Show 1011 elht 110 Thon Mrs Mary llannon died recently at tho homo of her ton John llannon about fourteen tnllct north of Nevada Jlo from tlm tcratch ot n rote thorn I Kho wat 03 yeara nnd tlx months 0101 I nnd waa up to last rlday morning In Rood health That morning tho was ltI l working I In her rota bed ami tcralched the btck of tha flnceron her right hamlon t briar Iho hand aoon be camn awollen which spread to lha thoulder and tho hand and arm bo came discolored Sho lingered great agony from that tlmo until her death Mrs llannon t lived out of any church I I up to about a year njo whDn the unl ted with the Christian church Ihli fact created lIen a sensation thai tho neighbors for mllea nruund turned out 110 vrtlntt he cm rton la Lucker UUi I near bar homo t 1 ttv |