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Show Practical Fashions LADY'S COAT. This coat Is la the style so much worn with on piece dresses and may easily form part of a three piece suit r be worn separately. Ilody and sleeve are cut In one, the front being be-ing extended In a curved band to the Id seam. Th front Is open, the neck trimmed with a wide collar. Faille, crepe materials, satin, linen and eponge are used for these coats, and also certain woolen. Th coat pattern (6317) I cut In lie 34 to 42 Inche bust measure. Medium alxe requires IS yards of 44 Inch material. To pwnre this pattern en1 10 eenta to "ratiem IMmril." of (hie paper. Write dime end ij.lreas plainly, anT be ur to give ' aart number of patters. Ha 6317. HZI STRKET AND NO. STATE ,., - CHILD'S DRESS. Till simple frock U made of flouncing. flounc-ing. It'ba a small squar yoke with group of tuck at cither aide of It. avnd a waistband of beading through which ribbon la run. The sleeves may be long or short Plain material can be used for this dress, and to this case lace makes the daintiest trimming. trim-ming. The model la also good for Imple gingham frocks. The dress pattern (629S) la cut In aliee 2, 4 and 4 year. Medium tlx require yard of plain material. 17 yard or 10 Inch flouncing, 1 yard of Insertion. 1 yards of beading, bead-ing, and It yarda of ribbon. Te pmur this pattern eenil 1 rent to Pellern Invert riM.nl." ef this paper. WrlU name ami a.l.lrue plainly, an.tbe sure to (Ive else and namWr of palters. MO. 6T95. aiZK NAMI r TOWN TKEET AND M" |