Show TilE UUnllOB DIED I Hot II riifX Wl > Urmii Ih unseal Olnmgnal 10 uh A maJ man Uod mom trJltlr Ibnn a bIJ l 17ml le I ttw oonHn < i < > n that lliiry I reoman and faMH li ° rt late nrwhnl anal their itorj l > armf HI tlm ubjf ot IndUJBlo but th 1lnl to well taken Preen aol I fetttt nre mlem 1111 VIM Itf40 lioMtt um mrrf tory fhrr arrlvod In fian IramsmiraO iecontl altor n long and ulndlag Wfint fir Irecfoue ralaUi In that mountain moun-tain of Han IternanUoo ntul la > o niunll Mr 1heemilB rolunleewd Mit Information Unit ho I had ieomml through an exparlrnra Which I m neh turIng outdid nnjthlng Hint h < aM oxp pi lo Ibid In Itt Internal ivrkmi I ilitrllig twice Iho length of Shop Kli r and I loch bun knorklnir amount han mountain nnj oinyoa lor MVornl wok takl Mf Fnieraan ails hal four btirrot twij to ride aol two lo carry our pack of tools an 1 prorl lon Iho biirrot are deal loiter and I arms allvo hut mljli hky Wa hnd poor luck smut itru < k nothing with color In It I for a longtime long-time Finally wa decided lo Itrika oul for a locallly 1 I wluro low If aaaV 5 LII laI nviir mna 5 fnni U 0 I 7 rasavh Iho desert doiinjry nwth of I Death Valley nlJIlt1 ranl erasamt Iwr ilatxn IHOTIIW I il M nt know Wcdiiedaj from Sunday 55511 Hum wo headett for the IuniTul 1 monnlalM cost uf thbre Kiln theta 1 wn I come game to 1 had anrtourwpplyof provlnlont held nut tiry well but lIst further ost Wl wont thy peumreer tho WiiUr UwaDK I nnd what there1 W14 of It W54 rank iKil on In oae ot UN if niello of the Fun nil 1 rang we found n rowing prlng with water an rlenr I in rrytlal livitor and I drank with grail eito mid MI did the burros l 11U wu nbout two hour Infora win < eton a sits that wo tM hot Iso llaltM Well muIr five mlniiton I alter WH drank thai waIst my partner and I noah dci tel I IIM ln < gan lo Mitrnr agonle lfMle bass mirsthMy I InMa Mraaind to he on flrw utah I fell nt If name litttjr if man was dragging ul mr Intotmin with a fir illrIRlfLI nip dial tu k Mween imtornnd nHl nml the burro 1 n < to which in > iild hrjiilnu and klrttunl mat the mott horrible noUo tWfon the nun net Iwo of tho nntmab were daoil 11111 other two partially ro 1OrNlI l Attir a cotfpla of day re oIbOl log In tho meantime dlmovered a cant quantity of illrtylmt IDMnoUoii I out water wo not to work again awl nory noon dloocivd tome MT rich uolillienrlng I cniarti t rnrrlwl free Koll nt leat flOU to the Ion and K e droio Make on the claim Hat HO might at well hate unveil ournelrethn troibUJi Iwcaufi I uo f am at I an concerned con-cerned and I know ioler U I ot ilia name mlnllI I wouldnt go luicklatliat auaamel soailaia for A million Xo ale Iln ilunlli dealh i ovurywlicri Mum 1 In Iho war burning sleuth In tho aunllght annihilation In tlm ntlng w luJ tIer It I no water with hMi to work tho oro or eiucntliJln > Ihlmtiif ItaiSt I tar I fro U rl wouldl iieilifnn lmKiiitlilllty tu cart the on > IJ is plmii wlura titan lould lio mmlalnucL fur any length of lime I nm ulllltd Ihoro aro tlioiiwinli nf great fortunoa In thona hllU and gnlchet Kt It my opinion thay will rumaln Iheru u lonjt Iliuo > IliuoMr rreommi then gave agniiihlo I ncvount of tlm I rtr > lit towird oh Him lion tiltI I ImMUblo 1llllln lor nour ly I Iwo day mimI nlghU he I aol ioator UIH Iho two hurniii had not suite uiuup of WllUr Tlie mou wireontho verge I of niudiiuH4 boouiiMi lh lent wan I In LOtus Hio mnliM lotlen > l nit I groaned nml hung tlnlr lonifiiui mil of 111m cornera nf thaI moutlK him nlmot within tlghtof a lltllo luuuntiiln sImon of pure vutar not far fnim tIe bantu lo 1 raHiond I lilt buritM luyilonn stIll illol 1II11I1 I t In hue Mtine luoath Hut I mmian and lilnr ieuiliwl tha IIISOI UaggM n frolghl I rill II uumnl I lofl h tiw land of hiirrom wtlhs n ilalge lo Mih oilier dOtlrrI miner ow nitiirn Freomaa Miyn ho will seek II cooler oliumlo and iKjlUr natur In boulli Afrlrn a |