Blur not red had andjook tha eyes, though " ajuaiL tthi could 'and' did shoot nlaritjr. violet out of and continued a government language of its dissipation. The Justice horrid !r in the corner makes it look when occasion but not one own, but yet with great . For enlarging- a city easily and to ba warned required,by a loyally to the looked sharply at her. away vigilance Why not two halfpenny Alampkfr" You hare mt teuyg hare be fora," tn government and juirirty a Ungthyned railing btiaU.. committee because he JHorSTKan Imperial said the prince. Fink." he for said half as the a deliberation and half sovereign, everywhere you go stuffed census out of sight. By ex the average, No, said the princess; "it's green as a question. of are the you pictures 1itu-bur- g family. miles to its radius royal tending sixty Joe went broke on cards, got The government la known a the No, situ" Shame and grief were stamps are wanted a kind of feeble counts a population of 1.601,964, cheated out of a rich find" of silver, in her house and green. of voice, of keys" consists or considerably larger than that and one It's simple,", said the prince; day left Virginia City to pick our metals rs, elected every seven What is the charge against her?" of Chicago. - By extending Its little up a new occupation, I had known year-.- : but no person has a Tote unless the justice asked. stamps are green. radius so as to take in Baltimore, him bo for aesthetic reasons the princess jwrsonally for two or three years, he pnWate real estate of the value She was found drunk and asleep in rtiiladelphia, Cincinnati, Cleveland, and from his conversation and general of put three halfpenny stamps upon all op occupation of the value of Lincoln park, an officer answered. and a few other suburb Greater Fitts had no doubt that h was i'tidi'4,er i her correspondence, and started the bearing The and looked women looked at also she year, ar justice could be her; made to crowd Greater Welt educated and had been burg " brought down. to How vote. year of the postal authorities. entitled great old court are asked: Tha New York for size and even eclipse you?" he He left Virginia of ludies papers promulgated it. p as a gentleman. The " Twenty-two,she answered. Tynwald, presided over hy the the City of Msgnifl City to blossom out as a road Washington as Said the Woman of Good Family: Where is agent, lieutenant Is home?" of governor, your wot Distances." composed r and he had no partnrr. The pretty fancy has been started tho council,' Which embraces ' thtf -- My home was near Mucwanlgo, in I had the honor or misfortune to b Wisconsin, I havent been here very in a very high quarter of putting a bbdmp. attorney general, two judges, Tit report of terrible atrocities Is? a passenger in the Hrstwagir he tried the cloik of the rollt water bailiff long. - I came here expecting to find trifle oyer the proper postage upon rmenia-msy .be ex ag go beI'B and tho vicar general. This retmril office work but failed. I didnt know letter packets. The idea is simple 1?LTt what, but there is little doubt that it Virginia t iiy tty, and tho j Bn(j th Reuse of keys am the aetlv e where toga I wandered about and enough and it is astonishing it has not has a foundation of Jft this time 1J o'clock in tho forenoon. government of tho been thought of before. It Is really connection It w 111 be recalled that one Tlicro wera seven great Isle of Man. finally got work in a cheap restaurant, remarkable of usbosjdr mm how people with a claim I I one There and. there Interfor A few wprjced excuse for the war waged by Russia tho days for to sjmeial driver, and while the four horses good style have hitherto been conIn reference to the laws, and that nothing and the thing failed. I don't tent against Turkey was to protect the worn being watered at a creek cross- est with the minimum payment for i that all tews passed by the house of hardly know .Low 1 lived along tin istians and redress their wrongs ing the road Joe called for the the of their letters. In all carriage I. for are sent after know pa, tha but that last night keys that, This recent outrage may give rise to and to vtesoend. i had a' seat with when that hus been royal assent, was wandering about the streets. other matters a certain redundance then the a protest from the powers against wngers secured the driver, and Jm Called mo by name has been an essential of polite atten1m formally read in the Tho air was cold and I was hungry. Turkey, and it ought to load to rail as he called me down. It was tho law must tion, but in the matter of postage the was and There Manx no I me for and English cal reforms in the Turkish govern place open languages on first hold-u- p most no one fora and year, exquisite have missed or deliberIn went hill into