Show Unit ThUT We offer One Hundred Dollars rewnn foreSely case of Catnrrh that Call not be 1 cured Ly 1 > Ilalfn OUrrh Cure 9c rU u ckrTulMO F J CHKNKY fc CO Toledo OWe O-We the unilerslKiKHl have known P J Cheney for ilia last 19 years and believe him rfKlly Imnornblo In Ml builneo transactions hall fluauelMIr all < to carryout carry-out ny obligation mad by l their Arm VT Tot Tousle Wholesale Druggists Toledo To-ledo O Wiimxo KIXNIX ti llinvix wholesale llruraliti TuMo I 0 Wll I falloCatarr Cure Is taken Internally acting directly > OO tlio blood and murou tortacra of the system Testimonials sent free Price Ca per bottle BoM by 1 > aU Druggists IlsUs Family Illli SV Washington Klan Txeute me said Meandering Mike an he paimd III the kitchen door bait heY yast got uny work ye want alone In exchange for co1 < vittles Ye was the prompt reply hAil right wa the reply lIa he turned away flood day What made you ask the question1 I Well sometime I meet men that I want ter work for cold vlttte nn Im so him hearted that I like ter be able ter toll cm where they kin be accomme dated Christmas rmeull free With the tint cold map come Bought of Liked holiday teuton and hew to get the money la buy prcstn for friend t relative I C pressent4 i present may bei obtained entirely Ireo otcoitbr drinking Won coffee arid then mall I the large lion heads cut from Lion coTce wrapper to I the Uoolion Kplca company Toledo Oln > heir Hit of present coniprlw alie assortment of picture I book a Irrelta I jama etc especially a fine picture Meditation malted In exchanEe for eighteen large lion head lleslde getting these present you nloo get the finest coffee la the world by uklllr Lion coffee told ItI 1n one pound rO ohno l nickaget If your dealer haint an Illuitrated Premium List tend you address oil a postal cord to the firm I above named I fbo things that do the most to male III happy do not toit money u Highest or all In Leavening Power Latest US Govt Report RoY Powd6r 4BS9LIJIEI PURE 11yodmIdArroare like blllor They Dr looll > ut Joe person treat heansor is alum shoso OIIID lidLess I lid-Less the courage in 10 old mAId rather than IlIortLroktll IT I It t Alwafam Lord thelas withILO Ulan lObo drlka16 oil It a A AROL 1411t seven Penstailviolla IOS m Ialo t n q r DI with ter or 4le I or little = tj KNOWLEDGE Bring comfort Improvement find lends to pcnonal enjoyment when rightly uses Tie many vaho live Utter Ut-ter than others and enjoy life more with less expenditure by moro promptly Adopting s tile of plylcal world being belt product will atleit to tbe value to health ot the pure liquid Jixillve principle cmbncid In tile remedy Syrup ot Figs I III excellence l is I due to III presenting In the form mot acceptable and plea ant to the taite Ibo lefruhlug and truly beneficial properties of rtrrfcl In alhe effectually cleaning Hit fstem di Hlllng cold headache and fever and permanently cuilug constipation It bM Riven satisfactionlo tnlllloni and rJ dil 11f 11 ftlhe11 met with the approval ot the medical nroffMlon because It act on the Kid ieji UvcSr and llowcl without weaken weak-en ng them awl It la I perfectly Ircu from objectionable Bubitance every syrup of rip Is 1 for ale by all djn rltiln 60o an < r li bottlM bil It li mau ufaiturcd by the California Fig flyrup Co only who name li printed every package alao the name Syrup of Firs well Informed you will out and being ifd accept any substitute if offered I vulow all wrimen 1 that there is one rheumatic neuralgic Bciatic and allpain I remedy as harmMs as water and sure as ta sJt is I 81 Jacobs Oilused by everylody so1d everywhere C18 Centers lilim Ittli4bMintioldbrit It will bratoll UP ktid saii1atift