Show Ttarlilnr kfliool la > lu 1 The nays ot ilio telioolmatter III lontlllann 1roTlnceofdrana la > < palii re hard The school house In Ihlapar I cular place la I used at a granary 0ur ns Iho summer vacation A few days to the achoolmaster wished to begin lit Instruction again and wrote lettera to the villagers who owned the grain In the building asking politely thai hey remove It The answer was un xpcctrd The peaaanla angry at the assumption ot the fellow atormed It house pulled him out Into the street lbeulrl JI oTtlI nd leal him badly Tho excitement I oon extended tn all the people In the olll le hort nIt and n largo ort howling men women nnd children gathered bout the houto of the mayor 1 hla i oughty ruler brought I nnler out of liao byiordcrlng two or hlttervanta I to chase the nuhooTmaiter out of town 110 will not teach the young Idea how to shoot In Moiillllana tlilk winter |