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Show DAIRY ANI) POULTRY. w nd of the r)inn,fnc'in about the center, lay a lay er of atone from a foot anti a half to two feet wide around INTERESTING CHAPTERS FOrfjthe outside; novv lay thefrontupf OUR RURAL READERS. puddle made of wood may be used as a t trowel) a foot and a half from the Do not lay the stone the ground lW How dafmfui fnrmen Op;: u hole length of the front, .or you will Import iuit of this HommtMid Hutu have trouble in laying your corners, os to the (art of Lie Sttxk and Xow wall you have thus laid upouhe Fault rj. place your door frame made out of 'two inch plunk, twelve inches w ide I with a tope and a pail and after tying her head so short that she can hardly see her calf, he begins to pall on her teats. - They are, of course, more or less sore, and she resent it, and tb only way she has of show iug her resentment Is by kicking, which she naturally does. And then the owner begins to Inquire for devices for kicking cows, never thinking that he has, or ought to have.if he runs a dairy, the remedy within himself kindness. Eaeouraf IngJtetUwr.' The British Columbian government's new terms to settler are briefly as fol- ' lows: Highest of &U b Leavening Latest U. S,Cov't Report Power. , Not leu than thirty families shall form a settlement, and each family must posses at least 500 cash of arrival here. The government leases to each family lw) acre of surveyed land free for the term of five years, and on the expiration of that period. If Improvements have been made to the valI ue of S3 an acre, issues a crown grant The government also engages to conwell of the braced, that the pressure I surLailtoj? lHet ,f struct a wsgoj) road to each settlement ow. Mir aw 1 N't t tsLfc of stones inay hot press It out shape. The ttoldlsr's Ulbl. and provide mail and marketing transOn All the XIhU The sheet anchor on .yLhieU theolro- - Now lay your entire wall eight feet who have tried winter dairying find port facilities. The settlers, on the New York Sun: A fc simile of the Detroit Free Pres : A man, duly either other hand, must become naturalized sober aud in good ferfet- fnarguriuesw iiidlc op In a layer of ,uior that they can get more money shape generally, was Soldiers Rocket Bible," comp'led by butter from-vo- ws ulent profit U Us color, says Hoard s tBr a plank, onto w hid) the roof from seYfmjfmTTk Cromwell's Roundheads, of which only eloping tbs -resources of the province. midnight, when he met a policeman. Dairyman. It is colored to resemble may be nailed. After the wall has be- that calve in epVem Wr or October V . sal- two copies, one in the British Museum Good Mr. he Officer," evening, butter w hile it is not butter. As a come thoroughly dry put on a double than from those that calve In spring. For e BmtS uted politely; "it's a pleasant night to and ope ia the U nited Staten, are known the stuff acquires a value at roof, using inch boards. Now take The summer prices of all dairy proDon't expect to have clean teeth or a be out" to exist, has just been published by are in much ducts lower are than they once in the mind of the innocent pur- the mortar (or a barrel of water tweet breath wuile there is a tinge of It was long Quite eo," replied the officer, eyeing Elliot Stock in chaser, that does not belong to it. Asa lime mied with sand would be best) winter. Milk must be freshly pro- white on the tongue, it it an unmis- him suspiciously. , . suspected that the edition used by the is of true duced It more evidence is every day. equally takable for of con sequence it sold mucfe.far indigestion. Drink and go ovcrLlhe Jasidefllling upall I presume you are out every night, army of the Commonwealth was a very small Bible printed by John Field, bub than it is worth. Compel it to stand rough places and smoothing off. After butter that what Is well made in winter sour lemonade, eat ripe fruit and green aren't you? for purgatives, exercise in its own color before the consumer; this is dry, place in ydur doors. If you brings better prices than wtist is kept vegetables and the officer got up as that was first issued in 1551, after Every night," use is plenty of water internally a little closer to him. the civil war was over, it cannot have compel it to abandon its fraudulent make your door frame 'the Hght size ovefl from summer. It not a difficult freely, and and keep up, the treatbeen the book. The credit for the disAll night?" asked the passenger. butter color, and it would then be you can use 41 couple of window sashes, matter with ensilage and grain feeding mentexternally, until tbs mouth is clean, healthy . All night covery belongs to George Livermore of sold to every person that wants it covered with wire netting, for the in- to make yellow butter in winter a and red. Various things are suggested - ' , That's the difference between us,n Cambridge, Maaa. without the fictitious price that the side, fixing them in the door so that the goodinquality as that made from to counteract aa unpleasant breath re- explained - If 1 should be tbe euspert w butThe Cm's CMb Bilniu hite, poor color gives it, and at a fair value. top one may be lowered to admit air cm Cow at pasture. sulting from s bad tooth, win, or gar- out half the v will h oldnV an bmt. Id get 'hark' from f r Uwa us eOUdeoMs bntt As it is now, the poor people who buy warm days, and make a rough ter made In winter comes from feed- lic scented dishes. Cinnamon, iqiat, my wife, and night tUtniwaysrubkai. IiS MoUdug if I stayed out I mastic -rosin, ail night I'd be suppose - It ana compelled to puy from 200 to storm door for the outsider -- to ing the cows on hay mixedwith weeds, creams, orrix rook-doveehurchvd at tbe next Broadcloth frequently cover a rel flansome must and flavor. wilt its which spruce gum disguise 300 per cent above its real value as a close at night. heart. meeting. You ought. tq be thankful nel shirt sud a beap-JohIf the wait Is also injure cows so as There to require odors.- - Tea drops of tincture of myrrh that you are a policeman. be enough Goodnight," ' commodity. The oleo people are very higher than the surrounding ground of Ilansees a tar water will sweeten ,and end the intruder hurried on, leaving Warrant ta curearMagi 0lv.M at ip glass munay rwCuadad. Aa fond of saying that they make thestuff take the earth which you have dug out' frequent churning. Whore milk from refresh the mouth. A teaspoonful of fur it, p k.-- it nu. , for the poor. Like Judas they want to and use as hanking; now plaee in your one cow only is used the cream has to spirits Of camphor or peppermint in the policeman in n state of great uncer- draggiat too long before being churned, the same gargle is among the best an- tainty. ( ,t Law wears Iron shoes, and dont care carry the bag for the sake of the poor. roosts, nests, etc., and you will have a stsnd where U step. Ths Ilaru et Torment j If they were honest they would place poultry house in which your hens will and good butter-i- s impossible from tiseptics. and a Tew drops of myrrh and cream thus kept. . camphor ia the water are recommend-i- n Of bilious people is chiefly in the retflea ef ths It the Beby I Cutting Teeth. oleomargarine on the market in its lay eggs all winter, if properly cared ease of cold, throat trouble or any liver, but uith the extreme discomfort located Sa sure and that al j fud wall triad lawaity, X own color, for what it is rather than for. Perhaps some one in reading the More Cijkkkk. It is a welt estab slight indisposition which may affect there are associated sour stomach,' yellouueos S oauia'aSuoTuiaa but far Childra Taathug. for what it is not. The dairy farmers above may think that they could never Khlied fact that the of the Skin sad eyeballs, moraine nausea, sn unpeople of our coun- the breath. Philadelphia Time. Growth in grace is never promoted contend for a law in the several states accomplish the job of laying the wall; consume only about .four and one pleasant breath, furred longue, aick headache, watching for faults in ethers. like that now in existence in Mass- let them once try it and they will find try Sympathetic aud while For and of each bowels tbe cheese of half irregularity per capita, When Judge liuxton of North Caroachusetts and Connecticut, w hieh for- that it is not near as difficult a feat as the poundsof Billiard Table, second-hanFor sal of these unpleasantnesses, Hoe tetter s Flout-aepeople England consume about lina as a young lawyer made his first all Hitter a swift and acreeable remedy It cheap. Apply to or midre, H. C. Axix, bids oleomargarine from coming into they thought it would be, and they will fourteen mud one half pounds per capita 511 B. 12th Bt.. Omaha, heia appearance at the bar, the solicitor, as is greatly preferable to any vegetable purgative the market in' any form or color be surprised with what rapidity they Good cheese will compare is customary in that states asked him or drastic mineral cathartic, Such more than others with saw This can lay the stone after they have annually. with of Gutter Milton, as an imitation blind, mamore In do barm than usually good. to take charge of a esse for him. The the best of our foods both ejes 0m. is fair and honest. They have a right once became accustomed to