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Show X:The deceased wift to relocated membered tb dsnt Ut lio ia Coalville about on year afo. COALV1U.E, FBlIiAY.DEC. 14, WM. A tiy'dvaore fcabea tuad ia TKAWK. Iaengr rate between Utah and all 0 MtKAKTUKt Of AKM.ru eastern point. We see from our exchanges that the UIIH ISIl PS1AST KM CLViU 116. w. late snowstorm hat been quite general 1?8 t Park City . 40. throughout the territory. . US, lo Keh Mem. iltltl The thermometer registvrtd 4jdegrees 1 30 p. m. Vo. 7. W; zcroTurMiay iiioriqug, w ha lira lui ... Wst Ksl, Clio Kas-readied thi winter. Kk 1. Th merry chiuies of the alvtgh-hoh- o "u are heard in turf direyliuU, and aimut ... ..... verybydiM moftjbtojildpmotj, ,fuT .TM X. Popp that winter i liare. Uklf O. Lrom ... f Psns . Tb Jilt Bloaaaut pyramid lia entered Rnft (Wlblb Oeekport Omasa w, oun VtiuLlb rir ou ita fifth volume and seerne to be very H. ClivlH " "T John Vtari fcz T wirkel proaertu. It ia one el I'talie test W a mm Brewer week iiee, and deserve to thrive " ZTSa' Wskh Cnartee Duwnnt, Tbo infant son of Mr. and Mra. Jain .. .... IlHfU , Salmon, aged 40. day, diei Saturday COALVILLE MARKET. 9 night from pneumonia. Th faueral waa hold Monday afternoon. ncrtn ocoTiTiona , .... bosks). Tho American Fork lum ha taken Wlst. o .. Oeta.1 ant. per IS poanUa another etap in advance. It ba boon a PotntoM, beet, pet boshsl to a folio, and nlarged .. Patter. per pound otbarwi improved. TnTina send per dorrs . of Forestsrs. COALVILLE TIMES. ) ., lrtt , Antari3iTorrign !?; js tn-- rt. jr r n 1, Mas tun ' .... beet, per pn4.. Mss Motion, per pouo4.. Mae perk, per ponnd Mae eeeh per poen. I ebteken, per ponnd .... naf. per ten pet ton tlaotby, fWat, vekn per . '. ruwa. 10 LOCAL 4 1TT poent 04 ' ItMti 4.004 M 1.801 Tl BREVITIES. boot wUhoa. The Young Mem' Mutual Improvement Association ol the North and loath Coalville wards will eommenc Sunday night. They will bar held conjointly at tho Academy building. ' Cranks are not yet a! dead' A man named Lovio Maillot lasted forty -- five days in Ogden, completing it last Friday. He now seems te be all right. He would make a first-claCoxeyite. Jay b. Watson died at Park City Saturday from tb streets of a blow from a billiard cue in the hands of William Collier. The altercation occurred-- . on OOO1 saloon tho Tuesday before in th of pool. Th at IarV City,' over deceased ia said to have been the aggressor. Collier is in jail. We hope all readers oftna Tints will appreciate the fact that there is more hard work and expense connected with running a newspaper than fun, and that they wilt spread a little sunshine in the sanctum to counteract the gloomy influence of the devil" by coming in and dropping silver dollar now and then on the table in pnyment of tbeir subscription. We are n stsusch friend of siirer, and love its every ring, betides, we desire to get a little more practice in writing receipt. For the past few weeka the Jones Bro., our energetic tinners, bare been kueily engaged guttering roofs around tb city. On Saturday they finished vp a job ol thi kind for tb Co-oand it it a goed jsb, too, There ara n better morktne In their line than th Jonet Bros, and they should receive all tb patronage of our cllixens. They are engaged la strictly a home induxtry, and deserva to be successful ol interprise. Patronize them, and every Coalville institution, and keep ysur money at hoiae. ss Fkaliagie all th rage, Mr. John Bart thi week died hi bond eity tecorder. Not the change in the weekAnr tin Co-o- p cd'geod ad thi are ad oortiaed. Tho Fait Lake papore ay there will b groat need of charity work in that city thia winter. Watch Th True lor the announro-men- t ol tho first appoaraneo ol tho Coadrillo Homo Uromatie company, many ol hlo Ir. lloan.er report road to th on or rapid patient rasurnsnl eae, etc,, are