Show A COURTEOUS TJIIKl1 VIOTIM8 LIKED TUB WAYS OP OUNTLEMAN JOB Imelul r p Taut Cis St Star snl ieutlee TIo1 by 1 111 hll iaua tall I > I Ii l t n 15sel ties All 55 sit sostIctsh hlsus To4 Quinn WH neither a trror nor n < le > ern4o In the dajn before the two Hrrnl rallroodn rrowwl the Uenl Ho Wtee a f mlilor n priMjiector II miner a iiitn who rould and did hoot when ocraitlon requlml 1 hilt l not ono to In I warned away by u vifflhinoe 1 mmmltleu berau he wa worne than time aierat Joe went brokn on ivnli1 got rheutrd llIulol a rich find of silver anti one tiny bit Irglnla City to lICk nit it new onrnjHttlon I hail known him wrwiiiill 1 for two or three 1 yean nnl from hUminrenntlon awl general Ixiarliir I hail no doubt that he wan well eduratal anti hud town liniu hl tip al n rnntlKiiian He left Irxlnln Ity to bhxMini out in u road ufenl semi hi hail mi mrtner I had the honor or mlefortune to bn n pwwmtTr In the nmAlall lie inset isle hand on 11m irat wan Iwlwivn I 1 jltr Irglnla City anti Sheer It 1 nml the time II ovlovk In blue fornnoon lln < m went seven mnn of u Iwnhlim I the drIver tied while tlm four homm wnm Imlng wad ml at 11 urcpk irises Inr the rood toe rullfd for lit III Seagate to ilemnd I had u mat with the driver nixl I JIM 1 railed me huy naIl na-Il lie I ralkul urn dowu It woo the ant hold uji for n oer and no one won iultorei for II An lit III wo dropiml to the road 1 he looked lo east i that all weninn had Iwen I Hi hnhlud 1IwI I und ae we lined up he Utok pultlou liet wenn UI noel the rehlile lit hwl u ilewr mellow moire uml thun > was no im > nIMln lute uporch iw he mid I iniitlrmrn I have fnlkil ut ynin I tiling irn4iMllnv oral lagging I fl I urn How gdlnif to tsy thin imfevlon for et hulls I want your inoiiet I pro IMMI to nib im In n ir nltwl WIII > let Imo I-mo like n unlkiiian und 1 I will rcunm t your fevllnipi In return Mr Illnnk I I r frl tI linra I a my I friend tnt IInI It r the lr riimtlniife ho will ulicll o it with then the-n t of ou I will IIOK tick him to In tnKluiw me to each one of iu In nitii tloii toe took from nn fourtwt ntdnllir gold plenw I nnd thru I Inlrotluind him lo H Mr Iliwoinli who hupptMiud to land ni xt to him they nhook mnil und ukl Ihmuty wt re pli amtl to M a ouch loIlI other antI Mr lluwomb handed out IIUU In gold Si It wttit dmr down the lino the rulitier trnntlng to orwry maim InlfRill toluiiHl I o > ur lilx intlro tnli IlI iHiodlo In thin immeeutue I Iwllevo emery inn of IN suet us ho got nltoul tl IWO from thou rowd He did not I unsk for wauliM or J i < tlnt jtei why i iooiioiiUlibUhnUiSlbaaifiirtit Ion hCiilail m tt ootl 1l IIIA the leader hiy the isitu h lmijhnl and ailed fish Holt muoli raili luvo jnu got by 3mium SamF ° Al 11111 fSO ijpllrtl the sinner at lie j > riHliiixiI 1 hue tsihuuo I roil are tots ouurmli jflcklng atnl I know joii hao a wife tied 1 u child to upiioit Now gentlemtn I dont vrunt jour firearm nnd I dont believe an of ou will IM fool euoiieli to lira on me when yet get hold of them Ille Into time ootli mind drlvo iiliwiil hhould Jim meet tlth another gcntlomuii I itl summit irofotlon III U utll console yuui to rrullw thutjou liatu no ooth lo lie rolilxxl of Alter n wcond ioblwry lio was nt vigorouuiy puraurtl that ho 1ml to iiKindou the Slhor thy route but In tho ixiuive of u miiplo of weeks ha mt huard of up In bite lliiniboldt vnllij Ills lIhOIiI wan tliariitlirUtd ity u futo width ha 1 no Icon In Mitgo robbing I sayc u willtr in 1 tho Dotrolt 1ivo Itts IK taught Dm 111t1lO and thee items nIII o Junt itt hiue3 HUH alxmt to IUIM lull other ut t oiloik In tin nfluriioou Ono hail limo men nnd n nomiin and the other foiu men and n niiuiii and u tutty With the drlvern theru suture eleven men und nil vvull aimed und 3et ho nppnaivd MI siiddenl and moved ultoilt I MI twitll that It wit ut lint mippOMd tluro vvero four or tint robin III the uttuek 1111I I driver ho paid no I uttvntlon to but he Html up I them I nlno lUM nfrni tcanlivd limo first nnd made him gn tlmmtih time others It 1M I ul < that hll haul nmountwl to 5000 I 11111 nuts all In gold coin He had It 11111 on n blanket In tlio road vvlion the putm ugt rn roeiutmrked und limit I tugu rolled nvtn I tly never Interfering with the mull or oxprtvrt mutter fluuimtlmtminn Jim ta uipixlmilkingollltlultnonitof I I I olthor I i t tule Sum nor bite oxprott olllelalc wets mitch moumeuruumml nbout hiiutlng down n man whodld not Interfere with I tholr iropuit nnd mull pumult let wiu made buy sheriff iUed In smoko In ono jpar the roblwr I hold tip tlilrtecn eimiguai and male n groM liam I of at Hit tHOOUO lie wiu IIOVU kiiimn loonier u town und probabl llvtnl uloite l In the IhltkeU ami nwm taln He 1 JI a gitusi 1 honw nivl twit revolt era uiul ttusesuwvtuunhiy fllu1uiftleut at u mill or foiiutr shore to mal autruhiuae |