Show ANOVBRPVII LETTER 1 DCBCntPTION OR A POSSIBLE SOCIAL FOLLY rl tsutln e hlb tica a Sshuieh lb sbc tank Inlul sumaaumuge sul Slew It 5a SiurtulTis Its reacts ta slaIn l tee I The prince ttartetl I lime utamp rpoltn it5 ole raid Itll the pnittletl i > apr I ever had and i look there lime lump of washed out violet in tha corner make I look horridby I Why not two halfpenny utamps alil I tho prince Pink J < o i > ald I al tho nrlncpiw his green ntumpt I are wuntedut kIt of fcablo green IcnI it ttmple Mid thu pilnco tluvo halficnny rtnmpt are green So for nthttlo rrnion time prlncom Jiut thrro ImUpcnnj ntnmpt iijwn nil ler iorre pondcnco and Martnl tho great year of the IMlal ntithorltlct limo Imlleii pa 1 r promulgated < IL Saii l the Nomnn ot dood luinll Mlm prntl fano liat liccn utartctl In aver high atlr of srry quarter putting n trifle 01 or hue proier jo tngo iiion letter iacket < Ilia Idea Is nlmplo I onoutli und II U I anlonMiIng It him not Iwen thought of before It I I nail remarkable how jiooplo with n claim to good Mto I haro hitherto I been content con-tent with the inlnlniuin pit mrnt for the inrrlugo of their loIter In nil olhor mattira 1 certain ixtlundanro humus been nn IM ntlnl ot lsmittn l attention atten-tion but In h mails ot poitago tho mott oxiiilllo liavo ml wtl or dtdlbar i elsly Ignomlun timv dUtlnrtloii from tho grim xinnwortli ot hint yiilgur I herd WI tlo not pa Vfq hould Iran Ira-n to IIlho necttiar cnb iiian a rnwigre ithllllng when ho rnbI ut lo tho door ot our friend mini on inHiilon I nut ceremony the ush I nt nny I price hi I tnlioo Who would dream of I j rattling Into n court ceremonial In n fouiwheckr I and yet who would not nremimo to approach oven blue throne IxMivuth n penny utanip TU Incon 1Inl Hut now the lncon l tonc is Ito I-to I bo abated lint mere tunnmuy tamp Is I to Iw I rolegalrd to baro biiilnoi r tilromtmtn ion I tho nut threehalf 110 will inetin mire civ lilt two jwuro n conpllinent ttvox lifehalf JH nny n frlml Ij touch mind fourp nco warm rngnnl hue Innovation wan lot tvcclved without 1 utiiiggle Man of tho very lMt fuuilllen hold out for roma time but time awful word i > ial > iliuW was to much for them IMdeii tho J 1 ilplontu of wnn clomps became wit rltlvo An pooh rand half n nhcot ot noto paper or Iloek lImo q from n I mnn nnmo ut pout to lilin with a Ivitny stump llio rollnod llolt who would not Imvo conforinctl to hits now fimhlon for dlnpla for tho world Old sa for tiuu pumice thelriorrciponl int Men h bit tlictr UpN wltfi linmlll l atlon mu hen lime r1111 entered with 1 IMnn letter And a dent jwrnoii would as noon havo thought of n Ing l for a farthing ihango In n tlrnjxr I thop us for n jioiiti ttamp In a IIOt ofllio hit tcnpcnn Unit tho 5Lstuuuutu ol O tooil letnuihy JI flxttl vvat toon ox coctlKtl say tho 1all Mull Ittidgot rim llttlo ttor of hauly looting and indy bhadwoll I tjplcul of what hal iwueil An time ivoilcr iHnwaro thono I I ladle wire oclnl ioinKtllorii I Not UuH Sliudwill had Usuctl Inv ItntloiiH to her garden part with I khllllng I Iama father inagiuflitnt Innova lion hnuly l Tooling ncccptotl Ill halt a cronn and followiil up with lien own garden part at no lees than I Ilvo khllllng par Invitation Hiiro upon I ljil Shuiluoll ohovvnl llrI ixall clover woman oho isu site jiimiml bite ten 1 shilling ntunin uml KJ I Liiriug thu Kiiind one mobbed homily looting of tin lOolbllll of retort I fnlll tho hunkruptt of the maiipiln homily Miudwdl ntuil to the jiound nnd 1 nnll matt xoplt nt tho utmont lould onl llvn ut hurlovil I tlioiili Lady looting tilwl tho very olnlonn und iiountl vulgar x > odliiiit ot I louplo of U omit time for funeral lomlolcnro I theio wan a outdo omethlug like tIme I following Slight mourning ono i shilling halt mourning liulf u ronii deep mourning fits hlllliigH hit It lliietuatvtl loimlilprubl It mt tIm u noiirce of Inllnlto fumll feudi tuul n wll chanfollorof Ihooxihixjutir Itmud a very aillehe mourning set of fclunipi with I I blaokcoinoni nnd a tllghtlv bit I lilekn II her gtiuui HaulM Itniiotl I n korlm of tump up to LIftu hit hue win 100 I luto in latch time fakhlon and In order toneuro n market among olUttnra the greater iortlonof thl hut issue had to lx buint lime jxittul nurpliiK rita to i7000 000 In the flut hal tur und scent on rUIng lhuIy roformotl tIme xmtonico lu ovir jioitlbla tray tlioj built llifll I wills bite mont lluey rcdmotl the Intoino lax to threojiciica In thin pound llic oven got to u iinlvtrml jwnn uoslago btHUimc nt uobodv ext ex-t < pt luiuiicra unt punti letters It 11 l1ly did not teem lo matter And then like Jomiha gourd hike the IHI Ivagtier of Prague hike the mlita of the morning blue fashion tasmussI lot hIts tovtrolgn ntnmptng antnxolopo In th chuck b somo tiaugo nmldoul sent a iMMiii loiter lie Horn Uidy MMJiirtxl III unolopo for hue otllw window anti was uiulenluld ahead with tho nowd A day before lImo chancellor of tha oxclmiuei Iiiul napiod lilt flnciru n loud ronouud Ing snapin tho fate of u holplo homo I n 1la A slay utter lImo jiontonioe nurpluilmil khrlvvlnl lice unexploded un-exploded blatldor lhe govirnment renlgned And I this camo of tho prlm I and her thrco luilfx nn tuini |