Show IIAILnOAD TALK hint salt lle II lInt NprlxTh ttlih Cmn The iherllTe sale 1 olllia Jrul Hall lAke lc lint Bprlngi rullroad hn gall Ineii oiiponed In next Monday and U fa not now probable Ihst the Hale 1 will lake plan lit all The llernd nITiie dar en lint nr otl llon pending for the Mlllemrnt ol the Judmtnt claim are maturlnir llif ctorllr Colonel 1 John Woolmnn who It i heivlly Inter cobol In tlin little road will It It I Mid 011111 return from Ihl Call conk the matter ol r ralilnit milllilont lAoI to liilldal all rlAhll an eaijr one for Mil auoclatei With the rlUn of the company com-pany put on lh rend bade l pro > 4iini the work ol extending the Him irllmunl and InCoahlllo 11I1111 onliT In the railroad newaot the TlIlIIlIe or Tuinlay In npenklmr ol the proportion itlbmltleil by lcneralClnrk to learn nentclllii > n of I Hall IjVo rvUtlvolo Inilldlnic A road In InlhacoaM ea 1 The general known I Inlmvc had nunifrouirouferenoe wllli n ioininltli of the Uhh company avail mi recently a within Iho tail mnnlh but they all seemly l to come to nu brad At bait no remit la intent from them ai yol while Meiir Cnniion Hr nod Jr and the Mrtirt Clayton are In New York nppiitentlr nfifitlmlnu liidrK > nili > nll 0 Ulltli eildrntlr must wrestle I with her out II dllllculllra hitch pro > u ullloni at Deneral Clnrkronn com to olfer nothing that Mould nlfiinl rrllef rom the very roiidlllun they are the > ilKiuil to allot Tor Innlunro on the tcp lreok project Itncral Clarktnn propnied to build onnbailiol tlHUUO per lithe That wnulu re < ulra Ilia road I earn auch large Hied charge that no iNerlnii ol freight ratMijoutd loiiltily IM Indulged Agalnauy loath i ImlMfiig to the coast must hatarailern connec lion with foul or ba I aubwrvlent In a miiiurt to the tyranny ot the Union faclllo and Silo flranile First of all aunt bnconilderadtliB cenntctlo with Coalvllle or some other ilmlllar coal flid Above all other thing builnui men are united laying that It Ii i the Important uiaildoratlon to Holt take people now Our break the power ol taw combine nn coal and there open up before the eye 01 the territory prospect 1 ol trade and commerce with the west aid east and ol Internal development which III ImpoMlbla to treasure UTONIIN sAw WCIIIII While tlentiralClarkion and hit com paiiy InlUlo their own side wllh vain lruiilt to lid loin Iho air nitmhomci 0111 kind that liar llinurn nearly 30 000 mllei QI railroad lulu ivitlxn hand wllli In lieu lut year lomauliu am connervatUa men ul 1 intiini lorry nl home and itil I lolly njw wood 1 In ilrady vndrakure perfect Hlr Klicino to get to Coalvlllii IX tin aborts ot the back en ot the Hall feat A Hut Kprln end 01 the Utah Central rallwayi tbeTrlb use hai ipoken freely UTAH COMItNT AT wince The Utah Company Ii i now > trams ouily mlra > orliiK to get Itself Into po tltloB III conk a sill lurnard The I Marl Cannon and Clayton are In the colt now trying to leouro the necenary fund They are In nvgotlatlnn with flrm which operate In London III wol at New York and It Ii I potilble they iiay iiicnil I Roma ol the hurtle With whom they Ire nriiollatliig and 1 who by low way are merely financial agent are known to ha > < > laid that they rxpvctei no dltnculty In placing kind on n prop 011 lion liuolvlntf the mrmWra ol the Utah Company 1 |