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Show TMW CAPTURED III CfflOIIILE SENSATIONAL FLIGHT FROM THE MATTEAWAN ASYLUM ENDS IN A PRISON CELL. 8layer of Stanford Whit Will Fight Extradition and Hopea to Reman Out of Asylum Now That Ha Haa Laft tha State. Sherbroooke, Quebec. Harry R. Thaw, who una iied from the state bos-pltal bos-pltal for the criminal Itmane at Matteawan. Mat-teawan. N. Y., early Sunday morning, was arrested Tuesday at tha village of St. Ilermenegllde de Garford, Just over the International line from New llamp-(hire. llamp-(hire. Thaw faces deportation on the ground that be la an undesirable alien and extradition on a warrant charging bltn with bribery. The warrant already al-ready Issued In New York state for Ma arrest on a charge of conspiracy will not infflce to extradite blm, in the oplalort of local authorities. These authorities have received word that the district attorney of Dutchess county, In which, Matteawan Is located, will swear to a warrant charging Thaw with bribery an extraditable ex-traditable offense If necasary. In his own defense Thaw claims that be was merely paaeinx through Canada on his way to Detroit when bis passage was Interrupted by arrest. He |