handling favorably complaint the liver t always involved. not excepting beef and pork. Then young lawyer did his best, and the jury larial For such disorder, as well as tor rheumatic and Pino's Cure for Consumption cured s esse of to demand that their butter, which the trowel. W. Z. Dumnnd, in Fannwas accused kidney why should we not eat it more freely? found trouble, nervousness and debility, II Pneumonia after the family doctor give up ail some advertises its. with true character, Review. ers' misdemeanor, petty a Stomach Bitters la a always guilty. The answer is simply, because a prime Boon after one of the jurora, coming Physician strongly commend It for Us promp- hujM). il. Jf. MiDuwes, Couowlugo, Md. shall not he compelled to atandin comarticle can not readily be obtained, It round Talue of ltooe Meal for Foarta the bur, Tapped him oa the titude and thoroughness, and professional apWe'cannot do any man a greater wrong petition with a cheating imitation. There is no ingredient whose vatife as would seem that, the best interest of shoulder, the proval Is fully JustlHcd by public experience than to misjudge him. said he, Buxton," this are in demanding by right a mixture in poultry food U equal to the manufacturer of this great staple They jury did not think that man guilty, but during more than s (bird of a century. law, both as a protection to themselves bone meal er bone for its cost. would be to produce a better article, we did not like to discourage a young ground N and to the poor of the land, who may Hone meal is ground the finer of the and v Weigh With Their ryes. thereby stimulate a larger home man." Green Bag. women often feci wish to buy the stuff as a substitute two, and is sold at a who in The stock dealer which ren- consumption. A home market is the li4 buy price For Modem Cooking. the effect of too for butter, and who would not be ders it very cheap, and an excellent best of all markets if sufficiently active. 'V As a matter of useful information it and sell tbe thousands of cattle, hugs much gsyety handled swindled into paying a butter price for which are sad at indaily of this to mix with, soft food for The future, prospects sheep balls, theatres, and great a cook- the Bourbon may be stated that whenever must a cheat on account of its color. There poultry, and the fowls stockyards ' teas in rapid are very fond of dustry depend very , much upon the ing receipt calls for a baking powder succession Dad 48 plain common sense justice in this it. It is especially desirable for laying course taken by those having charge of the Royal" should be 'used. The re- in guessing the weight of a live animal them worn out, or In conversation with a and the dairymen are asking no more. hens, and those who give it a thorough theaame. With proper care and ju ceipt will be found, to' work better and at a glance. stockman a few days ago well by The above is heartily secondedjty trial quickly discover the difference be dieious management it may become a surpr, and the, bread, biscuit, roils, he known the end of the ea this is necessary; explained why son. suffer the FXrmkkh' Review, but ttls doubt tween the yield of gga from fowls lasting, benefit to the dairyman find cakes,- dumplings, crusts, puddings, They to weigh the It would be from nervousness, ful if such a law would be found con- - that have this mixedy with 'their food the country at large. Farmers Voice. crqjlers or whatever made, will be pro- cattle in many impossible cases , because of the and sleeplessness duced saeeter, lighter, finer flavored, immense labor involved and the length irrcfulantie. The more dainty, palatable and wholesome. of time it would smile and good take, while the marBesides the Royal" will' go further or ket is time to adept price, which is subject to constant pirltn take flight in It has greater leavening power, and Isxrtor offered the pierce Fafrom it help fluctuations, easily vary might therefore more economical than any vorite Prescription. Its a mcdicne which we to its while lowest limit hightest ' 1 ether powder. were weighing the animals in one of was discovered and used byIn sallprominent cases of Many receipts as published still coll our big sales. For- - instance, today, physician for many year female complaint' and the nervous dis,JV for and soda, the old which has been the ' Preof the 1L ifcm The orders which arise biggest day fashioned) way of raising. , Modern V thus far, there have been received scription la a powerful uterine tonic and year and sanccooks do ntft cooking expert St the Bourbon yards over 3,400 head nervine, especially adapted to woman a tion this old