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Show WITH TIIE HUMORISTS Lovely Woaua'i Aioiobiltty. Mrs. Jinks If you are bo fond of WILDES "HOT TOUCH THE WON'llER WORKER -- in its capabilities of any part of ths laxly, is persistently misused snd neglected, Is It any wonder that some day nature resents tills treatment and leaves the bftienders In total and 'per- Aa Oddity la Ttmeptacoa. fhe latest among these curious time Impevanloo Eagltahmaas Clover Way piece U constructed a follows: A f Harrowing 1aalMu 4 by Daa. sunflower playing poker, wbydon't yon teach me, of silver protrudes from a AND GOSSIP OF SCIENCE white crystal vase, graceful in shape x CURRENT WITTrCISMS FOR PRO- and spend your Evening at homy? home young American ' who have NEWS AND INDUSTRY. and soberly decorated. 1 he stock is of Jinks Im suppose I should Win? DUCING LAUGHTER. from the other side petual Alaikness? brown gilt, the leaves green, the petals Mr. Jinks I have plenty of money. were discussing the, Englishman's and the heart of tha flower yellow Sit right down. Labor lavrtilloM and of la habit tha genial friendly oxidised. Hour and minute Ahevr Motive Power. What tli lf Arrired Waalont; deeply Mr. Jinks (the next. day) No man money from Americans at borrowing Line home and in I irmtur far Saving marks are engraved around the heart A suburban tram ear line Dluoterrtf In Afrlt-be Don't can understand women. leading They are abroad, aaj 8 the New York Recorder. Klnf Hank The Harmless Saiakri- - out of taris. France, lias been the of this. sunflower, which faces the 'tUat n Winter Suit ilouao and mysteries. lookers-onA ladybird of spotted red hy, sir, my wife insisted Th6 best eeimon of the class by all Koto. scene of some interesting experiments - Jrtaam from th Tills. on my playing poker with., her last odds, said one of the party, "is Willie gni.l apparently rests on the in propulsion. Underneath the body enameled flower on the line dividing the heart night ' Of course 1 won a' pile Irout Wilde, brother of the great (War, of the car are steel tanks or reservoirs from tha petal K Thla pretty insect, . At'RAt OMAKL her. she Well, who .as the here Frank Leslie 'sir, for TEIHEX. 'money SAID paid figured u ith air with a pressure of about which moves imperceptibly by means ctl negative fit tor tilled the colonel,speak- - with a smile on her fsee didn't mind a limited term. Willie he is never Mietlie one hundred and fifty pound to the of a mechanism hidden within the urc, Ir. Bill called or but William, to an pld ne-- t a bit. always s the air has a flower, shows the time. By only a close Caller Beg pardon, but recommends the square Inch. At starting 300 I aw Mr. Willie made a practice of 'touching )JJ gro who had come L.'jfj can one detect the time diabout of temperature degree! inspection process: Houseowners agent; and Lave called every American lie was introduced to following vision on this original dial, which ia moFahrenheit. Into the This passes broken llace the ........ in London within a few hours of their which ia am told for tlmreat tor that furnishes the power. Tha granulated all over, andhollow Mr. Jinks Why dont you go to the meeting. . Ibelie.xe thaihe considered ' nvgat ve., ' tha.-iilcircular that you intend to v i of ig air sbouVThtrty-tline on which the ladybird travels, it of which must be cousumptibu house, as usual? I left the rent money that he was doing the man a favor, a son your r twenty-fouJl'give entirely invisible. intact. , film side pound per' mile on grades, and there for you a week ago, lie never thought of returning money, good education," pounds on level srack. The a 1 metal down. Caller 3.6 Mrs. there." to came him' from upon believe and, doift just Dats whut I justice .'I of the- reservoir the main, oh5 , Tucking School In Spain. plate which has Weight to this form of b does, &ah; I knows Jinks said she gave the money to you that he considered that the man he The jection power. ways of tha schoolmaster in' so that been heated borrowed it of expected it to be rewhut it isterntrug4 last night. Montillana, Province of Granada, Spain, band. ths can touched !r it hardly One of his favorite by meihuda lumed. arohard. The school house in this gle Ciloi.g VTdout lamin' aiTTIS term, ' Many Haad Malta Light Work. ng Wilde The break is then Covered With Canada of, touching