Show riAmYNfiTrV M-J .JfS. a. I IVfASA I ' What? No silage loft? And now cornea the time of scant pasture. Streaky butter la one reault of working work-ing It when too soft. Ill treatment has spoiled many promlalng dairy heifers. The dog that brings the cows op the rasteat should be the first shot Io not mil warm new cream with cold cream until It baa been cooled. One way of developing g gentle cos ! la to begin with the heifer and the calf. Karlr morning Is the best time to hate "good luck" In churning. If the weather is hot It's either a darkened stable or milking milk-ing early and late these daya. files glv the cows no pegr. The cost of s good sire Is entirely forgotten In the satUfartlon and profit derived from the otfaprtng. The cows need protection from the j hot sun almoct as murh as they need pmtecMon from the cold wind I If tbe milk sour before the cream rise yon will make s poor quality of j butter besides tostof much crests. j |