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Show 1 , Univrity of Utah Times, IP Y,'U I? 4 ruled iti will roiive trade sq1 a here liner Jurnc, ayibe.I tliik worhl over. Public opinOU Tht most of I he delegates by hi brother io 8t(Ur6 ibUrillH arestopoing pened m(o11o:j He, in companv'wilti ion la England bus ncently grown fitS Giugs life. Messrs. George and William Carter, evening Burns, Maguire mid Gonqa-rrs Notwith-wandtii- g held an executive final were driving a drove of cattle fiotu a DAILY LIST OF H APPENINCS AND GATHERED BY OUR ALERT 8. Bv. won meeting. the rapidly on the subject, the teilile wurk-eUhi ago, lies wtUs routand to the others are ilui'the field in Wanslrip thia meek, in which lr- PZU1E?.NEWS jyame in tti tournament HuTbuTTwas m'linTngrand ai mod a ing rsinvention all profess Ignorance as the Wnictalllc league. The recent exFWttfrr by a nurwj( tkH) tu T the field bare, Mr. All lh lnpiirtMt KtbU uf the VVtrk Grnud totals Ives, 8,600; Pcheahsr, 5f.- - to the adoption by the delegates periment uf the Bi iti elt government witfs Tin Irnli of Wnk Tm hmrlf they spproie-he-d f the flnam ial and curmirr onriliaiLJa-of a resolution favoring free coinage m CMdf-Wkat CmSohS Smu Ik I.a(l Winter getDff hi hone to let them rmrr Tmwm ritphie duL lamll mm4 a is N ludiu is fiat failure, and the India ,rTT I. Iron that it (tow U sooner ! silver, 4 DiipaUbM off he tliah very Iktit n, IIr proiatble if p gotten Washington, D, C., Dec. 8. The miliresolution will be .in trod need, and that government i at its wits end tarsia the enraged enimal mad for him and BftrivAtr. Taul In Writ IWal tary academy appropriation reported by it will meet with but very little oppo-- nrcesearv reveeue. Bemetallisw will clinched his two horns around him. carries $457,676 Mr. On' h waits be an important factor at the next Britit ton. FrUwv, Darnkn Ttk. Tire Trail' eorreepondente are At t he wain instant Ida hoeee became $121,372 less than the estimate, and ish general election in 1805, will be av dashed between and to letters have The hern heir frightened theui, to brothers, for Hayward get more waroeetly twquested than th appropriation $51,133 DHmbw use. test on the question In Lancaihire and which the for the rourdkv the current fin--! year. Shis otflo not later than Thurrday gave quadruped arrested in Minneepeli Tim American Federation of Labor hat other contituenciee for scare and a of farther Mia a parluiueetarp each prevented any injury iti great Ging. meek, inorniugof Chicago, Dec. 8. Ground has laten convened at lnver. . andidatcr Inconvenience and eowtetiimt an im- t Mr. Winter. He wa not seriously New York, Dec. 4. Congressman-elec- t broken at IaIto Geneva, Wia., for tk Tha jury kea begun iaveetigation of lion. Wharton-BarkePhiladslphlc, possibility to haadle aeatter that arrivea injured, but received a bruise on the A. J.Cotnpbell, of the Tenth district, erection of the Yerkes Uleecop. The the Ging murder In Minneapolis.' cheek from eneof the blunted hern, died spanking on 'Bewetalliana and Mnt- - . later (ban thia date, Bu.l of the above ia tit feet site altitude 1,200 Rawlins lutrodneed a bill to annex io factors," said,-- The professor of political " " - - and found himaelf tangled about the Philadelphia, Dec. 6. Four bnndrtd sea and 630 fsei above Lake Michigan. Utah the week with the halter rape of the horse, Territory north of the Colorado science! a Great Britian, men ia the frank cloakmakera employed by Rtrwwbridg Chicago, Dec, 8.,It wae discovered to- river, rank in Europe and America, favor bia Thie wee narrow in which for the hareitarted the escape, Dancing partial op y A Clothier went on a strike of en Bet. Conrad that Henney, day Broa. Garter ; the opposition comet frene seemed powerless to give Driver is quoted at 61 rents season. , pr ounce metallism against a reduction of wage from 7$ rente th most prominent Chicege divines, bed ia New The demonetisation of lender. assistance. 