was as follow ined da tray bon shan't trarel bar-foplace it uaedii igribafy duf-i' The an tills illustration and hich apTourist melts is represents " balsam, would see American an he readily had (in th summer A been vacation. few Ctahj Polygakny 1 same daya flint rock road dat obcr the introduced to In a restaurant, perhaps up the cracks To give the negative paratus of simple, construction de- ago tha schoolmaster wished to begin longer practiced, 'I am told. did." of the signed to be especially effective in his instruction again and wrote letter more stability, a dod A noble resolution, Stephen. There its a shame. (dejectedly! No, What with p lady or with masculine friends, Canada balsam is large piece whom Wilde did not know. 'Willie put upon the center forming embankments along river, etc. to the villager w ho owned tha grain Only one wife! ! something beautiful in the building, asking politely that Just a trial, thats would enter that restaurant and order of the back of the negative, and a dean The driving engine, on any auitable in tharemove mind that has a, reverence good is one wife? IL Tha answer was un' ' ' alL plate the same size aa the nega- fiatboat, is connected by gears and they drink a a table and at glass then stride for knowledge. Is ycmr-bThe learning expected. peasants, angry at tha ' two clutches melted with Is laid alL over The readily operated How so? boldly over to his victim. He never tive rapidly?" assumption" of th fellow, stormed drums on of end a wind exocss which the the out balsam is w seven spreads sixes called at because him and ould evenly, aside, that hia house, pulled him out into the street "Everything Ex fast e er hoss ken trot, sah. out. ..After eoOling, rope extending outward over pulleys and beat him badly. The excitement tV'v. Javt week he wrft erleUertor his Nothing ever dona. But boas off,. meals look as If he were doing something he being, squeezed - on the a held in fastened soon extended to all the people In the jujtableframewprkplates ire still further aunt dat. libs mo den twenty miles half cooked everything wrong. In were ashamed of, and, in case the said the rear of the boat, the arrangement hamlet, and a larga-mo- b around the edges with strips of Sheplio from xere, an after a while hes gwine the good old days we had pne wife to Victim, had heal'd of his borrowing , being such that as tha rope ia wound men. women and children gathered buttons, another to darn stock- propensities, would give him a better gum paper. ter vi rite ter his udder aunt dat libs aew-ounwound from about the house of th mayor. This upon one drum It ings, another to boss the servants, an- chance to decline. fifty miles away. other. The rope extends front the doughty ruler brought order out of The Fonuftlloo of 1'mL the to do other would old the Wilde Ah, 'A hy doesnt he write to her now? chap, say shoppng. and another two of hi servant Although scientists have for years boat up the embankment and passes chaos A in the presence of all the table, so to chase th schoolmaster out of town! till, he kain'f write so fur yiL lie to attend to the duties of society. the formation of made coul the subject lie will not teach the young idea bow glad you happened to lie here. Ive ken w rite twenty miles fust rate, but I man had some comfort then. to shoot in Montillana this winter. ordered my dinner, and find that Ive of careful invest igationv there is much y tole him not ter write fifty miles till The r left my purse it home, and I dont yet remaining unexplained. Will Work Wall. he got stronger wid his pen. But hes is that Very Little I'm. generally accepted theory in be known to Mrs. the few place. masses of Strongraind (a years lienee) happen gw inctcr git dar, I tell you. Wont be. subare matter doesn't pay to Invite enIt vegetable really me have a I presume you are glad that your Just let fiver," wont you? uo n er year fore dat boy ken get to receptions or dances," in slow to progaged people decomposition, jected "Wildo was absolutely imperturba; dow n at one eend o de guberinent an husband has been nominated. . aid a young society women recently, cess of xi hull they lose oxygen und undisturbed ble when as he dunned. a FaiF Indeed I am. Its just Quest write er letter clar ter de udder eend, for, as a rule, they furnish very lntla don't believe any creditor, from