Show THE U > MEK OHKljn I NEWS AND GOSSIP OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY > OP II hi In II I ul 11 n tr IT II III Thp 1101 nAku I OM KICltllv nl negative 111 fr IIM Dr Mlethe n roiillilcnil Ihe I folltmliig proem Ilatt thp broken I iifltntlrp tlio Olni r nf uhltli mint Iw firrnllnllol Intart nim Mp l ilnn n upon u inital I r plate iMIMlheatlllMlthal which has Ilnn linnlh IP tnmluil bj tlui Imml rhn birnk Ml i n con ml n IIli I nnnilu attain I hkh riadll mitU nml till pthecrmkv In give the negative 1II0rt Mill IIIU n large plitf I nt Iho anada batuim Is put upon thn irntrr nf I the baik nf tlm gallvr nnil u clean laNV plate tin uim alrt 1 < na the IICa Ire N I laid nvrr nil flic mrlltM ultanmpriiilout 1 tvcnl thtl nx iolnf t < UPr il out Afltr moling Ihn plate urn still further fastened niunil Hi fdin u Ith strlw uf Shi pllo I1ItIll mcr llr I or n 11n ul tl AltliiniKli nit nlUU have fur jrara Hide tilt formation nf coal tlm Mlhjxct f cartfill Investigation thero U imiili jet rimilnlng uutxplulnud Thp grnrrallt aeceplul thenrj It I that maKMitoftigilalltt iimtltr nrw Mib jrctttl tn tl 1 nt drvoiiipmUInn In pn > less of tthlh Ihet IIKK I oxgtrn und hdrnpiii minli fasti r than carbon VH n natural nnMviurnrp Ihero rtinir In time to 1 > an neriimulnthm nt tlirlHin whkh unilunlh lining Mime of Hit atcrlteontiilntil 1 iHWimnt llgnlti nr hmnnitml 1 or nsltlkkoniillinmnilliil wotUtwl lhl after n time PUHMK InlonKtili iHintalnlng IPM I mohtiin nnd IHVUIIIIV blliimlimuk In turn changing i hnrailer through > omt of the fiinpllnteil ilninleol pnHewen nf nnturt > lain rntnrt and losing It bdrotarbiiiiii ilevtlop Into n dr milhraellr Finn must have brtn ImmenH niiumiilutlnna of vigetnhli mnttirlopnitluip tin vukl null Held of the tvnrll and It hna bten Mig gesttd that MIIIIO emit iilktim nf nature mu have upnmttd whole fort tin nnd tiling llieni Inlo Mime adjacent t alley tthircllirt ninatncd alnwl deconi ixwlng until the dukt nnd debris nf the air nml Hie surrounding tnrlh tine ml tlirin Ixicutlon I undi nvlrnniiuiil limy havo bad Ihrlr Inllueme but Just how nnd what no one ban as > it hell uble todlMorrr TI ulo 1 he design show n In MH linn III M IHuitntliin nhltli has lirtn nil iniUntrd haa already In in Intrndiiect to a const krnblo exit nt tlia nbjiil ut thu device I bulng to break oil nnil curt tlm tolaccn halo It Ihlft nrcni pllsucdby mean of A Multm njiU limit nut deprive tho iiM > rHttinwc5iV nUli < i plvatura olt Miioklntf bill lor yy n Ith he I ivll iffnta nf tlio hblL With U ono ftimikos u clknrwIthu ilrnrlnr nnjr rlnnko Into Uiu luuutli 0 ilnnii Into tlio limit ami 0 llnt tlraqlrril 1 > J the ITtxt nit nut tu 111111 iruliu lhll illITtrciix A niblicr 1m C li In frtu rommiinltntlon vltl n chaiulicr II In tho loa < 6 with whleh thcitinil li i mm ctwl umlliyilru IIIK on tlio latter the nuitlnu rnnk mnlclcnt rollnima 01 tlio bull nhlch In I klmwn In cnllnptotl Inm In tin plctnri U trtntu n pa tint vacuum In tlm uirrnunillnir omuk ciinmlxr 11 Thla tlra u tlio IMIIO ko I tlmiiiRli Ibu small cnil nf tli 111111 plaint It tJiu tip A nml win n tlio III art opC ii tlm natural imy tlm t x tmiutu tic bull forcru the 1111I11110 out of n ThU i linmiillntil boloI tlio nuklrlli but notinulia WIIIHK out thpinoutlu U U lmKKHIbla top t allY nlsutlno In thu innuth b > IImolellll1 I lu tliU way uinltanttr of tin tliroa nml tlmtlnr InnihlrKCfniMil by I nmo IK uro klinply out of tin ittuMlon Sclmtllla American Von ten uf I tin lr In an article nn the human ay a IIrU tm hy Ir noUn Mint1 bo folhmlllr imMflln occun l < i wl UH nn uptlcii uiitrunicnt the human ojo may willi IHI l calliMl ptrfitt for It Itaiiappurnt oontalnitl In n nldho leu tlmn UlIllIOh Intllninittr In hldi U I prixlut 1111 luttge jinutleull perftit In form oul volor uuil which lau lw ncxruti Ij 1111 Jiiktiil nlmoit inktnntl fui crrry 1111 Unit from fl0 Inchm to Inllnl wlilcli U imnablii In ivir illrwillo IIIIK an nrcn kmull fiiouili for thu i ttctlan uf tlie limit minute ilclulU uIIII at tlio Kama time Inryo cunuli fur the I Iprt elation of hi rife nbjttU Ulllt Iilcli cnahlrj to wo nil khuik1 lit color anil to ntlmutu ilUtancti mira oul tonoine txtuit the coiutsl I ir lit objccti And y U thU woudir luttruuicnt perhaps tlio mj t rr 1 n I ta tl I i s tf n t la1 0 f ih IK It pmlstintlt mlsiiMil ami 