way. In all such receipts of cattle afid about t 6,000 Sup- delicate wants for it rrguiutes and promote ;5 the Royal7 Baking Powder should be pose we had to drive all of hogs. those upon all the natural functions, builds up, invig. substituted without fall, cures, tbe scale to ascertain their weight? orates and Many women auffer from nervous prosThe greatest adepts in the culinary There are a dozen Of old stock men who tration, or to conge) ton exhuuMion, art are particular to use the ltoy al only can Inspect a herd of animats and form or to disorder of the owingfunction. The special and the authors of . the most popular an estimate of their average weight waste product should be quu k'y get rid cook books and the teachers of the suc- which will be source relieved irritation of accepted by pur- of, the local cessful cooking schools, with whom the chasers as the readily idwtf and the system invigorated with the " ProJ basis of a trade. best remits are imperative, gre careful I T'-'Do not take the ease which was made some scription. test a "In to impress their readers and pupils time since a man who has had a life- celery compound, and nervines which ' SCK with the importance of. its exclusive only put the nervta to sleep, but get a long experience in buylngand selling a lasting turr with Dr. Tierce Favorite employment herd of cattle, after inspecting a herd Prescription. The Royal Baking Bowder is ths of 500 animals, guessed their average greatest help of modern times to per- weight within d of a pound of 'FEMALE WEAKNESS." fect cooking, and every receipt requir- the actual ascertained by weighfigure quick-raisin"Mrs, William Hooves, of Btllville, ing a ingredient should ing th cattle individually. The feat Ruhland -. Ohio, nnbody it was accomplished by Ben IX Offutt of writes : 1Co., had been 'fA 1 bar I a Difference. so not is this county and extraordinary a ureat sufferer from The difference between dining and as it appears, because similar Instances female weakness ; ' tf man is of expert guessing occur here every I tried three doe-feeding the difference between and brute. The grandest old man on day." Louisville Courier-Journa- l. tors; the did me if no good earth ia credited with the statement lbought Dyed whiskers are like hypocrisy. They I was an invalid for- that one secret of the vigor of age is never oa fool heard but But ever. I person. due to the habit of never allowing my of Dr. Pierce's Faself lees than an hour for the pleasant Great honor ie due those women who vorite Prescription, business of dining." To Bit down to a have the courage to be old mauls rather and then I wrote to well cooked dinner, daintily served in than heartbroken wives. him and be told me it. a bright, clean room, with a few conIt Is always bard time with th mao who Iustbowto take bottle. genial spirits, and the loved ones about drinks up his wages. yi ' UreA' I now feel entirely'"1' ths table, ie one of the real pleasures Hoovxa. Mas. I stand could fiixtv-seve- n Pennsylvania towns begin well. of life. on my feet only a short time, and now I do THIS PAGE IS OF A FRENCH with Bel or Be 1 or "Hell." THE ILLUSTRATION all my work for my family of five.' Mow's This? . ERS REVIEW.' W offer One Hundred Dollars reward for say case of Catarrh that can not be WALTER BAKER & GO. cured by Ball's Catarrh Cure. CO.. Toledo. O. slitutional in most states, We da not and those that do not. Even the large Compo8tiko.Hex Maxcre. The We, theY. J. CHENEY &have Tb Largest Manufacturers ot known P. J. undersigned, know that the law has ever been bits of bone, as large as a whole kernel droppings from poultry are not effective Cheney for the last 15 years, and believs , PURE, HIGH CRADE brought before a Supreme court judge of corn, and even larger, are greedily manure when fresh, and this ia the him perfectly honorable in all business COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES and financially able to 'carry in Massachusetts or Connecticut, as to devoured by the laying hens, and it is way they are generally used. They transactions out firm. made their by Vgp ft Oi CoaUsttt, km ccUA its constitutionality. Nothing that really surprising to see how mnch they ought always to be composted. There Westany obligations Tkcax, Wholesale Druggists, Tolike also will it. be an some w is excellent but It of HIGHEST AWARDS ill reduction the bulk, can be counted as class legislation ledo. O. Wai. tiixo, KixxAN A Maavix, thing frra (2bC mt stand the test. Such a law would for grow ing chicks, and is just what the greater fineness of -- the compost Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Cstarrb