Show TICKINGS FROM THE PRESS It would take nn express train running l lll aetXS I ning contlnuotitly at Use rate of 311101 feel a minute 581 cr to reach thus tun from thin planuL flue oldcU building In Nets Jemuy I I Doughty > tavern near lnoland wan licit ro vi il by tire laid I was built J by John Doughty about 130 years ago After lontultlng with hit self nboitt dying together and hlivtifot I I repl that > ha seas omit i end uttgmum tut Xear of ron lake WI bor roucd n rlllo anti killed hlmielf I Halnt tunthuuiiya botl It rcporlt to have liecn lately stolen from the thrlneof Iadua where it WA kept and xmas found afterwnrl In n neighboring neigh-boring tvoot d polled ol Itt valuuulo emtausuo ate In the provinceof bnmara In Iluv Ma eight pca aul farmer recently combined to say hits money thuy I o < their laborer they together J eiiiplorcd tiont ono men and after pajIng 1 them tho vvaget agreed upon murdered them till as timey lay asleep A lit noon |