Show THE LOST ST ELFAS TIIAT MOUNTAIN UBLONOB TO r THE uniTIBH nnl IIIeu 7 01 Ia onmnunn I soc veyars I Ih ltasnlory mneun5 lmtac neal 1I1t1h ApsasrIra An Aintrlnn flol nm r lh Top Uncle Sam ha lotl the hlghmt lump of land In hln Ioeoreeiitns No It J II r ol longer cun tlm LnlUxt Slatm Halm tu hold tlm Ijlggent muuntaln In North Am0rl0a Hie tnlloit bit of tarrilory thin Ma the North Atlunlli hat iwen odjndgnt the prtn fty cut ltr < nt llrllaln Mt tffi Inn tlm now rrownM monarvh of the Alankan I mountain no longer Maud upon American mill Not that It ha < him moved Iven Knglapd with all her loaohaI l pron 0s5 would Imnlly undertake to carry It away t1 fl tho lnJ ha llfdd II In another canon Itnr orr claitlu boundary Him Imvn Ncn 1 ilrotihcd no thai they now nurrnund HIM majintln mountain and M Kllai b lost to no forovrr Tlie meinbor of Iho llId nuriey parly cnl lit confer with ixpnwulu tile of tbo tato department nt Kim land with n dow to olTrclually locating loca-ting tins boundary linn ol Alaska limn returned to Wathlnglon Iho illtlc Ion ha lxen definitely fixed ul the oin > InindiVd sisal fortyflnl meridian of longitude Ml St Kiln elsnln Jllot halt a degree enttof Otis nnd Ihurerore Ie I within tho llrltMi JKIV I iwwlon In 1HI17 when thai fnld l Mute night Iho v4 country ot Alaska truant lltimlit ul a prlco of Ion than hllll A cant per ture It ns n < bellovwl that the famoii t > euk nf the Cimlll Iron moiintulii wu Irl of a johlot Although has laud 10 I barren and un I produitlve It ha n iiunl lino nf user IHUOU mile which I more than nil Ibo rmt of the United Male put together to-gether ran Imatt and with a ptnnaclo raaolilng nearer lo heaven than unj other slot whern Old Will might In l ilanUil I It Mil not thought n bad iargaln Hut ever rdiico trouble hIlt arlMii wIth Knglnnl I in to iheru I hn rule eiultil nml thin land nf llbcrlj toinmenoml Now llths U I xrttled nml we an mlnti otirrtur mountain llchrlng liuxlgutnr lh > l olghteil tho llolihol bhopku or lireut Teak on St Illa slay 1741 I Ilciut IU name Slots then niimoiiniii ox jilnrani hnto attetnpteU to Kalo its nowy height Ac jet no Intrepid traveler hat rcuchcil Its mnnmlt In lOSt an Kngllh expedition rom > mandcil by Mr W II Topham reached an altitude of IIIIUI I feel At thlt jxilnt Mr William William 01 Now IonIon a onto Vankeo who ue J coni > nnlixl tho lorIS deio lle < l n lln I Iwx containing n Hug of Ito Lnlted > ll Alllinunli Urn llrllll I n Krablwd tho I land It will probublt i i bo Homo tlini bdforo they can nRcetid lit ley sloinno and tear down tho cUte sinai iitrlpeii which William plunletl Ihrrn In 1891 1rofflMor I O Unwell In than Intorml of hun Nnllonnl geogranh hal oelely uf Amerlea nmarrtsmlasI I In reaching nn cloiallnn of 11800 feot Tho latent mirvey Jllal locnpkleil llxttri the ruiumll ut IROit fut nlxiru sara 10yl M lube U over 103J feet IIIUu loan Mu lllnne tlm king of the Alp In ruroiM And It I miij Iweome till hili her When Mr Uunmll luetunxl before tho National geographical fwloty iiHin ide exploration 1ixifiNwir ill bait ttt jyMilogUt eiune to tha con clayton that the mountain at Alin lire vory joung that In I of eomnir ntUely iweunt fortnalum Ho losceti tile upltilon on Ihu fact of llm exUtu In thus mountain formation of IIILI Idontleal with thoxo In thom wutorn of AhiHkn cull today Ho Intel nnl that thn prore ot mountain making wai not In anutent at Is t eupK > il I nnd Unit their tiplivniul Inlnngod 10 our iinwent geolnglciil iwrlml hiirelv If Mt bt rlliit in I Dtlll 101111 P I may 1lIlfi l grow It Is I quIte rnglUh you I know now mil thai may mnku It ioko IU now a little higher An a rule AumrliHiiiiiouiitiiliiH lmv n tnndatiov to go bark uiun Ih tsue tl tnnlo of their nltltu li > uuulu by onrly nurruyoi1 Ml lIneal l In Oregonpru vMs it sauce In point U wa origin ally Mt down 50 I700U In height but by rooant ubMirer tol tin rnulually been writ ton down to 1JUUU A farmer farm-er who thom nt Iho foot nf Mt Hood wn II U munli unnniml lit limo Uilll tlliiff lut > hit l ro t earthlveii i > Ho i ft M hAt If tolentlflu mUll k1 J > gglnif nway nt the mountain tlm commit I wnuld soon Kidmn notliln nioro than a holo lu thin gniuiiJ Now Dial Uncle bum lint lost St Illm lass tntut ilmp Imli pride KOIIIO StfOO odd font lu thin matter ut mount main i sinaI illl bunk upon I Mt llronn of 1 tho KoektoB Hen he may wliltlh hU ticlc nt nn altltUdu of lAOOO feets nml brag that ho In I lit foot ulxno Ihu tulliwt f Ml i nil OI rurupK Mount Wliltiiay In California olImlM Itpa I next lilglumt ol hU posse sloan It reached lOOO feet and llUotf IVnk In LoloraJo meutiireii aliovo pail leol lliliu foot SuitIng uMila their recent aiiiulnltlon the tIt Ut of HrltUh I proi rty la Tenorlllo of thom CanarY UlaniU uhlcli tiinminto I ittOt i it feet whllo r ngluml hurMilf cannot can-not rnhw her own head out of tho wn muro than 1000 feetut Hun Nevi and nftOO at thin kuinmll of Nnowilon The lint nf tlmso la I In Scotland nnd thin Mfond In Valon Wo can mill gIna the old country n whipping In the matter of mountain Anjway U b ntl factory tolaxo arrived nt a thorough definition of oar boundary line and It In I jMirliap I llttlo ktiowu that Alaska moo now XII XI-I nlnu tlmot tho ulto ot tho Now Ung land ttates twlco tha soizo of Texat natal thivo ttino larger than California I It itrotchci morn than lOOu lUll = f nin north lo > o ih nnl J H I VI nan 1land soak > ll I intnl IM Imlfnm point of u tmiht line eamiuno III I nltod Slate R lIllie wet of Sin I rsncforo Point llanow In the North I ucss L talc I Kox In Clue South urv ma i em > dIstant from each other as tbr north of Maine and the end of llorldo |