28 money in London. lAad, York; The attendance srt the district echool and $1 a garment to 50 and 75 coats, with Mrs, Georg W. Brandi, ' loped hae contracted tilrer the world,! moaep A d tak$?.12SG U eery good. young vagrant, , Waco, Tex.,' Dec. 6. For . the second wife of the manager of the Price Baking almost one half and appreciated gold, to of a the favor finds little The eeherne ing part tramp, passed through time an attempt waa made te 'fir th Powder currency Wagon have been abandoned and the, . company., here Thursday evening. He registered Cotton Bailee and in both instances the in the Renale, and the propects for favor- the great advantage of the creditor class bob-sle- d ii ho iuose, Clenden-inKansas 7. City, Dec, Ixgan at Mr. Milo Rrowti's for bi evening flame were extinguished by guard beable eilver legislation by that body dur- and the damage and ruin of th debtor are in Salt vQnite a number of leoan local first y clasa. Th proposed plan of hank the treated by patient which waa the only food he had fore aav ing the sessien are regarded ae favordamage waa done. Lake Cite attending the Third District meal, new with the set in forth President Cleveland physicians had since the evening before. II said able. ' court as witnesses. Washington, Dec. 6. Bepreajntatlve diphtheria remedy, has entirely recovhe had beaten hie way from Echo' in a mesisge should be opposed by every Dec. sleet Nev., Carson, bill a introduced Sickles ha appropriaMr. Parker is p this way locating the boxcar, which was sidetracked atGrass-creeered, end other patients ere improving end wind have caused th worst atorm citizen whe has the welfare of thepeopto ' tu enable the government rapidly. A further supply of the scrum eounty roads and doing other work for much against hi wighe, which ting $100,000 In years. The snow ia badly drifted oo at heart. Bimetallism must be restored to aeqaire title to the Gettysburg battle- hue been ordered from New York. the county, him to foot he where to it compelled tle Virginia A Trucks railroad and dis- by independent action of America, and a The late heavy snowstorm ha driven had been befriended with another meal. field and transform it into public park. The imsw treaty between th United abled a train, Two snow plots w ere de- can he wherever the people are deter- Fond du Lac. Wi., Deo. 6.- - Mark State and Japan binds both nations to railed and all wire muted to have financial ae well es Indussomeof the mill men and logger crt of He would not divulge hi name, and down, Robert trial independence; to abandon British Harrison, the celebrated artist, conditions governing the nest favored tba canyon. when asked where his home was and Cincinnati, 0., Dec. 10. -- The wrestling 1843 Harrison 76. In died to aged concedes day, ; gold monometallism as they have done nations native ef jurisdiction The enlargement of Tub Times meet where he was going, answered that it match, championship of the British free trade, whenever The Death of Abel, which at- courts over foreign settlements in painted would1 was they knew be would and wherever Japan, world, with geneeal ratiafactien, and tha night between the difference- between so much attention. an American polprotection ia bueineea,.etc. ubscribera 'hereabouts appreciate the overtake him. His face looked ns though tracted Bobby Reike of New York and Max icy and an alien Boston, Dec. 6. The society of Frieads policy. "The road to Information was obtained at tha In Lsttebeg ot 8t. Louie, here eflorte made in their interest. May the he had been living on a deseret for ten rethie-eity American he aaid, is began to terior Department y, properity," boom continue until Tmc Timm is the months, for want of water, lie wore a of Armenia of if which true, sulted in a draw, neither securing ' a petition to the president of will eiraulats rimmed mans red hair aa end deserves of to hat, a mat, trouble the Indian large the It put paper fall after two boons aad flew- winntes territory. and a freckled face. So, Mr Officer, if the United States andtheccar of Russia, In RanJusn county. Iti to the effect Tkwrodar, UnHwIwr IS Ua. very lrg'4bbcription list. wrestling. furthem to interfere to prevent that Secretary Smith has ordered Indian Oscar Rogers was sentenced te bans Oh, no! We did net try to inflaence you want hhn,' you may' find him we asking Vienna, Dec. 10. All foreign diplother slaughter ot Armenians by the Turks Agent Day of Derange, Colo., to go after describe in Arizona for at Marieopau the canvassing beard; the gren-y- d relations at have matic alConstantinople and