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Show y Involve COALVILLE TIMES. Imu tlielmidorunt ofmtnv ditches d larger snd mr M, TbrUi COMPANY. - tldron Piimi Term vt , Am Year Hivouu ... ...r .... Tkr Month mite Copte ... ASiO MtSItMKB Subscription ...... ... . .. ........ . ..... ,... . . . . r(KSII4., iTi by a -- wII-tabln)n- F. nl their frplarwtnenl e mnribfH In t front raving in Urn. lb annual oot of maintenance, while i i til and pr farm a ill fart ib exc-dlgi iron ( of return to the capital employed. The wr.ter I indebted to Judge Khurtliff f the pleasure of a mo U memoribli! day a day devoted to drier of wvrntr mile through thr golden valley and intral ing settlement of northern I'tah Ir- few ftiMf.it wi Kvnr PUBLISHING TIMES old , ,;-ro- COALVILLE wibiwn from to Wine Wcdnei!. taken ft wHh it Tewkealmrr D. Dark on level Joecph Iniulugo this week which hi filing oif fr.nit am K. Alto ny tbit G Ir Townsend of Dark City yra In t'oal CO-OP- ydl tr.itseak an h'ionea. fi nkpor' was ill W. W. brnith on VVeloeeitv. H Coaivill hi sail, rl.iituft. TBit Tiaaa to rca 1 iaitl LtdiBrtoiSsind1!8ats; will probaWv rrmun im more nttarrli in thin ewluoi il lb on d t nut, '.d itiu alllewOther dieftuta put buceluiT, hihJ with us Mini) after the hoi dais. II ut m Mippoewi to to Im, retfivsd " hearff m liuui hta eureuie. Pur men I nwi !( Nk it (Hum w. and There ... : . S tfwh -- .v ...... 1 Inch . eutnmo ..... J, V, ealumn a l itwi "8 mi i n . j 7 Vft 1 ; Oft or zi 48 to ' 4 74 cuuiorj antll ' -- pr tiu i fou et Ikwr Uf each LonU nolto, H mut rhru rU4 wltl to httrti (( ! & to J4, u trt-0- tor tri C8tf, 00AI.VH4.E. FRIDAY, DEC.. H. OCR L VMS, 4fMr. 1S8A, FATliQSST Thi week Mr, Juhe CekUrwood will Urt os b Uor of this end Morgan eouit-tiolidtinf for Tub Twh. U ! oor loteBtion to pot f Tx ie vrj and houM la this Morgan round, tad with thi object lo dow, Mr. CaMerwood snthoirzed to tk will visit poo. It new uB8i and collect for sm ; lo advertising and any and ail kind of job 1 li Tin printing. BtUiuaa Co. WHAT WE NERD, Al'bea apring open, we hop toe 1b Coalvni a concerted mon ement on the part of tbe'peopla of Bummit county 1b fb direction of homo enterprise. We need first, to put in water works, r they will be pat in by other, and the citizen of thi city and county will be compelled to dance Inexpensive tuuaiu way of ' high water tax from which they will get no benefit The water power will bring many other thing, nch a electric light, amll manufactories and otlisr enterpriaea, which will also b pushed by other if the citlxena her do not taka adantnge of th opportunities offered them, " We need awoolacouting "jint; an other enterprise which it long neglected will be eatabiished in another part of the territory, and which will draw from Summit county and vicinity aiteady stream of money that tbtuld be kept atad eirenlated witbim th border of our county Wa also need th avanue of employ man t which these enterpriaea will open, to furuiih tabor to every un mwloyed mwa ael wwohm firing ta our In the midst. Wt need a telepkan aervica, that w nay not be deprived of communication with outside pointi anleas wt resort to ha espanaiv talegraphie aerrice, and this we could have had era thia, at ooaiiral expense, if only a move and united action had been taken. It must be looked after In the early spring, for th offer now presented will not b held open forever, W need a tock-riasaouiation, that the protection they rhouhl have cat be given them ; and that' too, at . such alight expense that ur stock .grower would not feel the burden, W need many more things, and Tui Tuts will from tin to time keep it ader in mind of the fact, tV have every reaton to belie v that county fair will be held next tad, end if It I Tna Tntx will claim it shareef