Show Hot All tile Mflil Detroit Tree Pirelli A man duly sober and in good shape generally wn hurrying along the street shortly after midnight when ho met a policeman Hood evening Mr onleer he a3l sated politely Itt a pleasant night to bo out Quito so replied tile ofllcer eyeing him suspiciously I presume You aro out every night arentjou Kvcry night I and the ofllcer got up a little closer lo him All night asked the passenger night T jaCs tho difference between its I explained the nuipect If I should bo out half tile night Id get hark from my wife ami 1 I suppose It I stnyrd out nil night Id bo churched at the next I meeting Yon ought 11 be thankful that ou are a policeman Uood night and the Intruder hurried on leaving tile policeman la a slate ot great uncor totally |