secure reparation for the bieod the and and him take wandering Ignacie monster's suspicion to the contrary notRenat Tha' he refused to consider BKWKFXR. been auapendtd oA aceonnt of tba ready shad. hit followers back to the hr reservation withstanding. Wear not built that of views between the represent-Stiv- e tbe sugar bill aad datura resolution. The Handier Ward conference w!D be A Texas A Pacific train waa held up in Colorado. way. of Great Britian and othrr pow held on Saturday aad Sunday the 15th, The American Federation of Laber Forth Worth, Tex. Th ex prise near bar-buiChicago, Dec. 8. Representatives of era now proceeding with a view of tak was yesterday addressed by Myron Reed James Warded bieteelf a end 16th. L It contained safe was carried-othe Transcontinental Railroad line have -- house in the eastern part of Feoa and action on tho Armenian qnea-tio- and John Burns. Mrs. Lucy Lake is visiting friends in certifies ia tee, which war oa agreed upon a basis of advance ia freight ing joint gold bae moved hie family back to thie town. ia very anxious at thie Porta Tha Evanston, Wye. Jockey Charles Kidd wee seriously the way to Washington to purchase ratee to the coast from all points east. Mite Grace Maxwell has not been as - The tnrni of affairs. The Turkish Ministry, hurt by a fall in the steeplechase at the secured The bonds. farewell total by will booty dance, aheepkerderq be a eubetantisl advance io assisted There well as eeual for tba past few dare. by Kiaasel Raid and Chakir Ran Franclaco: held on Friday last, was a great eoceeea. robbers is estimated at $100,000. some rates ranging from 60 to 75 per sat Sasha, continuously from noon or Tha question has bean aakad : Many hare started this week for winter Windsor, England., Dec, 12. Sir John Huntington, W, V., Dec. 6, Ac Mr. cent The details of claeslficatlen will Saturday until neon yesterday. "When will the Peon Co-o- p stare start quartern. . t , Thempten, the Canadian Trims Minister Theodore Arthur wet walking ateng the not be made public for several days, -Oelwain, la., Dec. 10. Littleton, after the meeting of apagain.' We give it op. -expired here y Winter has arrived, the beautiful enow highway near ber home last evening Washington. D. C., Dec. 8. Rspre town in Buchanan county, furoishes B. R. E. Vita. at which be waa the ball one Council, ence more adors hill and vale, and the she wa shot frvm ambush, Privy of is Chlro pr lUr; ol wbolaturie drowning. Two eutatiy Jol4ir in sworn a as tne tuber. died - left fihe seesn jhacfolks w lung, At penetrating 4 happy, toang . 4? pwvvjm skating yesterday, and UUmg Over $2,000, OofilaRuld-sere middle of summer. almost iosUutly. Thegaag of murderers iamreugatioo of the witbdrawia cure ier to return, a search was started. A crowd John Keel returned home the other in crime from wbo been tbe gold reserve yesterday. The have committing It Ilenefer Stock A Pasturing CotnJ The diphtheria. will, propose a mixed gathered about the pond at dusk and , day. d rash balnnce in tbe treasury today waa commission under the direction of the pany have secured an extension of time thie locality dor a year past are many ventured on the Ice. It suddenly 'Austin Neel is improving sUwly. ' Mrs. here to shot Arthur, Surgeon-Generof the army, Surgeoa-Generin theirUand payment to .Ahe-Unibroke through, precipitating twelve per- $155,571,782.'' So far this month the NeilaJohuson passed throngtrOaktey Pacific Railroad and wilt now fc ex of urea the men ef the and Burgeon-Generpendit ry Depart navy ' levy an sons Into the water. Steven .were rescued, IitiiSar, tMiakr Sth. o his way to Kamaa to attend a mill assessment to exceed the receipts by $4, 24,5'i0 making of the Marine Hospital corps, each The bodies of five pay their taxes for 1694. in addition to ' Charles F. Howard was hanged at ethers, the total deficit since July , 1814, tha meeting. bureau to designate three officers to the Mr. George Tristram of this place, who corpses of the two children, were for the murderof Rawlins, Wyo., y of the fiscal year, $26,419,645. w ithout additional pay than their Miss Marta Horton is in Oakley visit- is a student of the serye found coder the ire some distance from beginning University, made Horne on January last. Charley bills