credit for working it up, er in" a!1" rTAira GOLDEN VALLEYS, After the adjournment of the co agree at Denver, the editor of the Age devoted a few weeke to a trip through Utah and the Pacific Northwest. There ia a genuine revival of irrigation interest ia JUtab, the classic ground nf industry on "this continent. Utah is preparing her bridal robe. She w ill iie married ts the " Union In the course ot the next eighteen month. hb propoie to make adnate provision ia her constitution for the protection and encouragement of the industry oa width her fame and prosperity rest. She hot only ha th million acre nnder the Carey law, but two or throe time a much more as her wedding preaont from Unde 8am, It will be most interesting to observe what Use she makes of these lands, She has some very virile tradition In diejwvt-- ; ter of irrigation. Her canals w ore buiit And owned t y- her people. Her land was acquired in email holdings. The small of the Irrigated farm Is the corner-ston- e commonwealth. Judge Fhurtliff is the new member of the national committee' for Utah and he promise to be a very and effective member. He is ' vigorous plinmnjj a state irrigation convention with auxiliary association In every county. U tab will be confronted with a unique problem before long. Thi will j -- - a'i-l- e friends. Jains fimeou, a h ti ryi !i b WtoeiHWwn eoiiUttitlml 4hmn sad (here tors rUim eunttiutlonai af Manebiplo igertlmn anyo Ireelmelil Hell 1 l e Jirrb i ur, men ufe 'lure. I now Im- - id therelwaam tViihiit MonC . Toledo, Ohio lethsnwty by P I ('henry cou.iimtiunal cure on the merit et II (a taken h luiertiellr la doses (ram 10 drupe to S leeepoon-ti- ll day, and rallrnl on Tut Titiae.f f It wit dtrerliyini Iheblei iuil mi iiii In ompany with Mr, ffemy eorfeoee of the eyelem They otto oos hundred miomes, dollere for any rate It tail to eni. toud fir euoulere and teeUmemaU. Addrew, P A HKVKY ACU.,Tol40. Tuitic Miner; Jsmea Dodruh, who WAd br 7. has the contract hw the erection of 'he Bnllion fSeik mill reports that the RAILROAD TALK. timber are all fruws4-an- 4 Itiat thn Bait Lake A Hut- will Mmmeme-sa- i ilng the bull ling by (y,!itTli lltala Castpasy. the hire part of next week. Jtft .they -- The sheriff sale of the Great 81 1 Are aaltitic for now Is the completion of Lak it Hot Springs railroad hat again the Rio Grnde timber to cam atuir been postponed to Monday, and it to the milt site. Mr. Dmlrleh further i not now probable that the sale will States that the bnildin; wit! h comtake place at all. The Hera'd of Tue pleted in two months from date, wtather day aja that negotiation pending for permitting. the aeUlement of the judgment claim are maturing aatiafsctoriiy. Colonel DEU.YQUEXT TAX LIST, John Woodman, who It heavily interested in the little road. will, it la aaid, 'The following itha of deitnqaeut on ids return from the east, make the city taxes for CosUill City: Ulwi. JM. Amount. Name matter of raising autfiiient cash to It 1, 3 Iota A 9 Moor liquidate all claim an ay one for hi aulliu,. , , t -to t KV , A, associate. With th affair of the com- Miti'hol, r.John 7 US . 3 . 3 Uiiitojr. Cost On pany put on th solid basis proposes ths (.balk Cfrak 73 in too 4, T i N S K work of extending the iln northward WHtit.Thuau . . iJ uceulu . t toe U.to and to Coalville w ill b in order,w Bfuwn, lirurne IS toreitn In the railroad new of the Tribune of He Jl n 80 uurvm in tov Brliu, A 57 Tuesday In speaking of the proposition submitted by General Clarksqn 4o prom- Keeet, Wm, "prin Holn low, propeny inent cltiaen of Salt Lake" relative to budding a road to the coast, it ) a ; The general la known to hare had numeroua conferences with a committee of th Utah company ven wo recently is within The month, but thry all earned to come to