II UU l MitJu > lIt l Tire MroncMotii frequently Coven a rl gantlet gan-tlet shift and a CheapJohn luirt plants tiown MAIT 0101 drasele6ttorls I Iaw ativarat lion oduats land do1 roro valerrar It stele It lh Tlbjr la Cullliif Teeth 8 to d ask 04 lhal > 14 owl IrtH recover lisa uiunl SJOTNIW tist r tp r CIlUn totAloe Innth I In grace T never promoted by watt hing fur faults In Atheist n n IIIHIsM Tout enin < biiit far isle ehep Allil lour suld rood IL C Asui tllH i Nth r Uro ba Net Mllon blind taw more thou others with 1lb rje i 111 IWi run for Coii < iiiiiikia eure1 a vim at 1neuiniinlt Afeltr 1110 faulty I dixlorjctv up ill laulopM F Mclikateris UuuohiRt 5M ornnnot do any man A greater wronj 3 total than to lillaijildtle 11 up N Society women often reel the efTttt of too much Evcty tall theatres and teat In rapid I nccenloa find them worn out orb or-b Otun down by I k II the end of the sei I fJ soa They guilty liJ rom nerut3Hei lc plessnei Paul t ire ullfftltll The I smile and good iplilt I take flight U Is l time to au > ct hLIn I the bitp offiied In Doctor Jletee Ka voilto PicicTititlon Its n mcdlciie which was discovered and used Lrn a pMttlnrnt fi el lfl tibyilclan for manr jtan In all cawi of female rcimtilalnt 1 cold tile nervous uii ord ere which arlH fsgut It The Ite Krlptlou 11 It a poHcrful uterine torld and nervine I ciixcbllr I aOintcd to woman delicate I want kifur f regulate promote all the natural fuuctloui build uj Invlf eratet and cum > Wany women suffor from nervous larati trattonsterechoustionowain coniutltm or to dtsoTilcv of tin M t laV fuurtlons Tlq waMe nnxlucn 1 should be nulctlT gel rl < l or Ibe tool source of Irritation relieved and the irnlein Int orated with tbe Tre icrlptlon Do not take the 10 called celery compounds and uirvlnei which only PII > tha nerve lo sleep but ret a laiilnir iiirr will Dr Plern l 1ivorlto lnaerlrll1J II FCALn WRAKNCSS Slack WIIIIAU Hooves of Ittltillle R11410 aid Co 0410 ftoft 1 ball lpecti i 6 i mat sufferer from fenite wcaLncs I tried three doctor doc-tor they did 1 mi no good C1 thought ITT an invalid fur ever Hut I heArd of Dr Hem Ia I vorlte 1rescrlptiun A and then I wrote to r lduIw en him Atilt lie told mea lull bow me-a take It j 001 ltoolcelUlbottlea I < i I now feel enllrelv u I I will I could itainl Waalloovi I on my feet only a holt time and now 1 do all my work for lay hully of eve WALTER R BAKER GO The Larlt Manufacturer ot ft PURE HIGH CRADn COCOAS Aim CHOCOLATES 0111110 CKSIlutl 1 no ltl 14 7 HIGHEST AWARDS Ml Ul slack Induslrlal and food EXPOSITIONS I In EUNPO and America t i I i = rM aid I law rs PAN o < iJf IJ 10LD ay ORo < tRIIVIRTWHUL WALTER BAKER CO CORCHESTIRMAS Sin S-in io es rue oulir sure cure lot riles worms la harsell knoon Nlekeut llo < baler Cure litiVer alls to ueilror worms In I horsed base nbttn di k ur ems uu eirellrnt remedy forslou louts t114 sixty centilk Up United > te IW IIMe > lid I isA will seud W uialL Cut title out take U tout u I gatt3pblblMtlttY rI qhlr A lor II W as presespaild it II tTJIY1tt rood lIpld N II 0 Mention OIon of parr Patents TradeMarks II I rianlulM I l AllU 1 l te W rUlMHI > or lainlUih a S o4 r r ln hlen luld fir Mew OUS SI 111 lUSStHUlKL TidESSTW 3 C I f s U BPgQEPILEPSY B EL O u IM I vebU CIIIIIU Oser to tilde ido earn I It idtWe P46 bas siony Ukase yea We loted I 3 i I o end on yo IJ941 I kill 1 esi = n v r LIUM l11IJ I r I iiJI C Jli u dWilIUf I I IFNTM11421 I 2 11 tl CLAIM I S 1111alloolI T A I kVCf r0RDA11 I7 e ta Isiss tbey I fIloapfvmpttlLy P 111mrson Wblolo PATENTS 11440n 11lt r I Until ratultow IR1 L 4 446 illaipsaWth cad tka tVNirOniMlu4H 1HIII A w riur Autooriessouvalt Willy tltOiou this v4per |