Show H7MT WK NUKIl lien prlne on wu hope to ice InCvilvlll a concerted iiiuiiiiicnton the rift ol llieVoplt IIr l Hiiainilt county In the Olrpctlun ul homo cnterprlie Vn need liras to put In water work or prey will iti I put In 1y otlicri and the cHlrcn 01 lltl city sod anuntjr will Iw roinpullnl toilmirii III < icxxiiihe Inuilo In thin nay of n high water lox Iruin wlildi they will got nu Uncnt Tin water power will In I m ninny older thing nidi ao clrclrlo llghtf m ll manillAClarlr and lither itiilnprlrni which will also l bo iulieil lijr jollier II 1 the clllirni hero do not lake ltinttiga ol the pHtlunHI 1 ollercil them WH need vtoolWouilnif pl < nn other enlcrprlia wlilcli II long nrittaclotl will to I oiUbtlilifil iiiollior pert of the territory unit which will draw from Summit wunljr unit vicinity > itemljr tream nt money that buM In kopt ad circulated wllhm I the border 01 our county Wu alto netil time tv Mil + of Mi-l employment wlilrli them enterprlioi will open to furnish labor loamy employed man andwoman lining IB our auldet n1dWe We need a telephone lervlce tint we roar not be deprived of communication with ontild point unltM wa retort to tfha < expnilra UlrRraphlo aortic and 4lil we could have hill ere tlili at a oulral expense If only a ma sad uhlleJ action lad hewn taken It must be looked after In the early prlng forth for-th ufTer now punted will not to held spell forever Ve need a itockialieri ainovtallon that the > protection they should have can In given them i and tint too at such illgiit Ixpuni that our tock vrowert would not eel tin lumlon Wo need stony muru tlilnji and Till Twca will from time to tune keep ill reader In mind of limo feel Vu hnvuutxry reason to diet lliat a county air will Ui held next fall end I U 111TIIITulla l will claim Hi share of credit for working It up |