hydrogen much faster than carbon. As like old times before we were married. amusement or entertainment to the come in nature there a sequence bootmaker to bookmaker, ever gave In what way? in general unless it unconscious- Olil Hoy Out ea a Tear. of quests "He knows I have a vote and he's him a moments uneasiness. When time to le an accumulationsome carbon, The Glasgow, Ky., Times is responsiof the "Vhen ha dances, he want to dance New York William J. King, of Buffalo and Nevr which, gradually losing just as devoted as a lover. ble for this: with her, and w hen she dances she who has been living in Loudon water it contained, become lignite, or York, Weekly. Iten.,amin franklin was lately n rushes to dance with him. if they for the last five years, first took up his broxx coal, or, as it is sometimes called break thta rule, they do it under procoal. wood stealing chickens; Thomas Jefa after This, time, passes Wihie-dihim the residencET 'thereStill la tha Bvtlm. ferson bent up for vagrancy; James test, and her eyes are seeking hia eloa state less into moisture, containing to borrow 6 of him. A year with "love and this sort of apolMadison fined for gettingdrunk; Aaron Neighbor How did your daughters honor In becomes quent turn and bituminous. who were ogy: ltnrr had his eye gouged out in a fight; marriage with that foreign count turn or so later King and Wilde, some its character, changing through Pelican of the members both wait with to I want club, dont 'Dearie, out? Zachary Taylor robbed a widow of her of the complicated chemical processes this man. I almost hate bun, but 1 Mrs. Britkrow Her last letter from were on opposite sides of the ring at spoons; John Wesley was caught breakof natures labors toryT nd losing its over match the in a in a suitable framework suppose I must Don't be broken and club, boxing pulley states he all that has her Europe is into a spent store; George Washington ing hydrocarbous, develop Into a dry held in place hy anchor ropes, the hearted, my darling. I'll be by your on trial for attempted outrage; An- money, and she is taking in washing; around tkei ring were gathered all the anthracite. There must have been framework aide ia five minutes, ate. of swells London, younger leading being of such description d drew Jackson was shot in a negro bar- but, then, I presume she washes only in So much nicer when they get of vegetable that it Immense accumulation came now silence to before shifted the the be positions fighters may and become sensible, remarked room; Martin Luther hung himself on for, the nobility. fields coal to matter vast the produce On the up the in to the arena, king, who had been the embankment. New the garden palings while stealing giver of entertainment. of the world, and it baa been sug- along and down runs of the rope are at- York Recorder. dining called across (hiring to W ild Am basket of vegetables, and Napoleon Phytldsa. of nature convulsion gested that Some connected with Doctor Dyspepsia is what ails you. I say, Wilde, when rexyou going to may hare uprooted whole, forest and tached branch rope Bonaparte is breaking rock lor a 3 and when the shovels Fatal Scratch of a Rom Thore. borrowed fiver me or that scrapers, you pay fine in New Orleans. Whats the mat: Patient What do you advise? them into some adjacent valley, flung Mrs. ia the Wilde with by Mary Bannoa died recently at responded, running, engine year ago? Doctor Fee the waiters. with the old boys? where they remained slowly decom- means of devices which throw tha boma of ber son, Joha Bannoa, utmost urbanity; Ah, Mr. King shifting until the dust and debris of the one drum out of fourteen miles north of Nevada, hope to have the pleasure of owing posing gear and the other about and the surrounding earth covered into Mo., from tha scratch of a rose thorn, sir to of one a for the fiver' causes scrapers that you very gear, longtime. ALREADY SUPPLIED. bhe was 93 years and six month old, The assembled nobility and gentry of thdin. Location and environment may be drawn np the embankment and and was np to last Friday morning la how had but have their influence, just England applauded Mr. Wilde's sent! and w hat no one has as automatically damped, while the other good bralth, That morning aba was been able yet ment enthusiastically. scraper is being returned to be filled. working