a saloon. I knew it was tho ojwn air," where inent. The bust way to reform the wua for it. As fat as we Tynwald w rong to Ignored an easy distinction from ately council tho... and the into the where but Is form of go to abolish place, it government Turkey the dropped to the road he looked to see a Tynwald court, before grimy was pennyworths of the vulgar I I to know are the? that go? they become that all wetnton had been herd. We do not pay we should be law a to. for ifood where, tew and, place the girls, go.,. Tbte,.lomdLreading 1 Pmi7mr"MoHE. ptmed aiiJ asw eT iip" he" took jssftiou n is the oidestTfijis on beds are provided for them, but they ashamed to pay the necessary president of tha republic of Brazilian between us and the vehicle. He had at Tynwald a when meagre he old takes was in are shilling 1417 while far record; off, saloon is the always and has been May, was inaugurated without any of a us to the door of our friend and on mellow voim, and there was continued ever since. The 6th day of always at hand. You have to hunt to the riot or disorder .which had been no clear, menace In his eech as be said. occasions of ceremony the cab at any in find each tho bad ones is but the the good of July year places, lie succeeds General day public predicted. Gentlemen. I have failed at'gam-blinof stand of in the price is taboo. Who would dream of front I don't law's, proclamation bv always lvixoto whose administration has you. and digging. 1 am the houaj of key a. know, why' this should be so. but it is. rattling into a court ceremonial in a been turbulent and costly but leaves now prospecting , and yet who would not going to try this profession for The coat of arms of this isle is three A number of men were in the the new republlo stable. The change awbiio. 1 I want your money. to even the throne propresume In man of approach a and one of a circle. legs The motto, them, sitting at is chiefly notable from the fact that pose to rob you in a genteel way. lse translated, reads: Tis incona table, told me to sit down and hare beneath a penny Damp Whithersoever IVixoto a a aoldicr naturally pushed me like a gentleman and I will resport thrown, I shall stand. sistent. But now the inconsistency is 1 told him that I wanted drink. 'JTie Munxmcn me thesis to the front, while military Mr. Blank to be abated. The! mere penny stamp your tendings in return. rather enjoy the Moraes being a civilian promises to here nothing to drink, but I would like to is to is my friend, but tin ier the cir- apparently be ralegated to bare business reeat.-- . He ordered for have to crest, business something a everywhere yotrturn administration, and cumstances he will shell out with the give , For the rest, quirements. whetherI and ami ate a at then your he something steamboat, a pay special attention to developing rot of you. I will now ask him to Bill mire civility, twomean s a a insisted coach. I until a railroad, drank gte-- of beer. the material resource of the country flag or on thu winme to each ouo of you in rota- dows of the y dont know how many glasses I pence a compliment stores, there you are the ami extending its bommeree with tion. a toucin and three friendly I know but that must fourpence have Inns. drank, it other list leg. Joe took from rn c n ty tl ar I hud Tend of the Manx cats without been a good many, for 1 recollect try- warm regard.Tite innovation waA not received gold plows, and then i introduced him tail anti thought it .a joke; but, sure ing to dance, i sang Prksiofat Andrews, of Brown uni- to a Mr. Hascomb, who to a struggle. Many of the very without happened the cat and here are me enough, made without tails country songs, they versity, declares that tha recent Czar stand next to him. They slumk hands best families held out for some time, I and saw without several drink more. I don't know when I was the wirkedest man alive. This is and said that they were pleased to see each ful member." Some ladies of our grace- loft them. The npxt thing I know I but the awful word, shabbiness was unreason. Ho acted according to his other, and Mr. Hascomb handed out pjrty too much for them. Besides, the relights, whleh were dim. Jio was 1 1!0 in gold. So It went clear down why had not seen tho Manx rat was shaken by a policeman in the of penny stamps became senwere cipients father doubtful of the truth-o- f park." taught that hl highest duty waste the line, the roblx-to every sitive. As soon send half a sheet of trusting our a ttrao was ami It vvq 1ml before to accomthe the report of long autocratic justhe man's preserve power to hand over his entire thorn to tin house w hero the cat tice said anything llo sat looking at note paper, or dock the Esq. from a throne.and he was rendered inespabla boodle. integrity In tin's