Cure is taksn internally, have to be sweeping in its effects, a they need to build up a good, strong makes it posmble to use" thsmaller Industrial anil Fed acting upon ths blood and mucous more sort of double-edge- d sword, cutting frame, and if they are well supplied amount on groundX and surfacedirectly of ths system. Testimonials sent have oloo It with bone meal mixed with their other do more . both ways. It would prevent the EXPOSITIONS good. .The free. Pries T60. per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. manufacturer from colofWg his prod- food it will be a great benefit to the The hard lumps of which tmeompo "T- Halls Family Pills, Sic. ' as to their owners. All hen manure is composed are made fine. liEcrcpsaiiiteiiea. uct, and the farmer from coloring his chick as well fowls, and ' especially those that are The addition of superphosphate to the Excuse- - me, butter. Btar: Washington EHitrh Hwumi.M Afti t F confined, should have at least an oc- heap of composted hen manure is a saidMeandering Mike, as be paused at illmefUier i tfted itk,T 9f thwlf ftfwpwrwtMvft. casional feed of bone meal American great improvement It is in phosphate the kK.chen door, but her ye got any APT lCKUAlMkl; TWtr winter Quarter. w done In exchange for that the hen ireisnsuauyiackir!i4,wr,k ,y putt4 toaiubH, fc4 Poultry JournaL 1 " Now is the time for tne farmKNOWLEDGE wae the prompt while it has n large proportion U OLD IT OKOOCRt tVITHEAt. All right," was the reply, se Cow Klwdneoo. er to prepare winter quarters in, available form. Con reply. Bring comfort and Improvement and he turned away: Good day." WALTER BAKER iCOORCHESTER, MASS. hat Some time ago, suspecting that the nitrogen for. his poultry. A great deal has Farmer. necticut to peiwonal enjoyment when tend made Well ask tbe question?'' you betbeen written and said on the hired man was not treating our cows who live A JToi 'ViuK.- - A great many who sometime I meet men ths t want ter rightly used. Tbe many, construction of the poultry house, as he yhould, -- 1 undertook to do the ter than others and enjoy life more, with d keep poultry are Inconvenienced by the work for cold vittlee, an I'm so come Tbe only sure cure lot p'n worm la bmrw to milking myself. I found that one cow, but of all such articles that have less expenditure, by more promptly knouu I that able be tel ter like ter ia Stokete a Hog t tm!ra -- ur e Never fowls over This fence. the flying may 'em where v best to worlds the the notiee of the writer, the cost would a thoroughbred Jersey, began to lift be product boat sheep, tails to Uestruv worms ia burana, kin be, eccornmer-dsted.- " adapting they remedied a strand easily or by placing farmattest of will xI soon one foot from the ground as eat; an ereeliefit rnrai-oj- r rorxie tow la. a be greater than the majority the needs of physical being, Head slit, cents ia United hiaies postage a ad 1 .. wire of around of the It fence. the top of the pure liquid will aeud by uu.iL Cut this oul.u-- e It lu urug-ritbe talue to health ers would feel warranted in expending began milking. 1 paid no attention to is xvell to - - CkrtetnuM F meals Free. plaee the wire on Hie inside and par him fifty rents. Three parkagea The writer her save to occasionally stop fad pet laxative principles embraced ia the With comes aipon their poultry house. ths eoid first six for (1 M express paid, i tl STLKF.1KL. snap inches from the fence. When the ' season, and remedy, Syrnp of Figs-It- s would like to give the outline for the her, but she kept on and finally upset Grand Hsplds. of tbe thoughts holiday hens attempt to fly over they aim for excellence is due to its presenting Meatioa name of paper. construction of a poultry house that the paiL Then ahp jumped ae if to the bow to get tb money to buy presents and of reachthe most pleasand before fence, acceptable top for friends relatives Christnfoi in the form the cost, beyond the labor expended ward off a blow, but instead of the and truly it will be thrown back by the wire. presents mayand be obtained entirely free ant to tbe taste, tbe refreshing Trade-Mark- s, 7 laxupon it, need not be gneat. First select- blow that she evidently expected she ing of several perfect After beneficial to over of properties cost fly coffee and attempts aouththey Lion m small knoll facing south or by drinking got only kind words and more petting. become wearied and abandon the system, Advice aa ta raieeMHHfv a and MinlMUow cleansing r msU then effectually and beads ent lion ative; the large it, east-Jiofar tiuld. to tve dig out the desired size, the This seemed to surprise her greatly. are