Show MAnlllAOli CUSTOMS Iloneliack wedding where groom and bride ride at full npead awav fnim thnlr pursuing nllendnnti are illll euaoaati nit iums In TurUrj Amoaglh llormn heailhunteri a young nmn lu uttering iiiarrla ii Ion iiuug hut tIlt hail to prnunt her IN Hli the head of man lillknl by him If Tournefort nay that nmoni ilroik ruatatlos nf today the brlilo nml grotiu f un the gauntlet of young folk of tlielr awpjiilutanoa vnii aloe unu < un theuin theypa I A lloman brldo ivtw lifted bj her bunband the throlu of lilt home nnd carried ueron It probatitj esto I Inillilug I the great day when no many of the j oiini Itomaiw carried home ktoleti brliloH a |