no head. At least, We keep in Stock no result i patent from them a yet, while Mar. Cannon, Sr, and Jr. an f the Meaar. Clayton are in hew York apparently negotiating independently. And Everything that tnaketh Utah evidently must wrestle with her ea n difficulties. Such proposition aa General Clnrk sons seem to the Heart glaL offer nothing that would nfford relief CiPtSIII JOE JOHNSON , from the very condition they are deBehind the Bar. signed to altar. For instance on the General Creek Clarkson Deep project. TIN-SHO- P. proposed to build on a Iwala of $20,000 li per mile. That woulq require the road to earn such large fixed charges that no Home-mad- e Tinware. StQVfL, bewaring of freight rataa Conld possibly be indulged. Again, any road building Pipe, Bath Tubs, Garden must have eastern connecto lha Sprinklers, Galvanized Irong tion with coal or be subservient in a Zinc, Copper and Sheet measure to the tyranny of the Union Iron Work, etc,, made and.. - . v. Pacific and Rio Grand. First of all Repaired by t moat be considered the eenaeetio with Coalville or some other aimlliar coal field. Above all other tbinga, bn ai nets men are united in atying, that it ia the important consideration to Balt Dak people now. Once break the power of Shop, one block east of Stake th combine en coal and there open op House. Coalville, Utah, , . before the eye of the territory prospect of trade and commerce with the west and east, and of internal development, which it ta Impossible to measure, proa t vhs Saw wood. , 5. CORDOVAN! FR1SCH& EMAHEltDCAiT. While General Clarkson and hi company inflate their own aides with vain J.UPOUCLJSOUS, struggles to lift into the air vast at hemes of a kind that have thrown nearly 30, 000 mile el railroad into receiver 2.LBcnd5ooSH2a LADIES- hand with in the last rear tom wine and conservative men of means tarry at k i SEND f 0 CATALOSUS home and quietly aw wood , in steady endeavors to perfect tksir scheme to get BROCKTON, MASS. to Coal v ilia. Of the efforts of the back-er- a wtnaeT hr warekssla W. L Shoaa, lkaaslat of the Balt Lake & Hot Bpring and Of tr lb kr(Mt manufrtrr and xuroatc th ia world, ihoc advenuto of the Utah Central railways the Tribtht vain by taatpiar ths aams sad 8 net ea ute haaspokan freely. th bottom, which protects you gunt high ud th middleouin't profit. Oor shoe price euatom work ia tlyle, oay fitting and UTAH CUMPANY AT WORK, 8 wearing nuallttco, W bar them aold ewery. vain prea than "The Utah Company i now strenu- where at lower price fornothanbatitute. If your any other make. Tak daaiev cABDot tapply goa, w caa. poously endeavoring to get itself-dal- o sitron t make a stop forward. The Dealer, whose name a ill shortly appear Messrs. Cannon and Claytoa are in the here. Agent wanted. Apply st once. east aow trying to secure the necetsary funds. They are in negotiation with a E. RHOADES. firm which operate in London as well HRS. a New York, end it i possible they Some of th parties with Anay suc'-eed- . whom they are negotiating, and who by the way are merely financial agents, are known to have said that they expected no difficulty in placing bonds n a proposition involving the members of the Utah Company." rwonimm-t- 4Hd W r )npr.fitlnr knl lrl noBCtlee, wit hveotutaatlflatHnv "4 at tloii, (ion. tl tmmrmarfn to to lo with tmnnwio . Uiau Mr hrrlnn Chronic Nervousness eit ht O Could Not Sleep, Nervous Headaches. Gentlemen: I have been taking your Restorative Ticrvlne fhr the past three months and 1 cannot say enough in ft praise. It has I ever for Saved fly - Life, hnd Almost given up hope of being well again, I was a chronic sufferer from nervousness and could not sleep 1 was also troubled with nervous headache, and had tried doctors In vain, until l used your herviue. Yours truly, a o A r rr nobby m Dr. Miles Nervine O O -- Cures. b aotd oa e powttJve flrt bottle wtU bepelit. t1- - bottles lot -- or &. 