instance I believe pany lived, and after1 a dose examination the girl, at her torn gown, at tha leaves man's name, as post to him with a Inherited by h training ambabo-b- y one of us did, as he got about canto The refined people ' believer in the tailless In her hair penny' stamp. debu ts, of. recognizing )j!h duty to his every s $1,500 from the crowd, Ho did not cat. Iawaywho would not have conformed to the You don't think want to be a bad woman new dont improved people, whleh is plain to ail who have k for watches or jewelry, and when fashion for display for the world, tho absence of the tail. Some peodo he asked. by lived tn tha atmosphere of modern civyou? some one told him that he had e fehe looked up at him with a quick did so for the sake of their correspondple say this strange act of mature exilization and who are unprejudiced by did ver, who' stood boldents. Men bit their Ups with humilistage a to the dt' tern! also. r The Interests. surprised glance, and tears were Jn ation when the personal crime, tho ing the leaders by tho hits, he laughed ' servant entered with a The Manx Xo. her What sir, she said. eyes. great wickedness 'which President and called out: languagj, like tho penny letter. And a decent paaann of jmrient language fa. How- much caslv have Jotrgorby passing away, and in a generation it it. 1 know that Im not very smart, would as soon have thought of asking Vangs to organized society. you, Sam? will be one of the (load language, enbut I can work if I have the chance." for a farthing change ip a drapers About Aft," tho driver, as joyed And yon shall have the chance," shop as for a penny stamp in a only by scholars. I met an old M. Vaxofubilt must Jty careful ho produced the replied eoin. woman on the the sldo of a sellSit down over mountain justice answered. You are too small Jwy bo l?rlnlf", the miserable and I ing milk, cake and The tenpenny limit the Woman of picking, there.' Las and aY, ginger ns. lie Imported know you, have a wife and a clulj to among Good Family had fixed was boon exafter some Are send me to to about asking you going tho questions jail?" several of tho varmints" for his esNow,, gentlemen, I dont support No, I'm going to send you out to ceeded, says .the Fall Mall Budget. tate near Asheville, N. C, and United' want your firearms, and I don't locality I learned from her that the children were not learning the Manx my house, and I hope that hereafter Tha little story of Lady Tooting and States Consul Kckfoid, at Kingston, believe any of you will be fool enough and that only the middle-age- d youll not find the good places so far Lady Shadweli is typical of what haplanguage, sends out a not of warnTng which to fire on me when you get hold of old people spoke it. she away and the bad ones so dose at pened. As the reader is aware, these and ought to induce the government to de- them. Illo into the coa-- h and drive said her ladies were social competitors. New, children only spoke the Kng hand," ltoid the creatures, pr at Joust, keep ahead. Should you meet with another issued invitations Lady ShadwelL-ha- d was anxious iish.I a to hook In get them under dose 'surveillance. Tho gentleman in the sumo to her garden party .with shilling flaw Cubans Cstrk Tort tea. profession It Manx, but could not find vre lathe consul informs us tliat tho .mongooso will console you to realize that In the neighborhood of. Cuba a raot stamps a rather magnificent innovayou stores, T he old w oman referred to was brought to Jamaica for the pur- have no cash to be robbed method of securing turtles is tion. Lady Tooting accepted with of, showed peculiar me old an bible In Manx, pose of ridding the country of rata it After a second robbery he was so which I pursued. They train", or at least take half a crown, and followed up with tried to buy, but she said no srformed its mission in a highly satof the instincts of certain her own garden party at no less than vigorously pursued that he had to money oouid advantage ; her bible. It bad buy isfactory manner, but by that time abandon the Silver City route, but in fish. The fish is called by five shillings per invitation. Thereof species to her father' belonged t there we.