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Show A Great Gift Store f Tha mod lading, pcrmafl'nt and valued gilli aia from a J'welty Slot. We specialize in wetlding, birlliday, hulu'a and annivauuy gilli; lugli qualav; low piice. In Tartary a man ran buy a imod wife for 1105; but aa with automobiles, the flrat coat la the amalleat part of It. ICE CREAM and Cakes are always delicious when HEWLETT'S EXTRACTS re used. HEWLETT'S KXTltACTS are the standard for oyer twenty years. Your grocer will supply you. Jlachelor Maid's Motto: "When alngbwsi la bliss 'tla folly to U w Ives." . ... r The School for your daughter is SACRED HEART ACADEMY OQPEN, UTAH ConiturlH by I ho Hi.trm ot lha llnlr Oroaa from HI, Mary'a 'illi-r. Nnlra J uio. Irid. LiM-atlon uimurfaMwl: lulltln( mmli-m; all rnnvenleni-ra. AmdninU!, i'n-iaralriry aod I'rtmarv rs1-a. Kicrptluual a'lvaiilasaa lu Ktifllti, UtMln, Art ant I'mnmerrlal i-tiurM, tot ralalogua, aMrmw Hininr tluH-rliir. PARCEL POST ORDERS SOLICITED 'lCLlNiNO s. uviiNO fcj' ! Send Postal Card for Price list j I m;:kodaics wr: DEVELOPINQ AND FINISHING lw-l nnyn plant In lha (. Qulr work l. rtH-rt. Full line of all ni'l'fi- Writ lor ralalogura am) Jarciplua rlnra. ALT LAKC PHOTO SUPPLY CO. IMMaln Rtrrvt Halt !.aka Cttf Advertlalng Solicited. Mra. Crocker (Inalnuatlngly) Per-hapa Per-hapa your friend would like to give us hia advertisement for the Church Fair Hecord ? Mr. Pepper Ci-Tfoly; 111 take a couple of pages. Mla Crocker How awful good of you. What line of buaineaa are you In? Mr. Pepper Wholehftle liquor dealer. deal-er. Llpplucotfa. |