were hills granting the salaries, Among ing hen brother, William Horton. short vi.t her on Saturday. - Mr. the scene of drowning.' The names f th of $100 per month to Mary PalW. p. St. John, president of a New - Ran D. It. Huff has cone to Bountiful to Tristram has just returned from a trip to Francisco, Dec. 8. A milling man victims are : Fred Hanks, Jahn Morton, pensions mer Banks, widow of Major-GsnerYork bank, has submitted a new pro- named W. C. move hie wife to their new home in the Colorado. Bennett, who cum to this George Roberts, Charles Hanks, George Nathaniel for the coinage of silver. T, Banks; Mr. Katherine. position Welter canyon. state from St. Paul, Minn,, has Below, Forge Cook and Hannah Cook. recently Rome of the Ilenefer folk were at the Todd Crittenden and to Springfield, Ky., Deo. 7. Two masked been missing to his friend here for sevWhile sleigh-ridin- g the other night, Echo dance on the 11th. A, MrClerand. A Senate hill was passed .. men forced an entrance into the house eral weeks past, and they are consideta-bl-y Wednesday, Ilsrrtntisr l?lb. the girt got the advantage of the echool toxuihorize the construction of a bridge 1 THE 12 CITY and of COUNCIL. between Thomas Edginton worried a tout He has of late teacher. The eleigh tipped over and he him, Silver dro; p d to GO1 cents per ounce across the Red river of the North at oclock this rooming and in th presence been operating in the vicinity of Grass fell under the load and was buried In ProreMliBfi of iftto New York ; 27 d lu London. in AdJion4 The income him N, tax and Drayton, five shot of I. children wife his and valley, but hit enterprises have not the snow. lie promised if they would Hetd Modjr Night The Chicago pnsener admits he is pension appropriation btiie ara under dead. been successful. ChristRt on In tell would not Paul he treat them financially The Council was caihd to order, the defaulting bookkeeper of the dtscossi a in the house. The TrensnrydUepart roent hasreeetved Bennett was at one time a prominent Seely mas. lifayor Wright in the chair, all memLeather National Bank, New Rhoed durIn man real estate circles, aiul was noted such figures on the gold production Tbs I loins Dramatis turn yauy. Miss Anna Rasmussen is improving, bers being present. York. and bunaest qualifiA mm ting of some of th tse who It is hoped tli.ti she mav soon be up 6u 'niJrTun' of Councilman Hirst, ing the calendar year of 1804 as warrants for his enterprise ara " Two men were killed, fifteen people interested in the formation of a homo Conncilmau IV i hie waa appointed secre- the belief that it will approximate HV cations. t again. a and on a huit store seriously injured Washington, H. C., Itec. 8. Care Ig 000,000 distributed as follows: 4'ilarado, dramatic company was held in Tub The Home Comfort Range lias eon tary Urr the evening n cable car a tunnel 5n275,fX1;Ti!.ibo, $2,250,005; Montana, being taken to have all sections of the Chicago wi-- j Ttwn office Monday-nighCouncilman olTcrej. by and an organPrayer in here. homes several placed i David G. Sprang, a Missouri farmpr, isation Gfe ted, K, from liefore th House $4,575,000; California, $1,750,000. The t'SHli'-O-' 1. Crowther was Snow is about eleven inches deep here Chapped, fa-Minutes of tlio regular meeting held total for the four States, $20,650,600. In- Banking and Currency Committee meets mnidered his wife and tno rhtlriirn, ; selected clmii man fur the meeting an J on the level. n and Alsx Rtevle tally sounded tae December 3rd were read and approved, crease for the four gtatesduring the next wesk concerning the proposed secretary. A tean ran away the other night and d himself. kill then 000. Production Chairman calendar is system. $7.000, year the resolution Rpringer ol Altar fully following including the question, some of the boj s bad a long and weary Condolence of all other sf. tes and territories, $12,156,-000- ; not confining his invitations to Eastern at that meeting; Gutiiie,0. T., Dec. 11. A squad of and com hiding that UoaU ills lots ampie tassd walk, which was not a very interesting total production, $43,000,000. financiers; l,e has sent to Chicago, M". deputy United State inar-bal- s WittEfc vh. The home of Councilman have talent to furni.