getreran-- , ting scarce The Cali Bargain Store ka at largo dvortiaoment in tkio iuo. It eon-tai- n an oiieniiv price Iit, which all hould carefully red. ' Tbo return ol Summit eouniy been canvassed, and although no change inti general mult war made, th Republican majorities bar in many instance been greatly reduced, lloiiow echool will given Concert in the Stake lions on Saturday niglit, December 22nd. They will bo assisted by tb Coalvin. Hoytevillo, Hotofer and perhape tho Wanshlp or) oole, Th Ieoploo Mercantile company lb I week bad printed 8,000 largo bill for clrrulwtion throughout th county. The tilt quote price and announce great bmgaine. HwmkI I also changed in tkii issue, JUad it. 1. B. Tewkesbury filed a suit against Summit county before Comniiasiotter J. 8. Salmon, lor 21, balance duo on free Tbo county filed a demurrer by Attorney 'J. h. Townsend, and on Thursday balraon oter rulml the douum rer and the county will now hay to tht hr Tbe-Fprin- p, ' Mr. ways labored under the inpre?a that he waa the yoangest of th famiij , bnt than he has grown old so much of oMest the he now la that the they, btittcb at least, that is M ihsy aav.) th sge question out, th evenwas very enjoyably spent, and a ing number of handsome aoovners were - T PEOPL ftrr presented. Mr. Joseph Barber this wreh sent to Tti TiMt otfire some samplv of writing fluid or ink that are superior to any ti re te fix vs ercr n rd J a- - tn xmi f;nt them himself, and the sample sent n touiprtse blue lilsrk, green, vwUt and .1 time they are first written, and do not fade a particle by exposure. They are very br,ght and clear, while thev do not corrode or clog at all. W put some in oar fuuntaia pen, and find that it fee,, used. better than any w have Freexiag doe net seem to impr their quality or color in tb least. Altogether it seems t be a Wry superior article, This is a heme enterprise, sad our merWho chant should handle 'no-otli- sr knows but that ia time, CoalviH may be a supply point for tbo writing fluid of th territory f Thi Timu te not given to looking fer th shortcomings of its territmial con temporaries and holding up their defect to its readers, believing that all the country papers of the territory ore as good, if not Wtter than tksir patronage warrant. Besides, newspaper controversies are of little internet tojth general reader, and I have always regarded It a mistake" on th part of the eoantry newspaper to indnlg in them, grest-But when a would-b- e am' inch as the editor of the Manti Messenger seeks te pose as jury ana judge of what a newspaper is, it, it almost Loo fuunv and ridiculous to pass otsr. This hrainv, "brainy ddltor, about to weeks of ago got together about a rot, calculated to enlighten the country editors, and to pont out th requirement necessary before they are entitled t the honor and dignity of calling their publications newspapers. Strange to say. the Messenger, whose column are presided over by this ahoe maker, lacki all the essentials mentioned in his "article," The most pleasing part of his paper ia his advertisement for brains, wkch leads on te thiak there ia (till hop for him. Be surely has reoiai to rent. The eountrv editors ar very much obliged to him, "lam suah. don tc her knew, and I aiu equally ear ale greatness is not half spprociatad at Manti, otherwise it would not be necessary for him to tell his readers how brainy ba is before thev found it out, or even suspected him of having snv. He must bo a nonpariel man in a small pica town. Another evidence of his groat ability shinaa out in hie territorial newt, which be condescends to filth from his iaferiorf?) exchangee and forgets to give credit for. 1 have often .thought that some papers weqld be far more Interesting and readable, if thv were all patent, inside end ut. The 4 Selina Free a nd th American Fork Item both made good