Show i IN UTAHS WIDKN rIrlhtS Alter mljoiirnment of the cokgrex at Denver tkoedltorol the coIvolo n tow week loo trip tliroujli Utah Shed o the raclflu Northwest There Ii u KIn ulna revival ot Irrlgatlun Intenul U I Utah the ctatilc round of I industry thli continent Utah Ii 1 pre arluii her ItlM robe Bho will t > married l to the Union hi thin county ot tha next eighteen montlii Hlie propoiM to mnko ndiiiimlo irovlilon In hr ronitltulloit lor the protection and encouragement of the industry on which her famo and 1001 t parity roots him not only hat the million J mil-lion ncroi nndor thin Corey lair but two or three tliun at inneli more a > tier wedding mrpe nt from Undo Sum It Will lx molt IntTMlIni to oIMno nhnt nw abe makes ol these Imidi 61w his sonic very virile tradlttunii In tha mal trlitigation tier esnalo l were built anJ m no I by her hoopla > Ulf Unit as Mxjulnil 1 In toad liuldmgi True unall irrigated farm la I tits oornertUUie ol the comninnntaUh Judge thou tho-u vr member of the national cammltt for Utah and he promieolo lie a vary I vlgoroui and < T cUe tuinil r lie Ii 1 planning lUle L JJC j out jlQn Owtanllon with nuzlUary ocinlion In every county Utah will bo confronted wllli a unique problem btforo lone Tlili will 4 nriilr llin lilnilniinift ntmtnr of the old illtrhra mid Iliflr rrpl rrinnl by I n I few larger end morn uxmiprhe ln eym lame Thorn w III IM I it Roost cooing III I Mm Annual tnf iiMlnteninw ohllx Ihfl wetl etalrlilwl l 1111 hrin I 1 nee f nn xlll fart 11 I or Mnt tfiMrnt 1 < ol tel irI In Iliv mplnilriiipkixail Thr wilier h lnileite l to Jnde Khiirilltr lot the plm too nl n muit iiioiiuiraltl d l 1 y a iliy b devnlnl Urn drlvrot nvinlv inllm thrmiuli the golden rolleyo and lnlT lIng l-Ing lt monl norlhern Itnh Ir rllnlion lge |