Show 1 ntUrtATIUtcAL I Sinai life should Iw I plea ant but U ofl t I must be profitable It nn n favorite observation of Cop I Jails 11 that lejrnliti oltrtliil HIP lowest other 01 idrlv iiiiniwl Ihn higher l value mi n oldlhy anl I to > riiire the brightest lent III the illn Um < tl nv rrlitntr I I Homo elderly people have it thai The opiHjrtunllr to xotan educallen and I fur whom M < I arn carry but would I thank tlu in If they 011 I tint rrtlole l lint I they know nothing Mlvtl Ulifit I 1 condemn the metho < l < of tint IvHrh erg of nuundavr nn ilii lour ihll Imi nn hijIey by eiu < lntt tlicin to lute oon niitui In their lMih olio Ierhll has III bin ciimiimn I Ihn outpost filch hair resulted from rum of i X > tlliliie I funtaln the innhorn ln > 1p them lo uluntloyonr chllilren nlll I In I rraion iibli en initli M n hull tint loin work Imprineineiitt You look i of fall and I name Minoin them pliynlclnl cut tir no you know < that il give krt eand vigor I to Hint hil Iron thereby Improving the oilier of the nlioolrnoinT II rests them after limit tiding Million and pie mental incrtti v I I There tnuy bn tot lUnch incmorUliij of rnlti but not of appreciated inhstir IluC liicnilura liitililllcin will do Inot tinnier iiinnunl than what they will know und what they will he It I of greater slgnhl l entire tli in either Illllflunt teachers cannot bo leittrvl nt ilarrallon w ifi A colliUi itudent should work tin liiitim u day 1 for rU days In the neek Ho should I sleep eight l li turf cot three flours exercise two hour Incl lenlnli ono hour CIo mhuol board should be entirely I dUon d from polltlci should be el iMilUllvn II liutlifM Isoly l directly con iirncd In ihoio niitttiri that require clear lighted round limlnoM nbllltr nml indirectly rerpondblo for mho tech nlctl aloe 01 education I they should nn 1 I I plo ai utiipirintunilcnl an educator ol profeiiloiml tmlnlng Inn horn shell real I nllri > p iiibllty mil direction of llloe lcchiihiiii uiii nnd ni tliiHli pertainIng pertain-Ing tu ducntlnn 114 n rclonce llnp Use teacher who can give ton child itllmprei of the Ixattly 1 of natures I olwllcnni to law which may bu revealed In many tbo school subjects training n pupil lo think and ox price lilt thoughts accuntulj and lost sally no ittidy tan take Iho place of mental men-tal arithmetic The machinery of the public school system 11 designed holly for the cake of tho pupils Anti when Any part of It 1 tolls to mttt their weds and promote their welfare It II time to change or rot adjuiv It Tlitrn la nothing that tin lonelier can do which will show more for the time and pktlencn spent than that gain which will enable them to Illustrate and write well and with confidence upon the blackboard The minion of ihi pnbllo drool li not merely to iprssrf knowledge but at the laino time to administer wholesome discipline teach telf control and pro ffiolt culture and refinement UriHina Uanntrsan notldU but therein Ol noble nature and loyal mind Tie secret of good manner In a great any people Ills In their nature or tire 1 position The civilly of the negru which proverbial li said to arise from his natural MndllneMof heart < foal manners man-ners areas Important to the working claim tti they are to those far whom they II ork Important In the workshop Jn the street lu doiucitlc life vary where I The roan who applies fore ituntlon ap judged by his manner A telling preacher In Isis opining remarkgalni the good will nf his heaters nnd maki them feel l lioth that he has something to my and that ho can nay It by hit limn Here The luccemfnl mcdlcal man In spires In life patients belief In its eytn path and conQJenio In loll skill hr file innnnorn Atilt 10 In every clan of life In all prolusions and bccupnlloiii good manners man-ners are necessary to success The business limn has no stock In trade that PlY hint better than n good addreis Qoo4 manners like good words cost nothing and are worth everything Bonilble of LIe supreme Importance pi right education towards the hnpplneti Ol I a state our tincciiorl bcitUvtrJ tho 1itflcest attention Upon forming tho manners of the youth I nor Hit they I think U sumdont to lay n foiindalloli of good prlnctplfti In the nilmli qf the l younginoulo unit kayo pats 1 nlornard to act ni they pleased On the contrary con-trary the manners trl thumluU perauni w ere more ttrlotl Inipecliil tliaii llio u of youth The general prevalence of I there dlipoiitlont In people fi brought fabout by education spiel4niiupl 1 I Tlioio wlioso mimes lime received fniinoduilt Zion q 1 proper bent will i oelmvewill t I Ihoull11 loll to IhuiuHlvMi dttcatfn boy Iw manhood rlII IOTI 1 Lnoiiianhood llotli for btinwnityv Jit till Ifw th helmet thus YMC i Ilv 1 I The Toicliers JnttUute will inpetnt he New Vcitietli6ollioasfi Frldpaxuir Ing DccombtrHth I 0 < Real I 1 1 IltWitAst olD ft von e > MUICJ n u I octji antIce PMti > telntictic l r srudy titan lunrumtnul motto JMf Own iota llorlewi nlVltat bloats Ttrdunt llodwa Uuilo |