1 -- o and o Ladies-Cloaks w raj Coats just in. MRS. M. WOOD, Ulnjwood, ML Tv. titles Kervio ruwrwota that the large line of new and 0 Will 1'" o have them in stock! J for TEN DAVS ONLY. ID 5 " 1 11- 1 Fouiiiain Saloon. tl POSTOFFIGE STORE PBOA Summit Co., 0. F. Joseph Jones, TINNER. General Dealer la All Kind of -- fU. J. New Goods - l.;d CtoriilmT " Are th good qualities possessed by Hood's Sarsaparilla, Above ail it purifies the blood, thus strengthening the nerves it regulates the digestive organ, invigorate the kidneys and hvr, tones nd build np the enure cure LADIES scrofula, dym sia, catarrh and rheumatism, Get flood's and only Hood's, Fittest Stock of MILLINERY, - cure all liverllT, bilious-- , jaundice, indti'fstiou, snk head- - JhawU nes ai lie. Fill 25c. HATS, v --O- ' fc, ! i ta JlA u"'? Blanks, Pens, Pencils, Tr AGGIE In COAL VILLE SALMON b.inil.itotoSm.A.Id. f,i,lllf It, .I f. IMWNI.IMI- f r - ! 1 LCHILDREN do you wan X To bring you something nice this Christmas? If so, 'call at the Stord and fell MISS SALMON what you would like. You will ; Rulers, x Erasers, there gee not the largest, but the most - - Slates, A 7 Fishing Tackle, or anything n t . .a that line, give me a call before X ' id In Coalville. waive Her real Ask or ' marnnui I5. your papa J purchasing. to give you TEN CENTS and Guess the Number of' this Little 4 3 Postoffice Building, Girl. If you guess her ' or come the nearest, x right, UTAH. PEOA, Ink, , -- , 1 i BEAUTIFUL DOLL 1 SANTA Will BRING HER TO TOO THE RIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS "Mothers, come yourself and bring your children to see prepared to fur the toys, nish all kinds of ticket on and purchase one dollar's worth of goods and receive a the doll. lam TTMBHE, XJ J3 HIRING TSI - I carry a complete line of MILLINERY. Ladies mMrnm andN Childrens Underwear, Boys Pants and Caps. o. TIMBERS' AT $15 PICTURE GIVEN AWAY! I will also have on fxhibition my large pastel picture, Moonon of Lakes Its actual is the value light $15. KillarneyrlrelandX Purchase f 1 worm of goods, guess any number between 1 and 500 and receive a ticket in this picture. , BUILDING jyATERIAL kOCIE SALMON, Prop,' oX WTIVV" 7V 4 Always On Hand at the. Lowest Prices, A Cl V Rustic and T. and G. Flooring, Red or White Pine, one or one and inch. -- one-four- th FINISHING LUMBER AND LATH. Full stock kept at yards in Coalville. JjTEeave orders iitc., Ittc., Ever Brought to Coalville. Full line of - in Coalville JAS. WELSH, Prop. OSCAE F. LYONS, POSTOFFICE BUILDING, !&, Lvc.Tmni.3, re IbSO - 9- - ? 1 V- , f Holiday Rato. Notary Public and Comjancer. The Union Pacific wilt give a holiday And Other Goods. rate of one fare for the round trip to all Collections Promptly made on point within 250 miles. Tickets on sale XSCall and examlae Commission. my stock lhMaber 24th and 25 h, and IVcentber 3lt and January 1st, good returning and prides. I will take good A. A. Ivbry, Aft. oats at market prices in ex- Office te ifc January 2dth. Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder change lot goods'. MRS. M. E, RHOADES. World Pair Highest Award. Filled. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE STA TI0HERK iv.i wTablet. TIMINGS, or Peoa. Ladies' Underwear, Fornisbjngs, x AND- School Books, Note Books, i ; Paper,- Envelopes, STORE. ftOYDENST)RU If You Want Hkvmwsmm ql - Co-O- p. x Prescriptions 'me L 1 Coalville LYONS X and take erly your pick. Utah. DUBLIN PORTER cot JDome Sammlt Comfy, ) Utak. ilfiili.il 1 , S : aci I nlu ii toto'ijr a i i vi i ) 11,1 1 1- - 1n t . PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY 1 Wasatch Dept.' O. S.ivfrCo. |