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Show man who did the shooting in charge, he having been In Oasis when the train came lu. He was an undersized (Jeiman by the name of George Lochner, and wan on the way from Lo Angeles to New York. He wax Ho year of age and bad lived In this country for 20 yearn, hi home being In Connecticut. He wan taken to the town jail and locked up pending the result of the shooting. Dr. Richard met the train and went to Bait Lake with the wounded men, who were taken to the Holy CroHH hospital. The one shot In the bead Is still alive at this writing but In a very precarious condition.. The Italians bad got on at Mllford, and according to the story of Conductor Con-ductor Decon, an eye-witness, they had been drnlklng, and after some wrangling Lochner pulled out his revolver re-volver and shot the Italians who were in the seat in front of him in the smoking car. Since bla confinement the prisoner has been in a condition of nervous prostration. He claims that the Italians pulled a knife on blm but this statement could not be verified. veri-fied. He will probably be tried for murder at the next term of court at Fillmore. SHOT ON THE TRAIN. When the train pu'led into Delta from the outh on MonJay night It carried In the baggite car to Italian Ital-ian who had been hot on tie train eouth of Clear Uke. One had been hot In tbe head above the right eye and tbe blood anJ brain were oozing from the grtaCy wound a he lay on his back gaplng for breath. The other had been hot In the arm and waa apparently unconc!ou from of blood. Sheriff Dorrtty bad lb |