soon cured of colds, headaches and fevers from Lion coffee wrappers to th dispelling high flying, rat." the wassskoi, a. c. uxsasrAiuLL, for a cellar, only removing She turned her head and after giving name as Woolson constipation. company, Toledo; Ohio and permanently curing earth from front, if the bouse is to be me a good look she began to lick my Sf.d Noveltifs, Novelties, in seeds ""heir listbpice of present comprise a fine It ha given satisfaction to millions and , ?Y ere can as be offer size labor the I very considerable had finished many and until emit tempting, they it of assortment of picture books, a knife met with 'the approval of the medical kept up -E-inducements as old and a nse to of the the on lessened th superior plow milking;.' and after a week or so by game, etc., especially a fine picture profession, because it act greatly " take eta evm yt, hirt tTREU fc In exchange fopl peyj, Live? and Bowel without wesx- - St aurt Stow Meditation, and scraper. Now gather all the hard I could go in her box stall and set the tried varieties, some farmers buying (iblm y tug tsxikli! tnd rli m of" wt qpom, idttii y heads and cobble stone yon need, there pail under her and milk her without more seeds new vegetables than of eighteen large lion beads - Besides tnDg them and it is perfectly Dree from nlAn lei) tot Mury, wrt fm. Hfr. IdlOJf SilKIA these standard the substance. sorts. The first essential aletwget getting CO Us. TONIC present you but farm a which, . me Kasim Ct, upon for my Is hardly every objectionable any trouble. And to repay ti the finest coffee in the world Sa using Fvrup of Fig is fob sale by allis drej-euenough stone may not be gathered to kindness to her, when I went after the to consider the adaptability tof any, Lion eo fife, sold only 'In oneby pound WHO BATE THOSE u man-it but in 60c and tl bottles, eon struct tills basement with profit, cows in the evening I had only to open variety totheeliniatc, and to determine Maim. Ote(jovr(nMl CLAIMS If your dealer hasnt1 an packages California ?yTUp the toil) wrrHvNATHAff Fig test factored be s must this should stone. which one by with birds two made, the gate and call her. while the thus killing Jlluatrated Premium List, aend your Prnittea A I'atvut At?, U F M. whose name is printed on every . will reei t m prompt rrpLP. Next take six wide board (do nd cut hired man had to walk after her and be done cautiously and on a. limited address on a postal card to the firm Co. only, also V, f gyrfip-othe name, Figv; w ill pay, "however, to package, It root all or used can be same i A above Now not I to as drive do stable. her the P. Etapsoo, try Tfcowaa they them, will XUt thfnrtoa. Hew varieties by testing them, -- The ibfncs tbet do th most to make us ind being well Informed,jou Man yiTKNTXU offered. boards) out of which make a box to believe there is one case in ten thouU 4 JUil A itoutwle A if substitute Wmtoforifivat0riudb test for the 4 any the be to accept do selecting not purpose coat money. happy mix mortar in, 'If you have dug to a sand where striking a cow does any Used n succeeding season. good depth it is likely you have struck good. Cows are not by nature vicious, - PiRATED Ai iLes llfcsT. It has been good building- - sand.' if not, this and even w hen they are (bade so by established that in the esse of the apmust be furnished from elsewhere. man the way to conquer them is not to will protect from Divide your box about the center by show them vkiousnesa. Just look at ple 60 to 02 per cent of the which that there is one rheumatic neuralgic, eciaiict and aU-pa-in the use of sand; into one end place the matter in a common sense lighL A would otherwise be wormy, fruit, in and that the lime you wish slacked. and pour on young heifer is brought to the stable actual marketing experience the price N ir. Oniwhis 43. I BUS remedy, as harmless as cakr, and sure as taxes II is water. Do not slack too much at once. with her first calf, hhe naturally thinks has been enhanced from 61 to 62,50 per and exat cost is 10 a toaMMft this of about barrel, After it has become thoroughly slack, it is a great event and fit very much Aluwcrtur AoWUMUMrtlto totuOi BU Jacobs Oil-u- sed ' klcwlwm tit by everybody, sold everywhere. cited over it, when a man comet In cents per tree for labor and material. J mix with sand and water in the olhe " , Absolutely pure -- Most-farmers w ,r; -- lt s, t n -- ; - h 1 s besign-remed- Society -- ruo-dowa,- 1 eream-of-tart- one-thir- g -o- r , MW-tm- , Worms In Horses kind-hearte- 1 -- Patents. w Inv-H- ter luv-at- 1 Kid-mail- ed CURES t r7 IF &'c. crop,-sprayi- ng all women tr t |