-- so many mongooses, or the course of a the Spaniards reve (meaning reversed), upon I ady Shadweli showed what a couple of weeks he as earn the mongeese, may bd, that was heard of up in the Humboldt because its back itTusually taken for its really clever woman she is; she lXoelort, Japan they ate up pretty near everything valley. Ilia advent was characterized From tabular stamp and, sea belly. It has an oval plate attached jumped the statement published else in sight. by a fete w hlch has no peer in stageto its head, whose surface is traversed curing the pound one, robbed Lady in tho Japan Gazette it that robbing, say a writer in the Detroit Japan has --altogether 39,601 floctore.' by parallel ridges. By this plate it Tooting ot the possibility of retort. In answer to the argumenta .which Free Free. of whom only 10,553 are qualified ou ran firmly adhere to any solid body it Until the bankruptcy of the marquis. humane societies are constantly urging He caught the and the modern principles; the rest, over may choose. The boats which go in Lady Shadweli stuck to the pound, e against vivisection, which is in the Inas they were" about to of turtles each carry a tub con- and really smart people at the utmost just of the quest old total, being terest of Science, tho editor of tho pass each other at 3 o'clovk ln Die of stagers some of these reves. When could only live at her. level, though the native taining purely school, tht chamNew York Medical Record says: afternoon. One had five men and a pions of frogs toenails and buniT, the sleeping turtles are seen they are Lady Tooting tried the very obvious There are said to be over 100,000 men woman and the other four joss and a paper.men, cautiously approached, and as soon as and vulgar expedient of a couple of and boys In this country who go out woman and a boy. are near enough a reve is pounds. judged they with gun. Tjtey mutilate and half Xa z With the drivers there were eleven larks Jtarala. At one time for funeral condolence into the sea. Upon perceiving thrown kill birds, they maim tho rabbits, deer men, and New Y orks public schools now there was a scale something, like the he and the armed, its Instinct teaches to it yet turtle, and other .animals, subjecting them to so suddenly and moved about teach nearly 237,000 children, and swim right toward it and fix itself following; Slight mourning, one ins before they die; they apieared exquisite so swiftly that it was at first supposed there is still a demand for new buildthe creature by its suck- shilling; half mourning, half a crown; upon firmly chase deer into the water and murder there were four or five robbers in ings to bold many more thousands. ing disk. Soopcr would the reve allow deep mourning, five shillings; but it them in their helplessness, they ride tha attack. The drivers no he It was a itself to be pulled to pieces than to fluctuated considerably. paid after frightened foxes aud drive thorn attention to, but he lined SCIENTIFIC BITS. tha nine give up its grip. A ring attached to source of infinite family feuds. And a to death of agonizing exhaustion; they passengers, searched the upfirst and - Coarse wrapping the tail of the fish, in which a string wily chancellor of the exchequer issued hook tip fish by the sensitive mucous made him paper is made the other. go Is It of through fastened, allows the fisherman to a very btj Ush mourning set of stamps, sunflower stalk. membrane of the mouth and tear is said that his haul amounted to $5,000 in his prize. By ' a peculiar with black corners and a slightly bitA Maine woman puli a them from their w ounds. hot and was all in gold coin. He had it heron more than five recently in' height manipulation the re've is pulled off and ter gum. He also issued a series of feet lying oft a blanket in the road when returned to the tub to be ready for stamps up to 10; but this was too The squirrel monkey has s Ax eastern jusper complains that the e, hrgp and the brain in passengers when the is late to catch the fashion, and in order to size his proportion 'there has been a singular dearth of stage rolled away. than use again to secure a market rfmong collectors sighted. animal any except man. invention in naming the small lakes the greater portion of this last issue By never interfering with the mailt - H Was Tlrad. - -- - At sea level an object 1W feet of the country, and find that old Inor express matter, .Gentleman Jog ea had to be burnt high dsvisible a over little 7 Mr. Kickers, at dian names have been deliberately dis- raped making official enemies. Nelthor lhirteea miles. Maria, p. The postal surplus rose to 27,000,-00- 0 500 feet high it ,1s visible nearly can't you go down stairs and bring up carded in order that persons of un- Uncle Sam nor the in the first and went on officials If express Im too tired and rising. They reformed the postoffice the lovely surnames might be honored geo- were much concerned about hunting thirty miles, A thin worn out even to talk. parchment called "glasstne graphically. The Indian names when down a man who did not interfere with ip every possible way, they built ha just com into use As a protection translated urc often found to embdy Mr. Kickers, one hour later at the fleets with the money, lhelr4roperiyvjud juch they reduced pursuit to the of an almost photographic picture of, the was