Show = = = a = = IxnninorUi this nri uiiiont nhlilt humane socIeties areronitnntl uriliis uialiiiit ltlMitlon whlililn I In tho In I brent of rctuncn tho editor of thu Now York Medical llcoont ui Them are laid to Ito 01111 100 000 man union In till country who go out with Liin liny mutllntn mil half kilt lilrOi they matmlho rubhltn deer smut other animal kuhjottlni litton tu oxqutnlta lain > l ilora Ihy diet the ritass timer Into Shut scatter stud munltr them In their lielpWnKni thtuy ride I niter frlfliluiuxl fo > ix and drltu thuin tu ibsitli of OKonlilni oxhniiitlon the hook up 1 llth by time wii ltle miirout imnnbrana of tho mouth and tent thvm from their numl |