in her roaa bed and scratched to discover. Thu the scrapers travel in opposite the back ef the finger on her right POTATOES HIS ONLY WEAPONS direction, and are alternately filled hand on "h briar, Tha hand soon beThe Harmless laotir. and returned to tlxelr place of came swollen, which spread to tha Uow a llamoroas Kentucky Domini The dreign shown In aeetkra In the emptied Scientific American. shoulder, and the hand and arm bestarting. came discolored, bhe lingered in great Brought tbs Cods Into Hldlcala. illustration, which has been recently One way of combating an evil prao' patented, has already been introduced agony from that time until ber death. Dulrla. ef Mrs. Bannon lived out of any church tiee is to make it ridiculous. It was to a considerable extent, the object of a Recent experiments with dulcin, up to about a year ago, when aha uniby this means that dueling was stopthe device being to break off and cure new meet, indicate that more than ted with the Christian church. This This is accomped in a certain district In Kentucky the tobacco habit. care must bo exercised in its fact created such a sensation that tha ordinary some forty years ago. At that time plished by means of a delusion which use. Dog upon which experiimqxU neighbor for miles sronnd turned out traveling preacher named Bowman, doe not deprive the user of tVic weed" have Wen made die from blood de- to witness tha emersion in Tucker laki strong, muscular man, was conducting Of the pleasure of smoking, but does struction, and seem quite seiuatlve to near ber home. a series of religious meetings in Ken- atvay with ha evil effect of the habit. theeffeeta-o- the drug- ,- Cats die Jrtml Viator Tourist Tickets 3 Is tbs Wabash tucky. At one of them a With it, one smokes a cigar vx ithout the of Railroad brain, as do frog paralysis created a disturb- drawing any sinoke into the month or desperate character be entirely unaf- Art now on taa to all ths w inter resorts of to Rabbits appear ance, and being publicly rebuked by doxva into the lungs, and Hat first so fected bouth, rood reluming until June 1st, by dulcin. As a medicine or an th Bowman sent him a challenge to fight. dexieived by the effect as not to distinH5. Also UsavasT Kxrvastov Ticket to B Is, of course, taken In all food article of was to first The preachers thought points south on excursion dates. Jn adguish the difference. A rubber bulb, Is small It and Railroad to dition above, Rteamvhip quantities. treat the matter with silent contempt. C, Is in free communication with a exceedingly in tb L'mttu biATK ticket to all Then he reflected that dueling was all chamber, D, in the base, with " which highly spoken of as sweetening for and Ecitora, joints at lowest rates. For rat,, reduce to food dedre who for those and in be too common that region, tickets, excursion date and full Informathe stem F, is connected, and by drawflesh, also for diabetic sufferers. tion or a copy of the Horn Keekers Guide, to accept the challenge. ing on the latter the suction causes coll at Wat ash Office, 1003 Farnaro street, As tbo challenged party Bowman sufficient collapse of the bulb or writ A Carious Custom, seHe choice of had the weapons. G, Jf. nhieh ia shown in collapsed form For many years scientist were puzN. W. P. Agt, Omaha. Neb. of large . Irish lected a in the picture to create a , parof the zled mutilation curious at the his oppotial vacuum in the surrounding smoke It was at Dog la Not Bd Lstlng. nent must stand fifteen paces distant, chamber,' B. This draw the smoke skulls of aneknt Peruvians. oxvners of New Y'ork Christian Advocate: Thero and that only one potato at a time, through the small end of the "cigar, Just discovered that the these ore In their lifetime subject to is actually nothing in ths flesh of Jha should be taken from the measure. placed in the tip, A, and when the lips conditions that xvrre attributed to evil dog that is distasteful or repulsive. Journalistic Limitations. Tailor Dont yer vant er nice vinter The desperado was furious, hut are opened In the natural way the exLewis snd Clark, tha explorers, w ho Schoolmate It must be lovely to be Bowman insisted upon his rights as pansion of the bulb forces the sinoke spirits. The skulls were regularly and learned to eat it through compulsion, suit ter keep yer varm? , in order not trepanned M r. Western-N- o; became fond of it in tune. It my wife la going married to a newspaper man. You get the challenged party, and threatened out of a valve, E, immediately below to letunscientifically out.