1111 Ixted In It ant wonder Hint Mini tlat nature resent this treatmpiit nnd lea Ten the nlHrnder In total and per irliuildmkneM Nut Moll Inner aubnrlmn trnm par line loading mil of IWls I I m nee lint I been Ihe M i n of arane Interesting rxperimenU In pMilMilnkin I ndernmtli thn bnily tif thp cor are uteol limits or rtytervolnt tIIltI l with nlr with n prewure of about imp hundred nnd fifty pound to the Miiaro Inih U klnrllng the air hn a tinixnturr I of abtnit am ile nft I Hhrfnlii It rhlI > i Into the mtr tor hat furnUhe the potter Tlm eimsumpllnn nf air U alum thirty MiiiniU nr mil on grniln nml twrntj mir pniimU on Itrcl uracW rIll nrlghtnf the rrMrxilr IH I thx main nb JlIon to thl < < form of jumcr An Iulo t I n lIIr lIanke HIP llliiKtratlnn irproufntu mi ap ratiift of alniplti rnnktnictlon ill 111111 tn be poclally ITIIIo In nrinliiK < inbankinrnta along rlrrr etc lh IP ilrlnliiK rnKlno on any Miltnblp ntlHiat l mnuoilnl by > rarii nml hnII1 itprnitril clutchm ltli twn milk imnhkli wlml tin rmU of n hI IK cxti mllnif iiutnaril ntcr iillty hI111I a kiillahle frnminork nn the rnr nf tin bout tin1 arrnnKimint liitfMih 1 thatav the mpa U wonml 1 xm IMII ilniin It tit I nnuouiul from II hi ntlifr Tht nI xlrmla from Ihu IHlllt up the rinbiiikiiicnt mnl 1111 > A itt i-tt 4 4i u I rrr pulleya In tullnble frninnnork ield In place bj iinchor rofi tin rnmetviirk bring nf Mtoh denrlplloi 1111I111 nm lie I khlflitl to nou piMltlniii long the enibaiikint UII the und I u-nd down run nf tho row are at aclud braneli ropm ronncctetl with hoireU or tempera nnd whtn the nglnn U I running thn operator lij iramt of Mill ling devieea whit h throw IIP drum out of gear nnd the nthe ntogiur ettiimaonoof the Knip < r lo IP drnnn up the rinbankincnt am nloinatkally dnmiHtl nlille tho othc KrapcrU being rcliirntdto bo tilled TliunthowraiHra travel In I uppmlt dlriillon nml nre nllernnlil mini emptied and relurmd their place of fclarllng scientific merlcnn Ip at lluttln lletint ixHrlment with diiktn n nrivtneil Imllrate that mort than nnllnnr care mutt bnixircUcil I In Itt timi Ll > ouaitiptmMWlilclu jnorimtjil i f i uave ieitntiiuttujti 53frtnitjbotH Av klruetloii mid Stun ijmliMnV3tUoli i tlioiffcclaof thodnig Cat die fninl imniljsln of the brain aa tin frog < llnhhltHnpprur to In I tntlrely nnaf feclid by dulcln Aa u mnllctnu or an nrlkle fiMMl It la of coui > e taken In exceedingly unoll quantltkt It ls I highly iKl < iii of at atvetitcnlng for food for thiKM who doslro to reiline llesh also for diabetic suitenrs 01 nlo lor man jeankoltnlUlii were 11 alt tint the eurlouii iniltllalion of tl kkulU of ancient ltni I ltui 0 It Vila lit la > t dlkoovirMl that the onnent ot thete Hire In their llfntlniK tiibjett 11 lomllttont that were attrlbuled evl kplrlta The kknll wire ri gnlarl nllll not miKlf ntlllcully trtpnnnnl In imb to kt out tho devlbt tlmt jHiwuked lho kUlTonr lullier the victim tu vlriylthPniHrnllnnnr uit out with tho evil plrlte probably jnalUriil I lltl lo the turgeont or the frUvnli M lrlln into liortn A lato Invuiitlon hnmght out In re kHiii > u loan tmiHnitlta demand l l < II trolley chair tn run aburu n nice track InthUilttniijiidgtM who follow th horttw and are Hill 6 rnublotl till 101 ter tu obtain their movement IUI kteptrnikof thu race nt all point Die J iru mitprmlrd from a roller tlut nmt oir u htuvy wire Alio tb iwnulhtr I w Ire I iarr Injf I tho rloo trleiurrent lh motor la uuuer II 0 uluilr MUt and u broke U oputntnl hy the fooL A KfW 11 lot K pIn p-In n rerunt ttorm the olllorra of II khlp found It tiMtHMary to take torn protrtllto miakuri allli I hating r nil thty pnpnrwl it quantity of strati Mtnprudx nml H > urutl thlt ovur the troubletl 1 w ultra with the most Mil factor rrjult Thu ealmlng elite niKiiot quite i iiul to nil but na 011 nlternnllvn It untwtml tlm purposu vtry will Ihtre are udtantiiKm III MXIII u agiilnrt oil In that It run bo carried with nlwolute wftity und taken up far 10 I pa room > Ijttnpnltk One of the mott Intt renting of Imall Invrntlona la 11 lumpwlek made of clay 1 < i product the npe tiry pnroklt vnnulnblr fiber tboronglil Iniorpo with the ehiy which U nfli ralttl ward e < II IH ttl itt it high dign o rI hi a During the linking tha fiber In i mini ronkuined I Iwvlng a multitude of lIoy nil In conduct the oil to tin Ilium |