--h amusement of tbisktud part in sleighing, so eomeof the hoys Clark has been visited by death, deas rfpresenUtive just unearthed a powerful and - has Jnis ami Cincinnati, The for the winter, tho work" of organising Chinese long treaty delayed ' . priving him of his dearly beloveiLwife, at last arnved-lr- i pay. win? hae the was Veterii cities, and to Nashville, Tenn., eountercltera, It WaehHigton. company was pt (weeded with, be it and other Southern cities, lie would be. n - ;v .vs sum. F. M. Itiumo wa efi i tefns tnnnager; operating it eonjunetiim with Rmotiftl, That wo. his feliotv members delayed heiause the Chinese gov eminent ... of the City Council of Coal v,l!( City , wishing to adopt every precaution, had jn av far aa Iknivt r and Ran Franlcif !ct teder.ttes in Imbn.t, Msv--;:- t and J. L. Imjih n as w j i.at seirstaiy and trosurer stormy the people lurehv in thee could get here .other ttatea express sympathv in liis hrd the to the United an IE, D. Cif,wtl er aw vtage manager did not get otit to attend meeting, so treat as and of .mark great emttlt; li,n ll tne hiring, ami instructorT Tribtine specml. The pr.-- s di.p-Uiiwas none held. The home speual re-- ct there to him ami his family, State by way of Europe instead of byri aftet-This Ion-da-t niuht corroborate f illy rise route. v the shorter t j m-oL'astands till pacific tii' ifiJ make th.ir Eight choice plays wer w 'ecr i, end meejhig Monday, loth eveti-tiImceniber lOtli Rci retarv Gresham and Yang Yu, t is the intention oi the Ilvime Dra'aMird.iv on it that luKiti, The Aicot Y, A i.i rce ligtA in predicted jn Congtczn pcarncfcja per appointment. Tin- - follow ii:g bilus were then d.simbed D.-- j Minister. tx hanged the, the Cl'im-sto retnui tm- - Utvs matic (Oi'ipnuy t liSve one ol tl.esu ia had been 31. M. I. A. was also 'dispensed with on o ter the income tax. of : fia-r- i ratifications and nothing now rs-- j to the people of frm Utah to their rcaervatton in Color readiness account of the weather. Wall Walla, Wash., Deel for f 52,31, referred te mains to be done but to promulgate the Coalville (0-oII. a in time-- . Due notice of Cfdviih short The the ado upon brought Nells John on went to Kanias on the aidi ti of the i.atc penitenti-clatnaiio- ii Interior Dcpaitmeiit hj the . coHimii tee on etainis. i of the (!nje of the first performance and Treaty, audlris expected IbaX the ' 10th to attend a meeting ot the stmk-- A. Buchanan, sexjton, fl.50, allowed. suicida in his Utah as lea strong to be folio 1. and title of the j day will U given in Tan dav a will wilj holders of the Reams roller mill to elect David T riby7l22 50, allowed,. office at the in ItJU.w. ntentiary by the it Is asbaKljcvn'otitii Ueo. W.Crma, for making roll f 20, lenver, Iec7f. An Important-meE-'- 4aE officer for the earning year, t tfuite a number who will be members huusclf head the wdh ILawIihs through ssid allowed. these dispatches. Ihriegate at the Mining of Die company were not present at tha ing was held The holiday committee met at A. a ,4 Colts w for diJarae lumber revolver. LMt eek the Welch, y that he eouvidered the a.atter but another one will be change Jlall, under the auspices of the rectors of Brow na on the evening of the 13th and allowed, the penitentiary filed specific practically seliled' and anticipated no meeting, evening, and We hope toheld see of which the Chamber at Commerce, Ed. Beaubiea, services as deputy for Christmas, "W prepared a program alt ho ate to identify themselves with reso- ebarges against Coblentz for malfeasance further trouble. The rssult of the incidiscussed allowed. railroad and was 3, marshal, question There will be a Christmas tree, speeches, this movement in office and at the same time It is a good J. requested dent will not accrue to the advantage of move, and should present $6.08, referred to com- lutions adopted (imparting the construe-tio- u meet with encourage, in the meeting mitteeH,enSalmon, him to resign. . rang and recitation claims, with power to act. Colorado the speculators, who ondocbtly meat from the citizens. of the Denver, Sioux City, Lake Su. house in the forenoon, and a children a The report' of the ity eextoo wee Kaneae City, Mo., Dee, Mc- instigated tbe exoduf of the Utee in A Chicago Railway, and in favor J. M, perior