replies to thia shoemaker, and I would like te reproduce their comments, as thsy are both metropolitan psper compared with thi dairy in question, but I hate no more space to devote to him, other Uum. to remark that I venture to sav that mue country editors out of every ten know more about a newtper wnd ar more capable of editing one, th.m this gieat mogul who is so smart that it hurts hinu rr ' 1 Joseph Hartley this week brought to this office a tack of brandy snaps which he, manufactured kiuineif, Thi is another Coalville industry, and the uperior quality of the 'article turned out by Mr. Hartley is bringing many order in t bint, A lew weeks Rgo he sbipiwd 100 pounds of these good to Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder Wsrld's Pair Highest Medal and Dlptoams. Balt Lake and this morning a shipment was made to Ogdsn, It is IttroUTAKT MiritK. . more than likelv that in a short tun U!uluit. Tnere will be a meeting of the stockMr. llartly will bave enough orders to Walker Walker has been acquitted ol keep him engaged in the manufacture of holders of The Times ItiU.shina Coiu-pet- y FVoBinKir l.'f h, on itmd ty the thatga (J inctrit brought thrsvdalnties. B.ilnst him in the Third liKtrkt lontt, OUicer brant h on Wednesday wtjut to of Ttts Tr.ii nil'll o, et , "0 iinlock. All siotkhol h r are r io-- ' dt b preent. with intent to l'urtcrv liie, Morgan cuumv, and urre-ite- d but a t i iuye of Citizens getieral'v are n'-- o commit t7i e ut 11 list g enr him. L t'rrin Porter and IMnsKiihurn, on (gvud. y t' e ti rd tart, leitid Waikir Tlully Ale 1 ife nf ilent Thty art Dlntikl (ktduf tuniitd.t !. 1 the itldenco the gneto chained with itiitliigaridStlihiig Cntt'e, Itiank th. i'Tir.ni b I o the rar.d jury, ami surass vimuitlctl and were taken before Justice Jmooiit Tin- T'vtts, f, f ihojv kind-iio-- s h r j erjis1 y , 1 ut rnl .cqt'cntly realea'd. inv gicit liciesvemciit, lieiieier.Xiiey pleaued not guilty, and at-- tolo mo in tiuui itn.i f ,ull elvvats Tiiere wa a slight error in the minutes asked for a change of venue, which wa temeiul-eit with gral. fnl ht-in cmr of tl.e c nsi.tr court published t granted, and they will be tried lefois J iMhS tV.UAfE. ie-lu ilm I el of appropi latiom for t,un.ini)HiKmer Kaiuton at Coalville on , .. uut Till, 1 , indigent, the name of Mr. Callinap-whu- the t'istihst. They are now out on Kill For the hl;dav s I'wm The Union th it'd hate rwi 1 Mr.. in the sum cd fit). tn tne saa.et'ip 1ai ire wiH T tickm- - (rem j ,,)( on h siibpa naei want t m the the ' rteO m N i cm! . r . ti, 2'i.h ami ILrlt u. M' t Tire riMa ile-- j J1 Bt iH t it , Jl", I1'!1!, Slid J a i a rvtiei U j .th i th ci rtctSi u, ut yicw tK ivd tied nt e . rrmt-tio'mil t t to ad j ..tut. h (' , call u'i imr t 4-t j hn rs.nlic -- bwinml ia l.uiicr tut Die 17ih. t'-- t. in a t Lr ctliui m will Le rum a " fora nuettng l tl.e nuiewa of a hooldi Uasnunst agreeably . . at TiMis I If K . , 1 i. . 2 th t tot ii 1 a t ia surj ri'cd lart Topsujv ewimij U ' I a' r, !. ; tti-- , 1 uiniwr cf reiuUvet and frli ui ct.no her ! r J Ve ut puttbe , rit k T.i'rn w, i v a t fl'f t irizens i lot ior ihe pu) j ofO t! votiiig on me gating at ills inane juet at tli np r of In'trii'E l'.u. on (. uuhimv 31, at 7 ; kh ilirp, pa'c icr ct nt of x hctol tavc for the en htiiu, eetdeutly dCparcd for a gtami Monday, IVeemW liruk huo hou-e- , f ,r tl e ptir-i- r ih knew theie w as chh e at the en!igyn'. Tfis isu. most it qwirttm blow-oun- -f , ut r- - nntrtf f,r v, r.t of nut i tug, and vtoid be ailei. d iy ami t.irr.ag in the cll.tr, and vchtmi tsxto b' hr the i,iUre-i- d in edct.stitn, t,ue he counted there were seven beaus Vfftr- lh. ltf V, i urtt. ' Park i.ecfrdT The Ontario -- nail tu Ibe bttg. This w ws not d ' been per w-- n fnmitii, juux fiattv'K. alappe i yesteiday, tl.e 7! it,, ,'si bnrsof bead, and how- to make them go round, She.,; Truees. bullion conlainii g 27.lCo.C3 fin ounces promised for a time to he a hard prob-tef sTlverr TotlowTng-!