Show tr iiiiu i I N Jt really doetn I pay to Invite en aged people to receptions or danren aid n young society women recently m f for at n rule they furnish I ln very llulo niutement or entertainment tu tho iicsl general unless uDcoatctoui Iy honho tlance he wanta todanco with her nnd when the dancea the u hfs to dance with him If I they ireak thlt rule they do It under pro I Ml and her eyes are seeking lilt eto uent with love and thlt tort of apol Clf Dearie I don t want to walt wllli Ida man I nlmott bate him but I uppota I must Don be broken icurted my darling Ill la by our tide 1 In the mlnulta etc t < o much nicer when I they gel married mar-ried and kecomo sensible remarked the giver of entertainments how York llecordcr |