Show DUBU I Mot ItJil I Hoc Kcw orl Christian Advoate Thrr Is I actually nothing the tlesh of alio dog that la I distasteful or repulsive Lowls and Clark tho explorers nlio 1 learned lo eat It through compulsion actually became find ot it In time It It I not generally known that U It I Mill u favorlla artlolaot diet among certain people but a Trench paper tayalhat IYlt tr the number ot I tog slaughtered at tho I abattoir In Munich hns InrrcDtrd amatngly In the past few months TIo t taslo fordoga llesh litald tohave becu Imported by Italian laborcra who have reicutl ionio In large number to the llatarlan capital Iho meat I not ut d only at an adulterant for aauiagea but It eatin openly under It on n name prepared ffr various wuyo |