made w bookite ard tv on a CpVers club, chair the income tax to threepence It glossy political dancing In the by sheriffs ended in smoke. and and lakes npon which they are bestowed. transparent Hurrah! Wow! Three cheers for pound. They even got to a universal very durable. In one year the robber held up Aluminum is now worth about What is the. matter with WhtnipDeo-ge- thirteen t fifty Willyum Swipers! stages and tut le a gross haul cents a lenny postage, because, as nobody exwow! Chicago Record. with Imbagog, with Mempbrema-- - of at least 20,000, He was pound. As recently ay eight never cept paupers sent penny letters, it was 89 a pound and a known to enter did not seem to matter. And kg- - Oneida. Cayuga, Femn a. Onontown, and probably: years ago it really v na Didn't Dalle It. , daga. Owawco; Skaoeatelea. Chautaulived alone in the thickets and moun- quarter of a century ago It waa $l& like Jonah's gourd, like the bethen Do you not believe my friend, , qua, Huron. Ukeecholiee, Minnetonka, Any plant, poisonous or. otherwls; , tains. He had a good horse and two leaguer of Prague, like the mists of aid the filinitag, Kandiyohe, Michigan. Winparty, that the the morning, the fashion passed. For revolver, and occassonally apjioarod can be eaxilv destroyed by being' cut nebago, Cheboygan, and so on fur at a mill or- country store to make off just beneath the ground after the only way for a man to succeed is to the sovereign, stamping an envelope throw himself into his work?" ' quantity until tho jaw and tongue fail young leaves have pushed og inA In the dusk, hy some. strange accident I that said cant from sheer exhaustion? Well, I do." say they are thoroughly mvture. ! sent a letter. Ike Born Lady I Chicago You - sea-- 1 am a securedpenny Scientists have determined that the other man. the 'envelope for the office Tite emperor" tel on Mr. O'zone Cant you gat a move more than twenty terrestrial ele- builder of iron jails. window, and wa & undeniably ahead ' China has Issued an eiict tliat horse, driver I'm ateald I'll ments exist in the suns ordering the the news. A day before, the with atmoapitere. Child. Obadlaat be late for tho wedding. protection of all foreigners, especially Among thete are calcium, inaogansve, chancellor of the exchequer had Mother I cannot allow you to play Driver Nlvcr moiuU, mum! Even Btekei, sodium, magnesium., missionaries, but with the exception his fingers a loud, resoundf Japanese vermin." Ho draws the if we mis tite w adding we will be sure Time, cobattralurainum and eop per. with those naughty children, Willie. snapped hydrogen' They are, rough and rude. ing snap in the face of a helpless fine at these as they are making to get there in toitne for the divorce, j Professor Spenc.-- r computes house of commons. A day after, the Willie But you dont mind my fightof Niagara fails at about 32.0ue something of a riot." The world owe years. post office surplus had shriveled liae an with do them, is mother, new It now 8,000 years since Lake Uuron ing you? Japan thanks for this departure exploded bladder. The, government As ladaestaaeati. ' Truth. in Chinese clviliration. j emptied into Lake. Erie for the first . ,he Your father has asked me todttra. resigned. The land has risen about the A Ftaaactal t'aap. And all this came of the princess Lie? Bess.e. Would j him, ntarry outlet of Lake Erie, and If tu pre- you Till new czarTavors greater free You don't-- mean to say that you and her stamp. i eat rets coatiuuas, in .dom of the press. If b should visit ot 0 003 lent Sickles your umbrella?" ltess Yc. indeed. Tapa .sajw we this country he would find the press t;l4 watcr, o( the y Yea. And it was economy to do Ia Plata Pay, n Uk so free on a abort aequatotants) it could live so much bctter.-Bro- okly turBcJ Snto theMi-cents a 1L It saves the twenty-fiv- e I'lato believed that. diamonds were .would make his heal swim. rirer drainage at Chicago formed by a vitrifjing quality im- dav be used to borrow." A COURTEOUS THIEF. sr Thss tsw AmHsu AfTwua h rct ir - -- - vk-e.- home-rol- e - -- W . twenty-f- thrre-halfpenn- 1 y -A- ! -- pr-jw- nsl kcys-onlu-- - m-- J cab-ma- g, pa-e- d -- four-wheel- er 'saloon-drinking- three-legg- ed three-half-pen- ce fte-c- twopence-half-penn- fmu-f.