- the devils that possessed the actually is not generally knoxvn that it is still to make it hot for me with a divorce free ticket to all the theaters and to denounce the fellow as a coward If the nostrils, but no smoke comes out suffererIVhe'lher the victims sur- favorite article of diet among certain he made further objections. , Seeing of the mouth. It is impossible to get .nit Sittings. operas, dont yon? vived the operation or went out with people, but a French paper says thai we out Scribbler of never the the no but Mrs. desperscrape way it . Journalistic Intelligence. the evil spirits probably mattered tic tbe number of dogs slaughtered at the' ", ado at last consented. ' go. abattoirs in Munich has Increased Miss Birdie McGinnis, one of, the to the surgeon or the friend. thoout-skirt- s on contest took The place "YYhynot?" amazingly ia the past low months 'ihe 'reiguing-belle- s of Austin, is not a bad We haven't anything to wear,"-- 4 of the town, and almost everytaste for dogs flesh is said to have been Race Boroes. ia Watching she but intellectually lookiug girl, Nexv York Weekly. body in the place turned out to see imported by Italian laborers, who hare rein out A Invention, late brought discount. to a slight subject seconds arranged the come in large numbers to the fun. the Thq recently is a demand, to an imperative sponse At a social gathering she was Bavarian men in position, by the side of two capital. The meat is not us-- d No Reform Now. Likely duced to a distinguished journalist trolley chair to run above a race track. only aa an adulterant for tausages, but measure a each being Little Ethel Mrs. Nexdoor tola In this sit two judgesT ho follow the Is eaten openly, under its own name, from San Antonio. ' d filled with potatoes. horses, and are thus enabled the betAllow me to introduce yon to Mr. mamma that she ought to put her jelprepared in various ways. It one. Bowman threw tbd first lies and preserves In a dark closet. ter to obtain their movements and Scoop, one oJLllie celebrated newspaper In a central spot his struck opponent Little Johnny Thats all right. w riters of the day, said her friend. keep track of the race nt all points. and fell In pieced. A shout of delight The chair is suspended from a roller I didnt know they wrote newspa- There only one dark- closet in this went flurwhich up from tha crowd, one mamma lock and that's the house, seen runs oif a heavy wire." Above that Ive All the newspapers pers. ried the desperado and his potato flew V s VVW me in when Im naughty. is another w ire carrying the electhis Texas Siftings. vere printed. a ido of the mark. Bowman watched The motor is under the current tric -his chance, and every time his oppotD Unanswerable, Tbs Basil Out of Tinea. a brake is operated by fMHCinf 4 tb and chair reftiy puhijshsMi brbjtUseat, -JfeptrtUMut 9t Ul iUiSGl nent stooped for a potato another one Pi! eotitiwi My dear child," said the the f foot ' father, xx ith a shake of his head, hit him In the side, leaving a wet spot " Southern Goide for lS3i on his clothes and then scattering on for Soap. A New must not let this craze, for athletics II eefitefM W M Irttcn from this was in sides. follow hit all The knoxv ththat officers of a hrmm a run to excess. Dont you ia tb Mult, And nWicf tutivHM . In a recent storm ooWiifr 9rm and Fftjuntd Informs (to, way five times; then the sixth potato some to take the majority of athletes live very short it found necessary ship IM idniitfoi U JUdtofeObtnr, he and short him in struck the ribs, no and. MMtWT. 