-I- ke not ihewrtterdid oreehipAwarded msnts from the MatkinVoth sampler for care so muck, for be had already parHighest Hoqors World Ftlr. the present waak : Anchor concentrates taken that day of a hearty meal of boiled 457,000; Oliver King 240,000; Ontario onions and dried applet, and bad been West concentrates 89,040; nibbling nt the office past pot and 189,10; bottle during the afternoon ;b Tsui pounds 976,600. llsrald: Walter liwia Schmidt, 0 waa therefor prepared for a protracted IArk City, and formerly wU kuown fast. Ho dont boliov mock ia high roeident of Salt Lake, died at th Holy living, nnywav, as it is not good for Cross hospital ysstarday morning. Th dyspepsia, and thats bow be manage deceased was Uksn down with pneu- to keep to fat ; bat appetence must b monia last Monday and was brought kept up, and bo had about com to the down from tb Park for troataasaL Im- eonclaaioo that Ike boat eat most bo mediately after bio entrance into th sacrificed. It otlll tivoc, though, for bis boopiul pleurisy tit In and hat alight better half had put the job op on him, hopes of kii recovery wer entertained. and be eat down to'k feast with tb air Everything possible was done for him, of on who was used to such things, and but the sufferer sank rapidly, and yes- sustained his part so well that the troth . terday, surrounded by bis wife and other was never suspected. It wM th occaMOST PERFECT MADE (read relatives, be passed peacefully away. sion of tb A purs Crap Cream of The deceased teas burn October 16, 1871, er will overlook bit modesty, at ho bae Bwn Ammonia, Alum Trt powder. Fmt tthtf 4dkitnni and waa a mint her el tb Ancient Order several outer and n . wife, and bad al-40 YtAAS THS FTAJOAAJL i50-poti- k- - ' cmn-plaiut- -- ft-- wl-hl- iiffoal-viiVthro-ig- aei-tir- o Some people say they are selling goods Cheap, and some say that they are Selling Still Cheaper, but as usual, We Head the List, HkND Sell the Cheapest! it is our custom to always fix prices that places everybody within reach, so as to enjoy the good things of the Holiday season, vwe shall continue in the good work, and during the present time, and until the 1st of January, 1895 we are offering the following goods at the remarkably low prices quoted below: As 22 lbs. Fine Currants, $1 22 Raisins, 1 8 Seedless Raisins 1 1 Mincemeat, 8pkgs Best Lemon Peel, 25e. lb Best Citron Peel, 25e. lb doubt will have to have something in the shape of Candy, Note our Prices on these Nuts, Oranges and Dolls . Goods . For instance, we will give you 10 Pounds Best Home Made Candy for 6 Pounds Very Fine Mixed Candy for 7 Very Best Mixed Nuts for Three Dozen Excellent Oranges for You no . " . opre.-tattoi- h irl -- -- f. 1 n i ndat-l'.eeu- . t, ' a- t, cn-Ui- efOp FoT-kims- el! I1t no-cila- ge ba- CflEAf.I DAEMR3 PfiTDI writer---birthd- ay r DOLLS ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. A Beavitiful patent doll for A Beautiful patent doll for - 25c 22c-inc- h 19'-ine- h - - The&a cannot be bought Anywhere Else for Less than 35c and 50e. 15c DRESS GOODS,' ETC. have not seen our iirie of 25c, 20c and 15c per.yard Dress Goods, you should comeand see them. We have just opened up about 50 pieces, L: and it is a pleasure to shbw them. If you : Come Ask to see and make your selections our tine : before the Stock is Broken. of Ladies' and Gents' Silk Handkerchiefs. Wo have a beauty . in Ladies' at the remarkably Low Figure of 10c- .- In buying SHOES, don't overlook our offer on this line during Jhejfoliday Season, Remember with every pair we givd you 5 pounds ol Currants or 5 pounds of Raisins, or 21--2 pounds of Each. L - T Yours Respectfully, ; 7 r People s Mercantile Co , ' - j A. SCO WCROFT, Manager. Jr |