- wc -- 11 - - 1 r ( 1 piu-s- y Pliney says is the hardest as well aa valuable of tho precious HUuiesand that it can only be softened by iiqmcreing it seven days and seven nights in goat's blood. Booetius declares lhatthe rubv is a sovereign remedy against the plague and it also drive away evil spirits and bad dreams. NScrapius ascribes to the diamond healing various eruptive disease, and also says that if insures the safely of Die jwaarer ia time great tempests. Babinet says: For all maladies of a nervous character the amethyst is the sure and sovereign cure." that 3 post-offld- e. mdd-fco- oe -- e - -- 0r ten-shilli- ap-a- r two-thir- ds down-stag- - , alt-w- ell next-.turtl- - - star-shine. tils' diamond -- the'-moef ns; ho-power VICTIMS "OF DESERT NUeaJK. THIRStx of Isopl Hava Dial After Moat tiarutattsi fata. HuudrcS tha a march of seventy-fiv- e desert in the southwestern corner- - of our country, says the San Francisco Argonaut, a party of government surveyor counted 350 graves along the- - trail of the victims thirst. At one point a family of eight During miles on one bqrieb TheseJooliah people carried their water supply In large demijohns. The bottles were broken. 'Ike precious fluid was swallowed by the saud. Mother, father, children, lay down beneath a mesquite bush and died the most horrible of deaths. The bodies, broken watef .bottles and dead horses were fouild just as they felL It is' the custom in the desert to bury all bodies and mark the graves with crosses of stone imbedded in the sand. The air on the desert being intensely dry, causes rapid evaporation from the body. Observation proved that nine quarts of w ater daily was needed by one man to prevent the blood from thickening and becoming feverish. Was Kaeh mule'reqnired twenty gaHoTnr One surveyor was without daily. for several hours. He became feverish and Lack of water for a few hours longer would have killed him. This was in a shade temperature of 120 degrees, where the air was almost absolutely dry so that fresh meat, instead of ' putrifying, simply dries up. At one place the surveyors" found the bodies of three prospectors within 100 feet ol a na- tural water that formed in the rocks. To get this water the poor fellows had to climb upward twenty feet or so. Their strength was exhausted. They had been too long without water. And fluid just a here, with the few feet "beyond them, they died." Thirst on the desert is horrible. The victim feels pain between the shoulders. The tongue thickens And feels filled with needle-points- . The painful and, finally, any movement of the body causes excruciating pain. As the blood thickens the brain gives way, and the victim is a raving' maniac. Death soon ends tho suffer ing. light-heade- d. life-givi- eyes-becom- lorgot-tenTh- - portions of pure parted' water by , - 4 Clab Lira. Jones I see some newspaper men have formed a club and called it the Homeless chtbr Does thatEeaa'rtiey have no homes? Smith No;' it only means tliat they will be home less than ever now. Texas Siftings. , -- Ciiut the Other Way. Cleverton Nor that jou are living in the country, I suppose you have fresh milk every day. Dasha way We didn't this morning. , Why mot?" The train -- from town was two hours lata. Life.' PICKINGS FROM THE PRESS. It would take an express train, running continuously at the rate of 3,000 n feet a minute, 283 years to reach from this planet The oldest building in New Jersey, Doughtys tavern, near Vineland, was destroyed by fire lately, it was built by John Doughty about 150 years ago. After consulting with his wife about dying together and his wife'a' reply that she was not ready, Augustus Neary of Green Lake, Wis., bor- rowed a rifle and killed himself. Saint Anthonys body is reported to have been lately stolen from the shrine of Iadua, where it was kept, and was found afterward in a neighboring wood, despoiled of it valuable the-su- ornaments, In the province of Samara, in Russia. eight peasant farmers recently combined to . save the money they owed their laborers; they- - together employed twenty-on- e men, and after paying them the wages agreed upon murdered them all as they lay asleep at noop. FACT -- AND FANCY, -- half-yea- r, fire-shove-l? I ! e, long-haire- Id-- d - min-hases- lesson-learnin- . be-io- re g tbe-ag- e three-halfpenn- , o-- . - a y Mrs. Margaret Ploster, ninety-thre- e years old. of Schenectady, is .a bicycle rider. , A project is on foot in Tyaiihlngton to build ahoteUn the crater of ML Tacoma. Corner lots on Fleet street, Picadillj, and other desirable businesi locations in London are worth $100,000 a front . foot Oruhyatekha is the most distinguished member of the Mohawk tribe. He lives in Toronto, and ia a practicing physician. A Boston naturalist with a tuning' fork- - has1 discovered that crickets chirp in unison, and that their note is ' E natural. the Ry'orderof archbishop of Canterbury," British postmen are pro hibited from delivering-- mails at hi residence on Sunday. - . Many of the residents of Rome, Italy, hare taken up bicycle riding andean be seen daily traversing the historic streets on their wheels. Several books of the second and third centuries have leaden leaves. One such, in the British museum, lias ' . - six leaden leave, clsp. with" . hinges and O ' ' |