Show 8itW tU t 101 l If I our + f4L ° 11 iM dry botrkln iiWie 1 livltooJlIlthll parthrbkt h ° 1fFlt rc An order froth m tttmrLmorfi jl t wlllloaIUQ oJtu iI 1 P mow jIF TUlffofIIt vast iioNf mer t Wrfw DrPtkctsi C r I11A Uakltfg Pc0a6r Awird Gold Meld MUwlnlit FI San Frtulito I I Mrs Ell zen a A Freen Ivy Poisoning Eight Years of Suffering Perfect Cure by Hood Baranpnrllla a L flood 4 90 Lowell HUM Dear sunWe i have tried Hood Bump rtn and ea4 Ie to be all rOIl status for II Mr wife wu poboQsii Ljr Irr wn n young1 woman add for slot year WM troubled very itaura Hoods Cures with the breaking oat and terrible Itohlnful turning I thought hers was As bad a ease M anyone ever bad gin HM Ja ttill ityiUtiiliur on4IUoa every year until silo b tell to Uk Hx > 4i tjagaparina oaten has efoteJ a jr feet euro irltbout hearing any cars and she has had btilNo 3ljn of the Poison Snco Bh U will mil > natty J have taken Iloodl I Bampailll aftfr Mil srfo r wltti Sool re utlS i4 UT also hives life our tJut vMMrVh Ire art Hplotur < or1 perfect health ddJ uwi It ta oods SUkpar11J1 J0iuYarW fan r1t I frh1n1i Blobtnkr i Mtth tint LI d9h0 n u a aa I Hpbcra Pills alp banjnu4 epry 1 perfect In ptgyorltgafA0kuadee Sec ptr box 0 1f HERE GUNNII II Slic J li lcc t fSUJIlI1ilGQa s tP jIdtt t9lla I7vd1tj in i t tlt1111i1R C1 p 1 IIl1W IInu trAIl PIUTY EIrl + ylte II UrO SUr ltou trl r utltt4 A oUti 1 l > Tlcl < Bow tu UoftivlUt Summit Co Cub I THE ALWAYS RELIABLE Cash Bargain Store To tho Fromt Again With Another List of Unmatched Seasonable BARG INS We have some Gneat Drives that Must be Closed Out in the Next 45 Days a Notice Prices Carefully HOME MADE FLANNELS AND BOOTS AND SHOES BLANKETS Hero are some Hummers that our Competitors Fruit Offering I Home Made White Opera do not phase bit Manuel 321111 wide per yd 1 425 worth f 60 Home made blue Opera Flan Mens Henderson champion itcl 30 ins wide per yd 35 of 55 pegged Hoots per pair fr75 worth fa50 Home made brown Opera Boys Henderson champion Klantul Joins wide per yd 35 a 55 pegged Hoots per pair r6o II 335 I Home made garnet Opera Mens Henderson calf Chal Flannel tains wide per yd 35 II 55 mcr Hoot warranted solid 250 tt 375 Home made mottled wool Mens Henderson war cry blankets extra sire and dress Shoe congress or weight per pair 575 It 750 lace warranted solid 150 225 Home made grey wool blank Mens Henderson black cat ets extra size and weight work Shoe congress or lace per pair 400 600 warranted solid 145 soo Eastern fine white blankets Ladle Henderson Grasslc per pair 190 II 250 Dongola Kill Shoe patent tip warranted solid 140 200 Homemade yarns and hosiery full line 20 per cent cheaper than last season Childs Henderson caraval grain and Kangaroo calf School Shoes sires 5 to 133 and i to 2 Ladies all wool sleeve 45 90 cents to 1135 per pair Our great wearers lest Jackets each t 75 reg price 125 wear-ers our big sellers 50 Misses half wool red Lined shoes nnd warm house slippers for Jersey UnderVests each 35 75 Indies dancing pumps and embroidered house 50 Misses half wool red slippers for men nil nt reduced prices for the Jersey Undcrlants each 35 II 75 holiday season j 25 Misses long Coils sizes Mens Leather foxed wool boots with Wales 30 to 31 each 350 II 650 Goodyear single buckled over shoes for 250 complete Mens best quality boot same overshoe Every item in our Gents Ladies I over-shoe 1290 complete J and Childrens Underwear Stock is a Ladies and Misses overshoes and rubbers at Bargain Additional orders made on prices that will soon clear out our stock t account of tho largely increased demand A Good Stock of Finer Goods for de-mand on us in these lines have arrived both HOXCB all seasonable at prices > arriv-ed and are now opened up ready for heft will repay yom to call and exam J sale Inner eWe e-We conduct our Shoe Department on princlplesrthat secures us continued patronage from old customers and acjdnow qnes every week We carry onlv good honestvWearresjsting goods seams sewed with silk and linen thread r make l good ourguarantoes in everYinstance I I i 0 GENTS FURNISHING GOODS 1 Meni AtloH Wool Undrvrear warranted flouf dlug and nonslirlnUngj great 1 I value per null 190 re i price oMens o-Mens Heavy NaturalWool Underwear per suit l ioo II 150 Many other grades from 75 cents to la50 per suit all bargains Mens half wool Overshirts each > S 95 cheap at 125 Mens Heavy blue California Flannel each ewv riot I er OJ I j6o j1 7 aa 5 Buy Manuel Overshirts each J J Jr n t 1 J 9 4s It 4 1 35 A big line ofovcrshlt s all equally cheap v > nn 11 batit ma t es M Mens k Wool Fiats each t f t o r r v O rr t + e 400 to 125 Men Fur Hats each s u r + 0 > ra s VIA < 1 TJTTTn jii TTJT Sc to 2SU Silver andiLake View Hats equal 19 Stetsons for r rJ Icsi I eyriJI six different styjes i 1 tt Hoys Fur and Wcbl > Hats in great varieties I i a t Mens Huckf Kid and Wool Gloves and Mittepsj Hcsl line in town to select from > rAot r I 1 1 T ysa NECKWEAR IN PREAT VARIETV r K 1 Windsors ScarfB Bows and FouisinHand sl1 it effects and Latest Styles l 16 per cent below Salt Lake City prices 4 h 3 ffff CLOTHING Mens Lined Duck OiothinetJ475 per suit worth tiEr Samo in odd vests coats and pants < I I t + See our line of Pants and worsted Dress Suits Wo aro strictly iron these Goods and c an sago yOu money OJ u I n a of nnn n 1 I 110 I 1 O Sr S IIIU 11 I 11X111 HI tltlll ITo 11404 1 I-To suit all Tastes Novel pleasing and usefuL Makeyour i purchases early wfijle the stock Is complete sir rr l u w a + r u o ro I DRESS GOODS W carry the < f3rpadh ag Woks t tL MiIltPrf Goods Beautiful Goods that will outwear silk and only45card I 50c peryard worth 80c per yard I I 1 I1111 0 Isla n 11 See our Baby Coats and Bonnets and Ladies Fascinators A Cocci i Stock Below all Competition J > u OJ rj I If Inform 1 r yourserves eXamirte i goods and get prices This isallo we ask to secure all the trade we can hanclleand your l twt ppipion that we are head quartersTb ajues l at lowest prices I r i A ep Scully submitted by the r1 JbJ A4 J N at4A N STORE jI I n n a Is 401 Utah i t > L tviileo iI |