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Show FEW POINTS OF A GOOD COW Important Characteristic of Animal It Judged by Site and Color of Eyes Other Polnta. Nervous temperament In a row does not mean a high statu of nervousness or Irritability, but the animal has nerves such as make the varloua parts actlvo, giving tone, vitality and activity to the many parts of the body. This important characteristic Is fudged by the size and character of her eyes. Her face should be broad between the eyes and well dished. The eye should bo prominent, bright, clear and mild, but not at all aluggish looking. The prominence 't ---.,'. ,.v'..?, A Good Dairy Cow. and openneaa of the Joints of the backbone Is a very Important Indication. Indica-tion. The backbone ahould be covered cov-ered with no aurplua flesh, for If It Is, the cow Is using to fatten herself that which, should go Into the milk pall. The ribs should be wide In themselves, and ahould have plenty of width betwen them. Thia can be measured by Inserting the fingers between be-tween the ribs. Persistency In chewing chew-ing the cud la a very important point w ith dairy cow a. |