4 livch? r v having protective measures, JUabtanft femoral Pnvuonrfor Arvni, Jay on the grass doubled up with fain Pshaw, paw," retorted the daughoil. they prepared a quantity of strong and in the mouth by smoking any nicotine groaning "Enough. and poured this over tha ter, that is only the men who dont The bystanders went wild with de- in this nay and cancer of the throat soapsuds with tha most Satisriakeenre of themselves. Ballet girls OMAHA waters, troubled light, but Mr. Bowman' looked very and similar troubles caused by smok- factory results. The calming effect dont die yo:.ng, do they? Indianapotaken ' was sober. The ing are simply out of the question. desperado DON'T lis Journal. - , , was not quite equal to oil, but as an home and put to bed, and thero he Scientific American. fS&STOVE' REPAIRS tbe answered it YrY,R purpose alternative EttpheraUm And week. for a more than 1209 Dottglu SL Omaha stayed very well. There are advantages in Oath $! fteefttr Little Dot I hate that girl. when he again appeared he was greet- - Wonders of the a. it? be can oil in that a tj n BOY. If ro Mamma You shouldn't say you hate Li an article ontlie human eye writ- - soap aguinst cF.Bh. sa many joicestliat lifewaa fnreB loti an o " with absolute safety and take writ for oar a fail alt anybody. almost a burden to him. That was ten by Dr. Austin Hint, the following room. far .less of cloth up Ct'alnrvo. eoBtalsinf (ample Little Dot Huh! She isnt anyhe end of dueling in that region. occurs: Viewed a an optical passage ji CLOTHING CO. NEBRASKA . -- Newly Arrived body. , iarXAaak Cor. Ml a atf Poasio instrument, the human eye may well Missionary Well, if A Now LumpwUk. Mamma You shouldnt say hate. Only Allowed 3,833 Hives. be called perfect, for it is an apparatus fashion in this country ever decides to small a. ia. era-- . of most the One of Interesting In Ashantoe no man4s ever allowea contained ln a Little Dot I dislike her then. AC I. to.. less than an inch sit down on the bustle it will have a inventions is a lampwiek made of clay. ai4 Mamina to see one of the kings wives, and in diameter, in globe Thata better, but I hard time doing it. Siftings. Joprenof BrasHe Which is produced an To aiteatloa paid 10 sntar the necessary, porosity, tii kim), Mual Mth produce should he happen, through accident, Image, wouldn't say that, either, U010O0. ea, uta le ora. luia a In jm form and rentable fiber Is thoroughly Incorpo' Little Dot Well, I I dislove her practically perfect to get a glimpse of one of the sacred color, and Social Evolatlaa. adbe which can la afterwhich aecrately DR. rated with the elay, like evi ry thing. he is forthwith put W justed almost instantly for Mis De Fashion (a few year hence; creatures every dis- ward exposed to a high degree of heat. aldeath."-Thlaw of country that You wanted ere at tance the from five inches to infinity, telephone. If TUI 0LT Qulnllng II rr. Down. During thebaking tbe fiber Is entirely lows the king to have 3,333 "help- which is movable in Mrs. De Fashion Oh. dear! I preevery direction, consumed, leaving a multitude of tiny SPECIALIST Little Dick I wanted to say some- sume wives more. These meets and no WHO TUAYSAU to return my lias an area small enough for the deit Mrs. De cells to conduct tbe oil to the flame. thing nice to Miss Antique, so I told telephone call. I Style, PRIVATE DISEASES, hope she wont talk all lixe on two long streets in the eity tection of the most minute details and her sh.e didn't look her age; but I guess of Coomasie, the Ashantee capital, at the same time ' WeakftMi tslerit for the I did wrong 'pause she got sort o huffy. long. iMtontenof A Ooeoo. the quarter occupied by them being appreciation of large enough and objects, Fallv Y'ou go iiran quiet her down a little, large , , reoplod, how ONLY MEN John, k no word a lauudrytnan) Patron (to signifying locally which all shades of enables ns to fervrf nil She Papas chief objection .to you "heaven." winy .so shell be in good humor when killed the that It did Japanese happen lor and to estimate distance, aolWKy HI yir tviHrwA is that you have no occupation. mamma comes in. In battle? (wtte. feoofc Fm and, to some extent the consistency ho many Chinamen that last ' He No occupation? Good gxv. Little Dot lYhat will I say? ths Notee know. In Java the bride washes bigee Maybee John A litfc Fnrtni of objects." And yet this wonderful Little Dick Say she mustnt mind clous! Doesn't be know that I am grooms feet as a token of snbjeetioa. bad run nee. OMAHA, HO makce rain instrument, perhaps the most varied and tell her she does look her age. warning a mustache? - recently-returne- d la Hli - - - -- . par-licul- ar ot uncul-cultivat- oy "1 - a 1 -- A - . -- whip-peiTT- - -- . mar-rie- to the-operat- or, lu well-know- f n de-id- ed half-bush- el po-th- at -- xx . -a, 1 half-busli- el good-6ize- EVERY - HOm V'H E-SEE- Hoae-Secke- . Business Houses. " t Wl-- 1 e r.IcCREW - a -- pi, 1 |