Show Vow lIndow6 Some time ago siinpeettng that tile hired man wait not treating < tar cows no he houhl I niidertook to do the milking myself I found that ono Calla Call-a thoroughbred Jersey begun to lift ono foot from the ground us soon us I begun milking I paid no attention to her save to occasionally stop nnd pet her but she kept on and finally upset tile pall Then also Jumped an It toward to-ward air u blow but InsUadnf the blow that she evidently xpected sho got only kind I word and moro petting Till teemeil to turprlsa her greatly Slid turned her head and after giving mo a good look she began to lick my coat and kept It up until I had finished mllklngt and after a week or HOI HO-I could go In her box stall and net tile pall under her and WILL her without uny trouble And to repay me for my kindness her when I went utter tilt cow In the evening I had only to open tile gate and call her whllo the hired man had to walk after her and drive her to the stable Now I do not belittled there Is ono case In ten thousand thou-sand w hero Iking a cow does any good low uro not by nature vicious and even when they arc mudo toby man tile w ay to conquer them Is not to show them vlclousnesa Just look ut I tile matter In a common Bcnto light A young heifer I brought to the stable with her lIt lilt she naturally thinks I It la I a great event and In I very much excited ex-cited over It when a man comet In with n rope aitft tit pull and after tjlng her limit so Mmrt that niie titan hardly I ne a her alf he lH > gln to pall on her 1 teat They are nf Calumet entire or let 1 M > re and she retenla It and tlm 1 only army site ban of alum Ing her to I ntinent It I by kicking which she I naturally doe And then the owner j begin to Inquire for device for kickIng kick-Ing m a never thinking I that ho hn I i or ought to linvolt he run n dulry I tlia remedy within hnIIIIIIIII I |