Show TUB CITV COUNCIL rrurrrillur or err AilJiurnM hII1f llrlil ytnUlay M lil The Council 1 WA called to order Mnjor Wnlil In the chair all mem toes bel nUJItlnt On inutlun of Connellmaii Illrtt Couuviliwui Wilde Will apKilnt l mere tarn for thoevenliiK Prayer tar offirad by Cuunfiiliiian Chappul Ulnatm s f tin I reeular meeting In Id 1 Hootinberllrd I 1 ww raid and nppnirenl I intliiillng the lallawliiK reiotailiin ni vonduleiiv MIII1 < nt hut I mooting WIIUUKUI The home of Couiirllmnn Clark 1 Ima been vlilie1 by death I de I lhllIl lulu nf hU dearly beloved w Ito lull f fHtml 1101 Than sun hili Minn iiiglnlHrK uitln tit nuiirll nf I CmilvillCjly lnn I > 101 i xlrew mr nviiipntliv In hl great brvumuivill mill ui a mark of upcilul rap > et to him I mid hu family tin mrolluw ntumU udjounxxl till i I Man da 1 v IMiiini IMunilwr IDth Tin folloning tillii were the hryuneI of Ciwlvllli Coop for nJ3l roforrwl to OIlllllllllCIIII ulalllll A Uiiilianan wnton fltll alloned liuid lrl b > tfti IW ulkmoil Lmu W limo fur making roll ISO allowod June Welch for liimbur fl31 allotted I VA lU > niibl service at deputy munh l 1b allowed l J II ynlt jn < 0tvs rcftrrrdto corn nilttiTon claim with power to act The report of the city sexton wn read and approved Tbo report of the city trtainrer wai referred to the committee finance The bill of John Wllllann was referred to the committee on streets alley and bridge The I nppllcntlon of Jnhn Ilarton for II nyof 13ern 0r1 lie petition I of city recorder was read and on motion Councilman Hint Mi Ilarton was appointed recorder Cavucllman Chapel reported the bill of J IIIi Hall and ncemnended that the bill for VSl he paid Carted thT lt f1cJi Tkeqneitlenon the land entry wit thin brought forward and tho question of lelllnc tots fully dlicuited The location of the new street lamps was ales fully I dlicuried Thjtaimol lOOwai allowed David Krliby for the extra light Adjourned Deuedlctlon by J Jl Wild |