and read Hall in Social aeproved. dance in Young the Chsspsr Coal far Sett Lake. The report of the city treashrer waa of the government taking poeeessien" sf Clain, who ia company with Jeba Mc- order to exercise an adverse influence vafternoon. Renis in new referred to the committee on finance. mid bill to the have Carty stolen 2281 Herald, 11; Private ad vicet received head upon the pending the Central and Union Pacific railroad A grand ball will ba given in Young Th bill of John Williaan was referred from Omsk yesterday indicate that the of sheep from the ranch of G. W. s, -7" ats. to the committee on streets, alleys and systems, and operating them on behalf Social Hali on Cbriatmaa eve. twenty miles from Rock Iprings, 11. Two of the people. A memorial to Congress notable Balt Lake chamber of commerce baa ftenver, Dec. bridges. Tba Buckley Broa. wen to have held November Wyo., and Tha application of John Barton for waa adopted against tha bills new before 15th, disposed of peaches on bemetallism were delivered been successful in iteendeaverato tecorn them at the Kansas . a abo hart Thursday night, tha 13th. tbs position of city recorder waa read that body for the Yard at the banquet of the Denver Manufac- cheaper fuel te tha citizens of thia city Stock of city reorganizing purpose and within the next few days orders last te the commission firm Tha people did not turn out therefor and on motkm of Councilman Hirst, Mi. thoe railroad Friday David Hol- will be received and oj turers Exchange extending systems froaa the headquarters waa appointed recorder. A Scaling then wat no shew for the ebow to eho. Barton for been of $5500, have Tomblyn of tba Unton Pacific at Omaha to reduce Ceencilman Cbeppel reperted on th their eecurltiM, aad th government was mes, of Burnley, England., chairman bill of J, H. Ball, and recommended that requested to run those roads aa it con- arrested at Indian Bpring, Me. the parliamentary committee of Trade th freight rate on coal from all points - HOYTBTH.LK. the bill for $22 be paid. Carried. ducts Postoffice the Denver, all of Union Congress of the United Kingdom on th Utah aad Wyoming systems to Dee, DepartmenL Cel., Th question on tb lend entry wa this city $1 per ton. This will be n Bern, te the wife of Char lee L. Rode-bec- k, the delegates have arrived to attend the representing 1,250,000 wage earners, e tea, on Tuesday. Thia is the then brought forward, and the question victory and when the reduction great waAar, DMubar Stk. coBvention of tha Americas Federation speaking to the toast : Bemetall ism and te made the Union Pacific will receive selling Iota fully discussed. . eleventh child. , of Arizona : and New Mexico will probably of Labor, which opes . The location of th new street lamp 10 oclock Wage Earners, said "Thinking men the hearty thanks of the community at heje Mr. Ben Brawn made a trip to West was alio fully discussed. The cut will force secnr admission bills at thia aeeeion of John Borne, M. P., Samuel account fer the present trade depression for itRiogenerosity. Grande Western into line end The sum ot $1.60 was allowed David the Jordan this wftek by raiL of congress. gold consequent of tbe Gempert, the appreciation president federation, by for the extra light. the people will enjoy that luxurr for Mr. Cevillian 'Winter came near be- -. Friaby C. A. Blixt arrested and charged with Richard Hohnes of England s od T, J. on tbe demonetization ef silver in 1873 whhh they have contended for many Adjourned: Benediction by the murder of Hies Ging. A dry Hsy- - Maguire arrived thia morning and regit- - and since. U silver is restored to its for- - year cheap coal. lag gored to death by n turbulent ball. Wild. C the THE'GQUNTY NEWS 1 A C V p iA t? l0 W1 4 V p'-itju- n. m a ielt-gate- s Tlf ifn u-- to-da- y Tdr, r, to-da- rm. te-da- fifteen-year-ol- g, X cat-renc- anti-toxin- e, k, " n, - to-da- to-da- to-da- - train-robbe- ry - lt j $30-4)0- 0 n. , to-da- oaur,'l? i' t a, anti-toxin- child-renjsren- k.rieul eup-pose- al al Trat al to-da- Major-Oenerf- i.i h cotb-ionl- i step-childre- enr-icn- die-uss't'- danger-or-gHtg- us-m- o-t- r di-p- cs itifor-naionse- nt adj-ion-f- to-prs- - 9.J, p, -- V. ro-i'- te -- re-n- ht $4-3- '- - L 9.-N- ear1y j i - - . 1 i |